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English 2XL / Shakely / 9.


PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Theater / Lyric / Photo

Date 1/18/16

Title Martin

Luther King Jr.

Author / Director / Poet / Lyricist, etc. (if known)

Ernest Withers

Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read . . . Variety of Sources, please, vis-a-vis Google Images only)

Found online on MLK Jr. day.

Content / CD / Summary (Say? Plot? Setting / Situation? Key lines / Phrases, Scenes, etc? )

The photo shows Martin Luther King Jr. waving to a enormous crowd as he gives his I have a dream speech
at the Lincoln Memorial. In the background we can see the crowd cheering and supporting Marthin Luther
King Jr, as he gives his speech. It shows how impactful MLK Jr. was to the battle against segregation.

Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?

The theme of this photo is hope. It shows how much hope the people of the African American community
had. They all wanted to fight against segregation and receive equal rights, but they did not have as much of a
voice because of the color of their skin. This photo shows how hope can motivate people to impact the world
and fight for what they want. MLK Jr. was able to battle segregation and defeat it with the helps of others
because he hoped and took action.

Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?) This section MUST be filled out for poems taken from the AP Poetry
packet provided prior to first library visit.

The photo focuses on MLK Jr. as the center of the picture to emphasize his power and impact on the world.
In the picture we can also see the United States capitol. The crowd also shows how many supporters are there
for MLK Jr.

Commentary: Why like? Poetic Traits? Relevance / Connections / Allusions (Lit, Bib, Myth, Histor, Other) / Relevance
to personal experience, 20Qs? etc.)?

I find this picture poetic because it shows triumph and hope, which are both poetic. We see that MLK Jr. has
influenced the world in many ways. We also see him at one of his peak moments. I believe that if he saw our
society today, he would see that he has helped achieve his dream of having a somewhat equal society.


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