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University of Puerto Rico at Humacao

English Department
INCO 3027: Business Report Writing
Dr. Giovanna Balaguer

The purpose of this study is to survey the effectiveness of the work schedule according to the students in the UPR at
Humacao during March 26, 2010.

1. Gender: ___F ___M

2. Age: _______

3. Concentration: __________________________

4. How many jobs do you have?

___1 ___2 ___3

5. How many hours you work during the week?

___1-4 hours
___4-10 hours
___10-20 hours
___20-40 hours

6. Where do you work?

___In the University
___Outside of the University

7. Indicate your reason for being employed.

___Gain experience
___You like it

8. How much time you spend studying for your classes every day?
___Half hour
___One hour
___Two hours or more

9. Do you think the time you spend at work, takes time from getting assignments done?
___Yes ___No

10. If your answer to question #9 is Yes, reasons:

___Tiredness from work.

___Not enough time.

___Causes disinterest in studies.

Thank you for your cooperation!!!

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