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Reflection 6

{Long Day at AIS}

Today I reach at 7:15, all the ELC
were planning to go to the
National Park. I felt happy
because we are going to the park
with children, we were waiting for
whole students to come. After
they all came they take us outside
the school going to the park, on
the bus I was talking with the
children we were happy but when
we reach to the park they didnt
let us in ! We were five classes all
of these children and they didnt
let us in? They said that there is
maintenance in the park. We felt upset but then we decided to go
to Al Nouf Park, after few minutes we reach to the park but then
and I dont know why they change their minds and said that we
will return back to the school? I was like we already reach the
park. There is no words to describe this fast trip on a bus. When
we return to the school they eat their meals and they just stay at
the playground and play, because there is nothing to do on this
day. Then it was the time for the second meal we went to eat on
the small kitchen they had. Half hour later we went to the Arabic
class they take about autumn and what happened on it. Then the
last meeting and we went home.

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