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It was in schooling, there was a girl named Harshitha. She was one of the beautiful girls ever
seen on earth. Her hair curly, brown attracted every boy who saw her. But unfortunately she
had a crush on a boy who was not handsome dont know what attracted her
She fell in love. But her fear never expressed it. Time passed by but she never told him
They left school.
Few years later,
Harshitha gets a call; voice said I LOVE YOU. The girl stunningly said who is this??
The voice answers, I am your crush I hope u remember.
She said I need time and I will answer time pass by, the boy waiting for her call receives
the call she murmured I LOVE YOU TOO.
Her friends always were there with her. So she confidently said yes to him.
So that is how their story started,
Every day talking, little romantic talks dint make her feel that boy was wicked.
But not everyone gets true love
That boy used her money, played with her feeling
Slowly, She realized it, broke up with him
Love ka the end ho gaya.
Her friends helped her to come out of that depression
She is happy now. Her friends are taking care of her. Lets hope she finds her true love


It was rainy early in the morning, a boy from his home through the window pane sees a girl
going into the temple the boy starring the girl with a stunning expression keeps on looking
that girl. The girl sweet totally traditional looks and smiles at him. He fell in love at that
Followed her till home and gets all detailsher name is srija,
He finds that she was getting married to his brother, he totally got mad
He is a writer
So he planned to tell his feeling through a poem there he writes,
Rain fell last night...quiet, gentle rain,
That tapped against my window pane,
And called me back from troubled sleep,
To soothe a heart too numb to weep.
My loneliness was too deep and real,
And like a wound that would not heal,
It throbbed within me, and I knew
My arms were empty without you.
But as I listened to the sound
Of soft rain falling on the ground,
I heard your voice, tender and clear,
Call my name, and oh my dear,
I threw my window open wide,
To let the sweet rain rush inside.
It kissed my lips, my eyes, my hair,
And love, I knew that you were there.
Tears that my heart could not release
Fell down from Heaven, bringing peace.
Last night while gray clouds softly wept,
I held you in my arms and slept.
The girl reads it understanding his pure emotions. Fell in love with him. They together fight
against the world.
Got married to each other and they lived happily ever after.


There was a girl named swathi who was always into laptops and always reading books
But she had many friends, everyone enjoyed her company. a boy used to see her everyday
She smiled
He smiled
She continued to do so,and he also did so
He fell in love with her
So one day he decided to express his feelings one day
He did so, they got into relationship and they lived happily.
But one day he met with an accident.he got memory loss
Relation just broke
The girl dint leave up, she tried hard and hard he dint get his memory back.
But one fine day he again falls in love with her and proposes her back
So swathi without thinking even a minute said yes and there half love story turned to a
fabulous unbelievable love story.


A rich cute spoiled guy going in a car goes to a shopping mall. There he saw a girl her name is
lalitha in front of him holding tickets of a movie and listing songs with her iPod. Her lips
tempted him he started liking her. But she hated him the most because he broke her moms
musical instrument when he was small. So he decides to introduce himself as some Mr.X
That is how their love story begins,
They both are music lovers so they used to meet up every day for the practice and so they
fall in love truly and deeply.
But one day suddenly she comes to no about the truth of him and she breaks up.
He really liked her, all his money dint give him the love he wanted.
So he wrote a song and sang it in front of everyone.
That song touched the girl and she forgot everything that was in her mind went running
towards him hugged and kissed him.
And so this is how the true love of lalitha changed the spoiled rich guy to a wonderful lover
Also music changed their life.they broke because of music and met each other because of
They are going to get married soon so lets wish them a good luck.

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