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HSU201 Case Study Activity 2

Case Study Activity 2

Due 1st March at Midnight (11.59pm)
Organising knowledge and ideas for SAD

Objectives for this worksheet:

1. Discuss the tools and software used for SAD
2. As part of the design process, students need to be aware of where software
comes from and how it is managed.
3. Provide an awareness of software tools used to organise information useful to
This worksheet will be marked out of 100 and will comprise 3% of the 30%
allocated to the Case Study due in Week 6.
This worksheet is to be completed if possible during the lecture/lab and
submitted as a single pdf file (not zipped or in another format) via the
eCampus Turnitin submission button for the week before the due date.

Activity 1: 10 marks (two small paragraphs)

List and describe two software packages used as a tool in SAD, what they are
used for and how they relate to the tasks a Systems Analysis designer

Activity 2: 40 marks - ~half a page + diagram(s)

You are involved in the team whose responsibility is to improve an existing IT
system in air traffic control at Perth Airport.
Create a concept map via freemind, cmap tool or program that
shows various components and their connectivity for the task.
Explain your concept map in a couple of sentences.
Activity 3: 20 Marks 1 to 2 paragraphs
Semester 1, 2016

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HSU201 Case Study Activity 2

Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining the necessity of a system upgrade and

mention what impact will occur by upgrading to a new system. In your report
use the following headings to organise your response:
Activity 4: 20 Marks 1 diagram plus a few sentences
Create a concept map via freemind, cmap tool or program that
shows various components and their connectivity of the task in activity 2.
Explain your concept map in a couple of sentences.
Submission: 10 marks
Produce a report document as you did for Worksheet 1.
MUST be a single pdf document in a formal report format
Make sure the report is a story not a set of activities dumped into
the middle of a report.
Formatting and presentation as well as the document structure counts
Be organised whilst I am expecting only a page of writing or less in total for the
body of the report plus the concept map diagram, electrons are very cheap so
organise your report logically using separate page(s) as necessary for each activity make it easy and simple to follow and read!
In-class Activity:
Discussion and work on the above scenario

Semester 1, 2016

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