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Hennes & More Please

By Florel Washington

Well I must admit that of all the stores I've been to this semester I was quiet
pleased to have been assigned to this one. H&M has been a long favorite of mine for
many years, it will for some reason always be one of the stores that I will I never be able
to pass as I walk by or get bored with. For me they always seem to have a great mix of
merchandise! Large or small apparel or accessory I can always find something to my
liking! My chief and main complaint about this store is one in which I don't think will
change any time soon, it’s simply due to the nature of the store, its size and staff. Its
chaotic, almost every time I find myself in one of their branches its packed to capacity.
This time was no different.
As any one might expect all of this season latest and most wanted trends are on
display natural I head to the women's department first, which I must admit was
abnormally tidy today, lace, floral's military, and stripes were all on display, and most
importantly the leopard print! Accessories were just a well merchandised as apparel. As
I head to the men's department it’s no different than usual, men's for some reason is my
favorite part of the store they always seem so much more organized and ciaos free,
men’s was filled with doc martins, straight legged denim shorts and most of the basic
casual looks you would expect to find at H&M. This particular location in noho was a bit
more casual than I’ve come to expect from the retailer but as I stated before there’s
always something interesting on hand no matter the exact selection. The store of course
was having a huge sale which made it even harder focus on my task, as I was trying
very hard not to shop, I did not succeed. It’s all in the name of fashion I guess. Over all
id say the retailer is doing quite nicely in keeping their look fresh, summery and
affordable. There’s something for everyone, if you’ve got the talent for mixing high end
with lower end pieces then H&M is the spot.

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