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Esl Dialog Script

Leaving for a Vacation

A:Oh no, it is seven o'clock in the morning already!.
B:Mmmmmmmmmm I don't want to get up.

Come on. We have to get up.

I don't want to go to work today.

A: We're not going to work. We're going on vacation!

B: (Sits up quickly)

Oh I forgot! Wow! I am so excited! What time do we h

At 9.30. The plane leaves for London at 11.30

B:I can't wait to see London Bridge...and Big Ben...and the British Museum.

I really want to travel into the countryside. I want to see the castles

B: Well, I suppose we should get ready now. Did you tell the dog sitter to
the dog?

A: Of course. Don't worry about Tinker. He likes the dog sitter and he wi
with him.

I hate leaving him. But I know he'll be okay.

Everything is locked up now. We can go.
Of to London!.

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