Speaking Skill Refers To Students

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Speaking skill refers to students skill to express their ideas orally.

Increasing speaking skill achievement refers to the students improvement in speaking skill
in terms of their achievement or their proficiency in producing English sentence as indicated
in criteria of success

). Types of Speaking
Every types of speaking has different purpose and character. Regarding with
brown (2004, P 141) the basic types of speaking divided into five types, as
a). Imitative. At one end of continuun of types of speaking performance is the
abiliity to simply parrot back( imitate) a word of phrase or possibly a
b). Intensive. A second types of speaking frequently employed in assesment
contexts is the production of short stretches of oral langguage designed to
demostrate competence in a narrow bnaf of grammatical, phrasal, lexical,
or phonological relationships ( such

as prosodic elements- intonations,

stress, rhythm, juncture)


Responsive. Responsive assessment

tasks include interaction and test

comprehention but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversation,

standard greetings and small talk, simple request and coments, and the like.
d). Interactive. The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in
the lenght and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes include
multiple exchanges and/ or multiple participants.

e). Extensive ( monolog). Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral
presentasion, and storytelling. During which the opportunity for oral
interaction from listeners is either limited ( perhaps to nonverbal responses)
or ruled out altogether.
The types of speaking for students at second grade of Vocational High
School is responsive because the character school based curriculum as guidance
in teaching and learning process in competence standard for speaking is to give
expression of

the meaning in transaction with environment and to give

expression of the meaning in functional oral text and simple short monologue in
descriptive and recount text for interaction with environment.

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