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Because we are constantly being inundated with images of ultra-thin models and actresses, the main
motivational factor for people to lose weight is to improve their self image and appearance. A more
important reason to keep weight under control is the impact of obesity on a persons' health.

Being obese has tremendous negative impacts on the health of an individual significantly decreasing
quality and longevity of life. Major physical threats such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease can be
linked to obesity and excess body fat. An obese person requires more energy to breathe due to the fact
that the heart has to work harder pumping blood to the lungs and throughout extra fat in the body. This
causes the heart muscle to become enlarged which can result in heart disease, erratic heartbeats and
high blood pressure.

If you want to lose weight around the tummy, there are various proven methods and ways to achieve
this. This article gives you invaluable suggestions to lose weight around the tummy. Take time to study
and apply the tips.


Proteins take longer time to digest than fats. If your diet contains more proteins, your body will use
more calories to burn it. Eggs are very rich in proteins. People assume that too much of them could lead
to high amounts of cholesterol in your body. Dietary cholesterol affects blood cholesterol negligibly.
Dietary fat is harmful for the body. It raises the level of harmful cholesterol. If the thought of cholesterol
still worries you, avoid the yolk. The whites are also very rich in proteins. The helpful vitamin B12 is also
found in eggs. It helps to break down the cells that have fat in them. Dairy products are generally very
good for the body as well. You can easily opt for low fat milk in order to avoid fat around the stomach.
Yogurt that is free of fat and milk that has less fat should be consumed few times per day. It will help
you lose 70% more fat as compared to people who are consuming less dairy products. Products like milk
and yogurt help make your bones stronger and play an important part in reducing fat in the body.


The next on the list of fat burning foods is beans. Beans are rich in iron and proteins. They also provide
the much needed fiber for your body. Beans that help you lose body fat are navy, white, kidney as well
as lima beans. Baked beans as well as refried beans should be consumed in less quantity. Beans that are
fried again contain huge quantities of saturated fat. Canned baked beans are often full of sugar. On
consuming such type of beans you will get the protein you require, but along with loads of fat and sugar.
If you can, select the healthier ones listed above whenever possible instead.

3. Eat Vegetables High

A vegetable that goes by the name of Edamame is included in the list of fat burning foods. It is an
organic soybean and you will usually find these as an appetizer in Japanese restaurants. They are
delicious and good for losing belly fat. One serving gives your body about 10g of protein. Edamame is
usually available in shops that specialize in organic foods.
Are you ready to take your fat burning weight loss goals to the next level? Then you will want to check
on the latest techniques and tricks to burn away your excess belly fat faster than you ever thought

For more information and latest updates on burning fat and attaining perfect shape, visit

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