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Task 3

Problem 1
Host Ip Address
: 172. 30. 1. 33
Subnet Mask
: 255. 255. 255. 0
Number Of Subnet Bits
: 8 bit
Number Of Subnet
: 256
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
: 254
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
: 172. 30. 1. 0
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet : 172. 30. 1. 1
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet : 172. 30. 1. 254
Broadcast Address For This Subnet
: 172. 30. 1. 255
How to get answer all this question

Host Ip Address
First you need change decimal number to binary number
172. 30. 1. 33 : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100001
Where we can find this decimal number ? Follow this step






= 10101100





2 33

2 16

2 8

2 4

2 2

2 1


Subnet Maks
255. 255. 255. 0 : 1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000








Number Of Subnet Bits

Number of subnet bits combine with subnet mask with you can
see from binary number and take the last number of 0
1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000
And you will get 8 bits from 8 bytes
Number Of Subnet Bits : 8 bits

Number Of Subnet

You must do this formula to get the answer

Formula : 2N
Example :-

28 = 256
On number of subnet you need take how many 0 bit you get

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

Number of subnet bits combine with subnet mask with you can
see from binary number and take the last number of 1
1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000
You just can take the last number from binary number
Number Of Subnet Bits : 8 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Use this formula

Formula : 2N 2
Example :-

28 2 = 254
On number of subnet you need take how many 1 bit you get

Subnet Address For This Ip


10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100001

11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000
= 10101100. 00011110. 00000001.

= 172. 30. 1. 0
To answer on Subnet Address you need multiplication this binary
number and change binary number to decimal number to get
your answer

Ip Address Of First Host On This

= 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00000001
Answer Ip Address of first is you need change last bit from binary
number after you get subnet address answer
Example :Subnet address : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00000000
Ip Address
: 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00000001
Note : you will get number the last from binary is 0 . You need
change 0 to 1 for Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet
172. 30. 1. 1

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

= 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 11111110
Ip address of last is you need to change last 8 bit from Ip Address
of first
Example :First Ip Address : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00000001
Last Ip Address : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 11111110
You just need switch from 0 to 1 from 1 to 0
172. 30. 1. 254

Broadcast Address For This

= 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 11111111
On broadcast also you just need change or switch last bits from
Ip Address Last
Example :Last Ip Address : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 11111110
: 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 11111111
Note : You will get Binary number first you need to change binary
to decimal
172. 30. 1. 255

Problem 2
Host Ip Address
: 172. 30. 1. 33
Subnet Mask
: 255. 255. 255. 252
Number Of Subnet Bits
: 14 bit
Number Of Subnet
: 16 384
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
: 172. 30. 1. 32
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet : 172. 30. 1. 33
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet : 172. 30. 1. 34
Broadcast Address For This Subnet
: 172. 30. 1. 35
Now all step you know from problem 1 . On problem 2 and
end of the problem just follow my lead

Host Ip Address
Change decimal to binary
172. 30. 1. 33 : 10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100001

Subnet Mask
255. 255. 255. 252 : 1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111100

Number Of Subnet Bits

14 bits

Number Of Subnet
Formula : 2N

214 = 16.384

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

2 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Formula : 2N 2

22 2 = 14.284

Subnet Address For This Ip

10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100001
11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111100
10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100000
= 172. 30. 1. 32

Ip Address Of First Host On This

10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100001

172. 30. 1. 33

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100010

172. 30. 1. 34

Broadcast Address For This

10101100. 00011110. 00000001. 00100011

172. 30. 1. 35

Problem 3
Host Ip Address
: 192. 192. 10.
Subnet Mask
: 255. 255. 255. 0
Number Of Subnet Bits
: 8 bits
Number Of Subnet
: 256
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
: 8 bits
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
: 254
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
: 192. 192. 10.
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet : 192. 192. 10.
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet : 192. 192. 10.
Broadcast Address For This Subnet
: 192. 192. 10.



Host Ip Address
192. 192. 10. 234 : 11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11101010

Subnet Mask
255. 255. 255. 0 : 1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000

Number Of Subnet Bits

8 bits

Number Of Subnet

Formula : 2N
28 = 256

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

8 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Formula : 2N 2
28 2 = 254

Subnet Address For This Ip

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11101010
11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000
11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 00000000
= : 192. 192. 10. 0

Ip Address Of First Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 00000001

= : 192. 192. 10. 1

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111110
= : 192. 192. 10. 254

Broadcast Address For This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111111
= : 192. 192. 10. 255
Problem 4
Host Ip Address
: 172. 17.99.71
Subnet Mask
: 255. 255. 0. 0
Number Of Subnet Bits
Number Of Subnet
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
: 16 bits
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
: 65 534
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
: 172. 17.99. 0
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet : 172. 17.99. 1
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet : 172. 17.99. 254
Broadcast Address For This Subnet
: 172. 17.99. 255

Host Ip Address
172. 17.99.71 : 10101100. 00010001. 01100011. 01000111

Subnet Mask
255. 255. 0. 0 : 11111111. 11111111. 00000000. 00000000

Number Of Subnet Bits


Number Of Subnet

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

16 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Formula : 2N 2
216 2 = 65,534

Subnet Address For This Ip

10101100. 00010001. 01100011. 01000111
11111111. 11111111. 00000000. 00000000
10101100. 00010001. 01100011. 00000000
= 172. 17.99. 0

Ip Address Of First Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 00000001
= 172. 17.99. 1

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111110
= 172. 17.99. 254

Broadcast Address For This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111111
= 172. 17.99. 255
Problem 5
Host Ip Address
: 192. 168. 3.
Subnet Mask
: 255. 255. 255. 0
Number Of Subnet Bits
: 8 bit
Number Of Subnet
: 256
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
: 8 bit
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
: 254
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
: 192. 168. 3.
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet : 192. 168. 3.
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet : 192. 168. 3.
Broadcast Address For This Subnet
: 192. 168. 3.



Host Ip Address
192. 168. 3. 219 : 11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011011

Subnet Mask
255. 255. 255. 0 : 1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 00000000

Number Of Subnet Bits

8 bits

Number Of Subnet
Formula : 2N
28 = 256

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

8 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Formula : 2N 2
28 2 = 254

Subnet Address For This Ip

10101100. 00010001. 01100011. 11011011
11111111. 11111111. 00000000. 00000000
10101100. 00010001. 01100011. 00000000
= 192. 168. 3. 0

Ip Address Of First Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 00000001
= 192. 168. 3. 1

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111110
= 192. 168. 3. 254

Broadcast Address For This

11000000. 11000000. 00001010. 11111111

192. 168. 3. 255

Problem 6
Host Ip Address
Subnet Mask
Number Of Subnet Bits

: 192. 168. 3. 219

: 255. 255. 255. 252
: 14 bit

Number Of Subnet
Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet
Number Of Usable Host Per Subnet
Subnet Address For This Ip Address
Ip Address Of First Host On This Subnet
Ip Address Of Last Host On This Subnet
Broadcast Address For This Subnet


16. 384
2 bit
14. 384
192. 168.
192. 168.
192. 168.
192. 168.



Host Ip Address
192. 168. 3. 219 : 11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011011

Subnet Mask
255. 255. 255. 252 : 1111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111100

Number Of Subnet Bits

14 bits

Number Of Subnet
Formula : 2N

214 = 16.384

Number Of Host Bits Per Subnet

2 bits

Number Of Usable Host Per

Formula : 2N 2

22 2 = 14.284

Subnet Address For This Ip

11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011011
11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111100
11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011000

192. 168. 3. 216

Ip Address Of First Host On This


11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011001


192. 168. 3. 217

Ip Address Of Last Host On This

11000000. 10101000. 00000011.. 11011010

192. 168. 3. 218

Broadcast Address For This

11000000. 10101000. 00000011. 11011011

192. 168. 3. 219

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