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PHED 239 Module 4: High School

Videotape Assignment
20 points
Due: Two weekdays after videotaping lesson
Teacher Brandon McKay
Date 2/22/16
# of Students 45
Lesson Focus bumping and setting
Videotape one (1) lesson. Answer the following questions and submit your responses
on this
assignment sheet via Google Doc (separate from lesson reflection).

1. Describe what you think about your content delivery and instruction time. Are you
pleased with the results? Why or why not? How could you change this for next time
when you teach?
After watching the video I think my content delivery and amount of time spent
instructing was good. I was able to give clear directions which limited the amount of time
that I had to retell any of them and also I mentioned the key points throughout the
activities so that the students really were able to understand how to use them. My
instruction time was good because I was able to talk while the students demonstrated.
This cut down on the amount of instruction time and the students were able to
participate in the activity more. For next time if I were able to do this lesson again I think
I would keep it the same because the students got the knowledge they needed and they
were able to get maximum OTRs and get a lot better throughout the lesson.
2. At what points during your lesson did you spend the greatest amount of time with
management? What specific teacher behaviors could you have used to lessen your
management time/transitions to increase the activity time?
For the points in the lesson that was the most managment I think would have
been the end transitioning to the closure where everyone needed to get a paper and
pencil. Instead of assessing each student individual we could have done this as a group
assessment and this would limit on the transition time and the students could write more
in the sheets than rushing to go and change. Other than that I dont think there was too
much management time in my lesson and I think it went pretty smoothly.
3. Describe what you think about the classroom climate and control. Are you pleased
with the results? Why or why not? How could you change this for next time when you
I thought that we did a good job of handling the class. We were able to keep all
their attention throughout the lesson with the changing of activities and challenges

within the group itself. I was pleased with the results because of how the students
improved. If we were able to make the students improve that much I think that it can be
kept the same. The one thing I would change is I would mix up the groups. Instead of
having the groups be the same I would have them work with other classmates and work
on the affective domain more.


Identify one thing you can take away from observing yourself teach this lesson?
One big thing I took away from my lesson is how there should be no equipment
in my hands while talking. I think I had the volleyball in my hands for maybe 3 minutes
the entire lesson and for those 3 minutes I was starting to toss the volleyball around and
spin it. We talked about this in the first lesson we saw and I didnt even notice that I did
it. For next weeks lesson I am going to make sure not to have any equipment in my

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