Affidavit of Material Facts-Notice of Adverse Claim # RA139134451US

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RWRT AZC7HABNY VIOWA AVTRDPIVERKY CULUARIY :Aaron-Hakim:Eil©"™, Secured Party, Lien Holder, Postmaster N 38° 52' 37.4" / W 76° 52! 28.7" < Moyance, Atlan /Turtle-Istand Authorized Representative C/O AARON CLARK ROBERTS°O™ 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland [20743] not domestic without US To: PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT 4920 RITCHIE-MARLBORO ROAD UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 [March 3, 2016] COVER LETTER Greetings Abandoned Vehicle Unit et. al, | am Aaron Eil, Secured Party/Postmaster/Lienholder on Moyance, Atlan/Turtle-tsland MISNOMER: [US/CANADA/MEXICO]. | claimed my Indigenous Standing in Accord with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and thus have standing at law under International declarations and conventions which afford me freedoms, protections and remedies and recourse under international law while utilizing national law at my own discretion. AARON CLARK ROBERTS? ©™ is my intellectual property. My reason for this letter is to alert you of an unlawful act from your agents and/or Code Enforcement officials in PG County have committed theft of private property I NOW have paramount secured interest in on file with the Department of Assessment and Taxation. As a Secured Party, | was not properly served and NOT given prior notice that property belonging to AARON CLARK ROBERTS°©™ was in violation of a county code as a vehicle presumed to be abandoned by being in the state of inoperability. In commerce and contracts, a matter must be expressed. I received NO notices. Second, AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ does not have a contract with ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT and AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ did not consent to any agreements and/or contracts which compels performance. Within this package, | present to you et. al an Affidavit of Material Facts-Notice of Adverse Claim for your review in which ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT will be liable for damages for theft, racketeering, deprivation of rights under color of law, conspiracy against rights under color of law, genocide and conspiracy with Millwood Homeowners Association 1am rebutting any and all claims made by ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT, PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY GOVERNMENT, all other agencies, all agents, principals and third parties known and unknown, constructive trusts, hidden securities, maritime liens, claims and et. al against the ‘AARON CLARK ROBERTS°O™ Estate/Trust. RWUKRT ACHAT VIAVA IVTRDAVERKT CULPKRIY | thank you for your time, honor and consideration to correct these matters in a speedy expeditiously manner. Should ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT unable to rebut any of my claims then the terms and conditions set out in the Affidavit of Material Facts-Notice of Adverse Claim will stand as TRUTH in Commerce which would make me Holder-In-Due-Course against ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT and the PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY GOVERNMENT. NUNC PRO TUNC ‘Again, | humbly thank you for your time, honor and consideration. With the Spirit of My Ancestors. With Honor... By, AA 7 Th Co AU :Aaron-Hakim:Eil°©™ writer Secured Party/Postmaster/Lien Holder United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Lé. Yy, Oy BOTA Veer dy AU Rigints INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE March 3, 2016 ARFIDAVIT OF MATERIAL FACTS — NOTICE OF ADVERSE CLAIM (UCC 8-105) +." ‘A matter must be expressed for being resolved. In Commerce TRUTH is Sovereign. Truth must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit. An Affidavit not rebutted stands as truth in Commeree. An Mfidavit not rebutted after 30 days, becomes judgment in commerce. A Truth Affidavit under ‘commercial law, can be only satisfied by: truth affidavit point for point, by payment, by agreement, by resolution, or by common law rules, by a jury. Equality under the law is paramount and mandatory by law. Lack of Written Response, No Written Response to this affidavit Within 10 days will be accepted as tacit, consent and agreement (UCC2-201(2)) by “Prince George's County Abandoned Vehicle Unit” that the facts stated in this Affidavit of Material Facts are true, correet, complete, not meant to mislead and prove to be TRUTH in Commerce. This document is evidence ‘and effective when it was deposited in the United States Post Office. NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL ON THE RECORD, FOR THE RECORD, LET THE RECORD SHOW: PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT, ABANDONED VEHICLE, UNIT, PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY OF, THE PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY GOVERNMENT, PRINCE GEORGE"S COUNTY GOVERNMENT and et. al will singularly be referred as the corporation “Abandon Vehicle Unit”. Tl Notice of Adverse Claim under UCC 8-105, UCC 1-103, 1-105, 1-308, 2-201(2), 1-202, 3-401, 3-419, 3-501, 4A, Title 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 18 USC CH. 95-96, 18 USC 1091, 28 USC 1360, 42 USC 1983 and FRCP Rule 8; a rebuttal to PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT theft of private property, racketeering, failure of proper service, Traflicking of Human Cargo, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law, Conspiracy against rights under color of law is Accepted for Full Value and Consideration. This document is a presentment under UCC 3-501 Standing at Law FACT. AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ is a corporation and is copyright trademark property of :Aaron-Hakim:Eil@O™, an Indigenous Flesh and Blood Male (Ani-Yu'-Wiya, Tsa-la-gi (Cherokee))/Shawnee Tribes. :Aaron-Hakim:Bil®@O™ holds security interest in ALL PROPERTY in the corporation AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ and has a UCC-1 Finaneing Statement on file with the STATE OF MARYLAND, and his Statutory Declaration claiming his Indigenous Standing is on file with the Governor of THE STATE OF MARYLAND, Larry Hogan. (Ex! A) AARON CLARK ROBERTS®C™ has delivered to “ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT” his SF-181, standing at law is “White” and “Amer > (Exhibit B) Statutory Claim (Exhibit ©) Letter of Acknowledgement from Lamy Hogan (Exhibit B-1) Copy of UCC-1 Financing Statement (Exhibit D) The Papal Bull of 1492 has been VOIDED out bi been given to the VATICAN/HOLYSEE. Inips://sites.voogle.comv/siterkemit!9/knowle hitps:/ site/kemit19/vatie: IPG hups:/isites,poople. Bond Number #10377 1213 1 FACTS. ‘The [United States/Canada/Mexico] have been exported into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean by [:Chief :Nanya-Shaabu:Eil]. The United States lost its charter for failure to pay its states taxes to Delaware. (See: htips:// FACT Pope Francis apologizes to the Indigenous Peoples in America, He stated, “L encourage the downtrodden to change the world economic order (See: huip:// s de mass-to-women-in-paraguay-141426/ FACTS. AUS delegation visited the United Nations in S Periodie Review (UPR) based on Resolution A/RES/5/1. A member of the US delegation, elected Attorney General of the State of Illinois, Lisa Madigan, stated “human rights obligations applies at all levels of government”. (See: hii) webiv.0.ory/waleh/usa-review-22nd-session= oF-universal-pe view/4: OL. start at 2:00:00) land May 11, 2015 for their 2"! Universal FACT 6. ‘The UNITED STATES announces its support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. See: hiip://Www siale.v sult ivdeclaration’ CAUSE OF ACTION FACT 7. ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT is on Duns and Bradstreet: 103771213. Listed as (“PRINCE GEORGE, COUNTY OF”), Location: 4920 RUTCHIE MARLBORO RD, UPPER. MARLBORO, MD) Exhibit D-1 FACTS, ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT is an instrumentality, a corporation of the US. See: TITLE 28 USC 3002(15)(B) FACT 9, AARON CLARK ROBERTS®™ does not have a contract with the ABANDONED VEHICL UNIT, Produce the contract. FACT 10, According to Code Enforcement in Prince George’s County, the owner of vehicle Pontiac Montana 2001, VIN # 1GMDU23E81D124905, AARON CLARK ROBERTS®O™ never received an IMPOUND NOTIFICATION LETTER. FACT. AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ can never determine if he is in compliance within 21 DAYS of the date of an IMPOUND NOTIFICATION LETTER. FACT 12. AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ was never properly served in accord with MD Rules RULE 2-121. PROCESS-SERVICE--IN PERSONAM Bond Number #103771213 2 FACT. 13. ‘The Prince George’s County Code is NOT available to the general public for review on PG County Government's website to determine the validity of the claim ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT is making. (Exhibit E) http:/ ault.aspx FACT 14. Enclosed is an online copy of Towing Incident Information via online Vehicle Tow Inquiry. It states that, the vehicle was impounded at 8:19AM. The tow truck did not leave 910 Applewood Street, Capitol Heights, Maryland with the vehicle states in this affidavit until close to 10:00AM ‘on March 1, 2016, It does not state what code the abandoned vehicle violated and an amount for the violation which is a True Bill. (Exhibit F) FACT.15. ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT’s reason for impound was that it was an abandoned vehicle. TThe van is not abandoned; it was parked in front of the owner's place of domicile covered with a blue ear cover. FACT 16 ‘The Code Enforcement Officer and/or tow man removed the cover to the van and placed it inside the front passenger side of the van to prove that it was abandoned, The blue cover was fastened to the sliding door with a white metal coat hanger, FACT 17. Enclosed is a copy of the Vehicle Show Cause Hearing Request Form stamped by a notary as a third party witness. (Exhibit G - 3 pages) FACTS. Enclosed is a copy of my Statutory Declaration and verification of fax sheets to County Executive, Rushern Baker, III and Mayor of Capitol Heights, Marnitta L. King (Exhibit H —4 pages) See: Exhibit A for Statutory Declaration FACT 19. Reimburse AARON CLARK ROBERTS®©™ the full amount in storage fees including any associated costs while impounded. A copy of receipt from ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT. Amount: $360.00 (Exhibit) inclydieg but nok fimted to Bits of Lading. Conclusion ‘The Town of Capitol Heights/Code Enforcement and Millwood Homeowners Association collude, coerce and conspire to commit theft of private property belonging to AARON CLARK ROBERTS®C™ without prior consent and agreement, no verifiable contract to disclose terms and conditions which compels performance for just compensation. Code Enforcement removed the blue cover from the van, placed it in the front passenger side then towed it away approximately at 10AM. According to the Vehicle Tow Inquiry, the Pontiac Montana 2001 model was impounded at 8:19AM March 1, 2016, Bond Number #103771213 3 Relief Sought ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT has committed human violations in accord with international law including but not limited to Security Agreement 0511 19732015: failure of proper service, theftaction against private property, racketeering, prevention of self-determination and genocide. 1 want ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT to reimburse AARON CLARK ROBERTS®O™ full amount of storage fees, theft of private property fee per hour. Failure to do so constitutes tacit consent and agreement to the terms and conditions set out in this Affidavit of Material Facts-Notice of Adverse Claim and ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT will be liable for damages including but not limited to seeking compensation and restitution for ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT et. al role(s) in violation of my Indigenous / Autochthonous Rights to property. failure of proper service, theft of private property in the amount of One Million ($1,000,000.00) United States Dollars per hour in gold, silver, and / or functional currency dating back according to PG County Vehicle Tow Inquiry online record by ABANDONED VEHICLE UNIT dated March 1, 2016 at 8:19AM. COMPENSATION / RESTITUT! Fee Schedule Security Agreement 051119732015 ~ Amount: $1,000,000.00 for actions against property Current days past = 3, Current hours past = 72, Current months past = 0 Current Total - $1,000,000.00 x 3(days) x 72(hours} 5216,000,000.00, Two Hundred Sixteen Million in functional currency GOLD EQUIVALENT -~ (current price per ounce = $1,261.40 as of March 3, 2016) $216,000,000 / $1,261.40 = 171,238.30 gold ounces SILVER EQUIVALENT ~ (current pris $216,000,000 / $15.25 = 14,163,934.42 per ounce = $15.25 as of March 3, 2016) ‘ilver ounces Itemization According to Security Agreement 051119732015, theft of property is One Million $1,000,000 in functional curreney times 24 (hours) times 30 (days avg.) times months ABLE NOT-TRANSFERRABLI |ARGEABLE IN BANKRUPTCY COURT IN THE ‘D STATES, OR ANY OF THE SEVERAL STATES, ITS TERRITORIES AND SIONS. THIS OBLIGATIO! UNIT PO! ‘My correspondence with the VATICAN/HOLYSEE: MEMORANDUM OF LAW ON AFFIDAVITS An affidavit is a written sworn statement of facts voluntarily made by an affiant or deponent under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law. Such statement is witnessed as to the authenticity of the affiant’s signature by a taker of oaths, such as a notary public or commissioner of oaths. Bond Number #103771213 4 ADVI Adverse claim is a claim to property by one erted against a trustee or receiver in bankruptcy. With the Spirit of My Ancestors... ICE N Using a Notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my indigenous standing in any manner. The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, C. ns, Amotites, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh and Blood Body. After 10 days a Notice of Default will be issued to ABANDONED VEHICLE, UNIT for failure to respond in writing and lack of written response to this Affidavit in accord with Uniform Commercial Code 3-305 & 3-306, USPS Registered Mail # RA 139 134 451 US Jurat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples http:/ _en.pdf UN Convention on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter, AJRES/61/295, ARES/69/16, Motu Proprio July 2013, World Day of Peace No Longer Slaves But Brothers and Sisters, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous Peoples, Presidential Proclamation 7500, HJR-194, HJR-3, Executive Order 13107 Affirmed to and subscribed to me this day of_“WaecK +2016. Personally Known, SO gay ©RONUE Ucc | -3ee : Auru hep Type of and ID Passe xt 45 FIRSTS Affiant Sertoor @® auights Reserved bar suace Produced entation a « Certificate of Service 1g that a true copy for the foregoing document, AFFIDAVIT OF MATERIAL FACTS - NOTICE OF ADVERSE CLAIM aron-Hakim:EiliG™ ‘Authorized Representative of AARON CLARK ROBERTS®0™ an Indigenous, ‘Autochthonous Flesh and Blood 3 dimensional Melaninite Male/Man and living Soul done here onthe _4/ _ thday of_Waccd in the year 2016. Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent, and for all other matters and by notice to all party(s) including any and all competent witnesses with first-hand knowledge, all party(s) and all ertaining for the Fiction dating back for the year it was created, United States hts Reserved) UCc /—2. — NOTICE Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my indigenous. standing in any manner. The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, Caucasians, Amorites, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh and Blood Body. durat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UN Convention on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter, AJRESI61/295, ARESI69/16, Motu Proprio July 2013, World Day of Peace No Longer Slaves But Brothers and Sisters, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous Peoples, Presidential Proclamation 7500, HJR-194, HJR-3, Executive Order 13107 Affirmed to and subscribed to me this day of Zhu. Ar 2016. Personally Known Ome Produced Identification _ N aa as : By: ute REE Type of and ID pot 43 SB5/g Affiant demu AllRights Reserved Pe ruace fea > 2 Notary Public —~ My Commission Expires we nd Number #103771213 @ Exhibit A Statutory Declaration In the matter of District of Columbia Department of Health, Vital Records Division # 108-73-007537 1, Aaron Clark Roberts, to be Now known es: Aaron Hakim Bil, [care of 910 Applewood Street, Capitol Heights, Maryland}:Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem, do solemnly swear in accord with: the 1931 Statute of Westminster Cutnsffo ww lesislation.vov.ub/ulpua//931/4/odiukoea_ 19310004 en,odi), 1665 Agreement between Dekis and Queen Victoria on the Bargain 1835, 1777 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union ~ Art. X1, 1814 ‘Treaty of Ghent; 1794 Jay Treaty; 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh(Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties, Congress is no longer bound by its constitutional system of delegated powers-Congressional Record (page A3220) statement of Carl B. Rix on May 11, 1955, the 1948 Charter of the United Nations, UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples huip:hwvveunorefesofsocdev/unpliiftocumentyDRIPS en.nd? and the United Nations 2% Decade of the World's Indigenous People hiip://www an.orefesa/soedevfunpiiAlocumenis/brochuive sie.odt, upon discovering that the ration of a Live Birth of May 11, 1973, in the City State Washington, DC was a contract between my mother and the government who did not tell her that she was selling me, a flesh and blood child, to the UNITED STATES (District of Columbia) as their Chattel Property / Slave, which isa violation of Human Rights. I hereby void the contract ab initio for fraud. Since I am a Flesh and Blood (Aremu/Xi/Ani-Yu"Wiya, Tsa-la-gi)Moor) in accord with; HJR-194 - hup:/wwersposov/llsys/pke/BILLS-L1Ohtes | Mehvodi7BILLS-HOhvesidechodg —$. Con, Ree 26 huip://www.gp0,gov/fsys/pky/BILLS-11 Isconres?6ev/pdf/BIL,LS-11 Isconres26es,pd; HJR-3 Native Peoples Apology - Iuips:H4wwww.consress.zov/| |0/billsfhjres3/B1LLS-t LOhjressih.pdf, (REGINA V. JAH case number: T20107746-1) (See: wowwamiriakorg/node/133) On May 14, 2011 at Southwark Crown Court, Defendant: John Anthony Hall in the United Kingdom proved before an english jury that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor-Mountbatten Battenburg, Elizabeth knew—both then and now—that she was crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the real Sione of Destiny/Coronation Sione, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, but she was also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, and that is why she didn't want her coronation televised. (See: hups:ffwwww.voutube,comfwaich’v=s2 Cvinist) I declare that name AARON CLARK ROBERTS in upper and lower case on the registration of Live Birth and SSN card is a corporation and that Aaron Clark Roberts is an Indigenous flesh & blood man. I, Aaron Hakim Eil, do hereby claim my Indigenous Standing in Law in accord with UNDRIP and deny comporate existence under 18 USC § 9. I give notice Internationally, Domestically and Universally via this Declaration. I ‘am not a corporation, artificial person, natural person, fictitious entity or vessel of the United States nor can persons of African descent be citizens. Under reservation of All My Rights Unalienable and otherwise, I am Indigenous/Autochthon to this planet and 1 make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that itis of the same force and effect as if made under oath. Jurat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples — hitp:// en.pdf UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cuttural Rights, United Nations Charter 55 & 56, Congressional Record P. A3220 may 11 1955, Presidential Proclamation 7500, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous Peoples & World Day of Peace Letter, IDFPAD, Motu Proprio July 2013, HJR-194, HJR-3. Affirmed to and subscribed before me this 24 day of Februc 2015. 1 Personally Known, Produced Identification ‘iy Qty, ‘Type and of 1D Lape EEE oad, i WF 7 Os eto amg TT Odea Amane wi inte i or My Commission Exoires cy KWUKT APA CAAEY VIOWVA IVERBDIVERKY CUURRIY Cover Letter [March 9. 2015] Gregorian calendar Aaron Hakim Eil Latitude 38° 52° 37” Longitude -76° $2° 28.7 :Turtle-Islanc/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland] To: My Holiness, Pope Francis Apostolic Palace 00120 Vatican City My Holiness Pope Frances, Jam Aaron Hakim Eil. I have disclosed a Statutory Declaration to inform you and all world governments of who Iam upon discovering that | am an Autochthon / Indigenous flesh and blood Man to these lands called: Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexeny/:Muu-Lan which today is a misnomer called [United States, Canada, Mexico] that do not denote the true appellation of the land but are corporations/eorporate entities exported into middle of the Atlantic Ocean, 1, Aaron Hakim Eil claim my Indigenous Standing in accord with United Nations Charter Articles 55 & 56, UN Declarations on the Ri genous People and now just implemented Intemational De African Descent in promoting human rights across the planet. A People cannot thrive or survive in any ‘community, civilization or body politic without knowing their true ancestry, language, culture and hei my ancestors were stripped of their names and heritage. This is Genocide, Apartheid, Rape, Forced As imilation, Peonage, Slavery, Trafficking in Human Cargo, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. ‘The United States is no longer bound by its constitutional delegated powers but to promote the five fields of endeavors: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights under Articles 55 & 56 of the United Nations Charter. | honor my ancestors and that honor is in claiming my family appellation [name], claiming my ethnic group. tribe, nation, classical tongues, heritage and culture. Inform all world governments of these truths, T know Now, I am Deity, (See: David Imhotep’s Book “The First Americans Were Africans” hutps// fricans/dp/ 1452091285) fh KART APA CHAE VIOVA IVERBDIVERKY CUURRIY International Publication thank you for your time and under ce: Pope Frances — THE VATICAN! HOLY SEE. Queen Elizabeth Il ~ REGINA / THE CROWN Barack Hussein Obama ~ EXECUTIVE OFFIC much appreciated, | L Fecon - Hebi &:7 AM Lois enous Righis Ke Uihes Pee eh Ur 1-3 i UNO) / Uw Ome POINT RP : 4 AC Aaron Hakim, F THE PRESIDENT Q KART AZ C7HAEW VIOWA IVERDIVERKY CULURRIY Cover Letter [March 9. 2015] Gregorian calendar ‘Aaron Hakim Eil Latitude 38° 52° 37” Longitude -76° 52° 28.7 :Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland] To: Her Majesty The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A IAA Greetings Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mountbatten Battenburg, Tam Aaron Hakim Fil. I have disclosed a Statutory Declaration to inform you and all world governments of who I am upon discovering that I am an Autochthon / Indigenous flesh and blood Man to these lands called:Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexeny/:Muu-Lan which today is a misnomer called [United States, Canada, Mexico] that do not denote the true appellation of the land but are corporations/corporate entities exported into middle of the Atlantic Ocean, 1, Aaron Hakim Bil claim my Indigenous Standing in accord with United Nations Charter Articles 55 & 56, UN Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People and now just implemented International Decade for People of African Descent in promoting human rights across the planet. A People cannot thrive or survive in any community, civilization or body politic without knowing their true ancestry, language, culture and heritage and my ancestors were stripped of their names and heritage. This is Genocide, Apartheid, Rape, Forced Assimilation, Peonage, Slavery, and Deprivation/Subjugation of Human Rights, Trafficking in Human Cargo, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. The United States is no longer bound by its constitutional delegated powers but to promote the five fields of endeavors: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights under Articles 55 & 56 of the United Nations Charter. I honor my ancestors and that honor is in claiming my family appellation {name}, claiming my indigenous standing, estate, life, ethnic group, tribe, nation, classical tongues, heritage and culture. I know Now, I am Deity. (See: David Imhotep's Book “The First Americans Were Africans” h The-First-Americans-Were-A fricans/dp/145209 12 Q\ KWKT APCHABNY VIOWA IVERDIVERKY CULURRTY I know Now that you are not the rightful Heir to the Bi Robinson hip h Throne. (See: Britain’s Real Monarch by Tony PR6Qb4U_B4 , REGINA v, JAH case 120107746 hittp://jahtruth.nevbritmon.htm, Inform all world governments of these Truths agents, agencies, assigns, and corporate pol nation state corporations, world leaders, world banking cartels, ey enforcers, International Publication / Notice NOTICE TO THE PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO THE AGENT NOTICE TO THE AGENT IS NOTICE E PRINCIPAL, | thank you for your time and understanding. ..mucl * Maren + Helen 64 An Erk geno Right Resevel vee 1-32 appreciated, w Hook geeyilice ue One vv aden ‘Aaron Hakim Fil Exevine deder 136% PNAS TORR aC ce: Pope Frances ~ THE VATICAN/ HOLY SEE. Queen Elizabeth Il - REGINA / THE CROWN Barack Hussein Obama ~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Q KWUKT AZ C7AEW VIOWA IVERBDAIVERRY CULL RSW Cover Letter [March 9. 2015] Gregorian calendar Aaron Hakim Bil Latitude 38° 52° 37° Longitude -76° $2° 28.7 Turtle-Istand/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland] To: Executive Office of the President Attn: Barack Hussein Obama, President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Greetings President Obama, Lam Aaron Hakim Bil. I have disclosed a Statutory Declaration to inform you and all world governments of who Tam upon discovering that I am an Autochthon / Indigenous flesh and blood Man to these lands called;Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan which today is a misnomer called [United States, Canada, Mexico] that do not denote the true appellation of the land but are corporations/corporate entities exported into middle of the Aantic Ocean. y Indigenous Standing in accord with United Nations Charter Articles 55 & 56, UN Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People and now just implemented Intemational Decade for People of African Descent in promoting human rights across the planet, ‘A People cannot thrive or survive in any community, civilization or body politic without knowing their true ancestry, language, culture and heritage and my ancestors were stripped of their names and heritage. This is Genocide, Apartheid, Rape, Forced Assimilation, Peonage, Slavery, and Trafficking in Human Cargo, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. ‘The United States endeavor no longer bound by its constitutional delegated powers but to promote the five fields of vil, political, economic, social and cultural rights under Articles 55 & 56 of the United Nations Charter. [honor my ancestors and that honor is in claiming my family appellation [name], claiming my ethni ‘group, tribe, nat -al tongues, heritage and culture. Inform all world governments of these truths class Q» RWUKT AP CHAE VIOWT IVERPIVERKY CUUAREY I know Now, I am Deity. (See: David Imhotep’s btp:f/www Book “The First Americans Were Africans” frieans/dp/1452091285) According to the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, so-called [black people] are not part and parcel of the United States according to the original intent of the US Constitution and the original Thirteenth Amendment with 20 sections: Section 12 states “persons of African descent could never be citizens” which Justice Roger Taney states, “A [black man] has no rights a white man is bound to respect” which means people of African descent tion of the United States and cannot be brought to court in any state, Nubians, Melaninites, Moors, Lascars, Kemetu, Asiatics are the Ori; JAutochthonous people, and | claimed my Indigenous Standing, I People of this planet, Indigenous President Obama, you said it you hups:/www.t fon the Tom Joyner Morning Show “Black has no standing at law”, (See: gsandQueens/posts/167460326711 167 ) ins ‘Take Judicial Notice. International Publication | thank you for your ti and understanding. uch appreciated, SPYVON - Tito ac Alt Ladgeaces FAS Resved Vee 1-303 Lo Hoot $e jude ee UN Dre / UND RR Execobve Oeder 13107 Aaron Hakim Eil CC, Pope Frances ~ THE VATICAN/ HOLY SEE Queen Elizabeth I~ REGINA / THE CROWN > KWAKT AAC7HAEY VIOWT IVERPAIVERKY CULURRIY Cover Letter [Mareh 9, 2015] Gregorian calendar ‘Aaron Hakim Eil Latitude 38° 52° 37° Longitude -76° 52° 28.7 ‘Turile-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland] he Office of the Governor Atin: Larry Hogan, Jr., Governor 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 ireetings Governor Larry Hogan, Tam Aaron Hakim Bil. I have disclosed a Statutory Declaration to inform you and all world governments of who I am upon discovering that | am an Autochthon / Indigenous flesh and blood Man to these lands called:Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan which today is a misnomer ealled [United States, Canada, Mexico] that do not denote the true appellation of the land but are corporations/corporate entities exported into middle of the Atlantic Ocean, 1, Aaron Hakim Eil claim my Indigenous Standing in accord with United Nations Charter Articles 55 & 56, UN Deelarations on the Rights of Indigenous People and now just implemented International Decade for People of Affican Descent in promoting human rights across the planet Our People cannot thrive or survive in any community, civilization, society or body politic without knowing their true ancestry, language, culture and herita This is Genocide, Apartheid, Rape, Forced Assimilation, Peonage. Slavery, and Tra! ‘War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. ze and my ancestors were stripped of their names and heritage. ing in Human Cargo, The United States is no longer bound by its constitutional delegated powers but to promote the five fields of endeavors: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights under Articles 55 & 56 of the United Nations Charter. [honor my ancestors and that honor is in claiming my family appellation [name], claiming my ethnic group, tribe, nation, classical tongues, heritage and culture. All states are mere corporations operating under color-of-law which are legal fictions by operation of law. Q KWKT APCHABY VIOWA AVIRDIVERRY CULURRTY I know Now, I am Deity. (See: David Imhotep’s Book “The hutp:/ irst Americans Were Africans” ws/dp/1452091285) According to the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, so-called [black people] are not part and parcel of the United States according to the original intent of the US Constitution and the original Thirteenth Amendment with 20 sections: Section 12 states “persons of African descent could never be citizens” which Justice Roger Taney states “A [black man] has no rights a white man is bound to respect” which means people of African descent are outside the jurisdiction of the United States and cannot be brought to court in any state. President Obama stated on the Tom Joyner Moming Show, “Black has no standing at law”. (See: htips://www. ingsand Queens’ posts! 167460326711167 ) Nubians, Melaninites, Moors, Lascars, Kemetu, Asiatics are the Oris /Autochthonous people, and I claimed my Indigenous Standing. Take Ju | People of this planet, Indigenous icial Notice. Interna nal Publication http:/, T thank you for your time and understanding, ..much appreciated, PNW THR RIE AC AN Tadigeucs Righs Reserved Uce 1-209 whos prejebice ‘Aaron Hakim Eil UNDUE Ty UNDKR Execotve Dedker 13/8 ce: q Pope Frances THE VATICAN! HOLY SEE Queen Elizabeth I - REGINA / THE CROWN Barack Hussein Obama ~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Exhibit B U.S. Office of Personnel Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION GudetoPeromel Gaia Stare’ | Queso rand he Prone Aa Smee ono con) Name (Last, Fst, Mile nad ] Sosa Secu Namber Birhate Wont end ear) Roserts, AaRon C | 5/73 onc ba ons Privacy Act Statement Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race land Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instance of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identity your race and ethnicity by visual observation, ‘This Information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. It is also used by the U. S. Office of Personne! Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics and analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforce studies. Social Security Number (SSN) fs requested under the authority of Executive Order 9307, which requires SSN be used {or the purpose of uniform, orderly aciministration of personnel records. Providing this information is voluntary and failure to do so will have no effect on your employment status. If SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may be used to obtain it ‘Specific Instructions: The two questions below are designed to identify your ethnicly and race, Regardless of your anewer to question 1, go to question 2. {Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puero Rican, South or Ceniral American, or other Spanish culture or gi, regardless of race.) Yes Ba'No Question 2. Please solect the racial category or categories with which you most closely identity by placing an x" in the appropriate bbox. Check as many as apply. RACIAL CATEGORY (Check as many as apply) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY Pil Aretican incian or Aleske Native ‘A person having origins in any of the orginal peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affliation or community attachment, CO Asian ‘A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast ‘Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, ‘Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. 1 Black or Atcan American | person having ergs in any ofthe lack acl rouns of Ati, C7 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | A person having origins in any ofthe original peoples of Hawai, Guam, Samoa, or | other Pacific tsanas. 3 ve | A person having origins in any ofthe orignal peoples of Europe, he Mie East or Noth es ‘Standard Form 181 Revised August 2005 Previous editions not usable 42USC. Section 20000-16 NSN 7540-01-090-9446 Exhibit ®& OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR April 1, 2015 Mr. Aaron Hakim Eil 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, MD 21401 ‘Dear Mr. Fil: ‘Thank you for your recent letter. 1 value your interest in the policies ofthis Administration and appreciate your ‘comments about the issues that are important to you. Your inputt enables me to do a better job of serving you and all ofthe citizens of Maryland. = Jam nok & citizen of Moryland and cen never be! It is an honor, and 1 am truly humbled to serve my fellow Marylanders as the 62° Governor of this great slate, Being responsive to your concems is a top priority of this Administration, Thave asked my staff to review yout issue and will follow up with a mote detailed response as soon as possible, ‘Thank you again for contacting my office, Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other issue. Your input is very valuable as we work to put Maryland on a new path. Together, we ean change Maryland for the better! Sincerely, tract Governor fant Exhbd C Statutory Claim of :Aaton-Hakim:Eil_ in Accord with IRS MANUAL 21, Wa 1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act - 1, Aaron Clark Roberts now known as: Aaron Hakim Eil, Indigenous, Autochthonous Flesh and Blood Man (AmarwXi/Ani-Yu Wiva, Tsa-la-gi (Cherokee) Moor ), Claim my Life Estate in Accord with: the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples hitp://viww.un.orz/esa/socdev/unpfiidocuments/DRIPS_en.pdts Presidential Proclamation 7500; HUR-194- hiip:/Avww.po.uoviilsys/plw/BILLS=1 10hres194eh/pd0/BILLS- Llohres !%4eh.pdt’; 8. Con, Res. 26 - htipy/vww.epo.zov/fdsys/pkw/BILLS- [| Isconres26es/pdl/BILLS- 1 sconres26es,pdl'; HIR-3 - hitps:f/wwvw,coneress,cov/ I L/billshjres3/BILLS- | |Ohjressih,pdl ; Title 8 USC §876, IRS Mission Statement hp://\vww.irs.tov/pulbrirs-newssir-9i8-59.pal that Lam not a decedent (IRS MANUAL, 1 am alive and I am not dead (1540 Cestui Que Vie Act, 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act, 1707 Cestui Que Vie ‘Act hiip://w ww. lesislation, ). I want the record held in your computer database which may list me as deceased to be changed to alive. According to IRS MANUAL An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship, that has vel to receive an SSN hnip:/firsszov/iem/part2 Virw_21-007-01 3r.hlinl = Declaration of assumptive death is a fiction: G.R. No.160258 Republic of The Philippines v. Gloria Bermudez-Lorino: (len, judiciarv.zov.pivindex.php2action=mnuactual_contents&ap~j70100p=y . [have a SSN Number, so by the IRS MANUAL:, Lam not a decedent: (Black’s Law Dictionary 8" Ed,, p. 435 ~ decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has died recently). 1 am no longer liable for: a) Maritime Liens being enforced against me, b) securities being taken out ofthe estate. All maritime Liens currently being enforced against me I hereby claim invalid, null & void, ab initio — nun pro tune. See: Libfer code ~ Art. 3 31, 33, 38: hilp://|9th_centuryslieberasp and Art. 48, 46, & 55 of the Hague Convention IV Oct. 18, 1907 hips ww Jere.ons/ihl.nst/PULL/I9S, 1am the infant who does have an SSN number which makes me the beneficiary ofthis trust. The SSN and the Name vests within me: an Indigenous Autochthonous Living Man. Being that the IRS works in Admiralty, the IRS according to its own code, can no longer enforce any maritime Liens against myself, as I have now claimed my Life Estate: Iam not lost at sea, nor am 1a decedent / vessel in commerce (18 USC §9) (1707 Cestui Que Vie Act, U.K.) durat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - (hitp://vrwwn_ore/esa/socdev/npfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Articles 55 & 56; Congressional Record P, A3220 may 11 1955, Motu Proprio July 2013, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous Peoples & World Day of Peace Letter, IDFPAD, Presidential Proclamation 7500, H.J.R. 194, HJR-3. +2015. by: em a Affiant” — POW 12 Personally Known Produced Identification _v~~ typeand of D Lasrec” 9586051 Fal put, ao F yom, —— as Exhibit 0 UGC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. [hNawtE @ PRONE OF CONTACT AT FILER foptona) 5 EMAIL CONTACT AT FILER Topiona (E-SERS RERNONEDGHENT TO. (Wan ae Adres) [7 sAaron-Htaksimsta 39° 52° 37.4", W -76° 52 28.7" i na SROER 0008513129 ay Moyaone, Atlan / Turtl-tstand DATE 86-16-2045 cusT 1D:0003296839 c/o 910 Applewood Siret |_Capivot Height Maryiana 20743] non-domestic _] ‘TT DEBTOR NAME” Frown wry am Doasrnane(inarf0) Gs oad nano dorm aneurin kom ttn nok we [eee a 0 x NOUS ORNATE (rR Pensona ae ROTOR ETAT PA ROBERTS AARON CLARK FE A ODES fein rate POSTAL CODE [eo 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights MD |20743 us 2 DEBTOR'S NANE_ moat ony Ooso'rano anode wea lalnaom co wnt anl macy «dowry oy po a Dasars woe) Yay pata he Fea Donor ‘naw et 28, ae ae ton a, hee [_} rl onde he vt Dai ren ano he Fase Sun sso rat Joc |AARON CLARK ROBERTS, OF Fs OTOL CORRE ~ RT PETER POoTRCRRC NREL) — BOR RG ADDRES av 5 FIAT PORTAL TOA (comer 0. Box 17087 Baltimore MD | 21235 USA ‘SECURED PARTY'S NAME wie otASCcnEs a AGUGNONSEOURED PARTY Mono and a Seams Pompe oT) | ABTA aoa FRET ERT TE Raa RESTATE :Ei Aaron Hakim Se NAS TRERS ler [SATE [PORTAL COT [coor clo 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, My|CAPITOL HEIGHTS | MD | [20743] Tui "T-EOLLATERAL. Tastes can conan caine Debtors: AARON CLARK ROBERTS, CLARK ROBERTS AARON are Transmitting Utilities utilized in commerce for the henefit of the Secured Party. The Secured party isa 3-dimensional living soul, flesh and blood Metaninite Man Who is Autochthonous, Indigenous and Descendant of the original peoples of: Ture Island, Muu-Lan, Altan, Amexem, Land of the Frogs| MISNOME| eral as reeeived by Corporate / Governm Corporations and Pledge represented by te same but not limited (oz Pigmus, ‘Hypotheiea, Hereditaments, res and The Energy and the ALL CAPS names of Debtors/Transmitting Utilities as well xs any derivatives and variations of am all eapitals name. Secured Party Accepts for Value, Honor & Consideration ALL. endorsements front and back of ALL Adhi intracts, (rusts und instruments attributed (o the debtors(UCC 3-401). his Lien is NOT dischargeable in Bankruptcy Court, ALL amendments to ths ffing will be by: the Red Wet Ink Si of the Secured party in aecord with Commercial Security Agresment ~ 051119732015 , Third-Party lutervenors are hereby. BAER from i vent with this transaction. USPS Registered Mail RR 571 085 113 US entered into Registry 8/02/15. OTH bear kE . Ualblup Secured Party Signature. UCC 1-308 AM Rights Reserved. "inet ef cptils noe aoe toe Golo > [isi rs rr Vota ew Trond wena) —[_ [nang anneal = Dees ena Regen [© cnet sent osteo ae over cos Sar soreuteal ten [7] Non vocring ALTERNATIVE DFSIeUNTON Wappesoh 'y OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA mugressional record p. A320, may 11,19! spec 2 tonennng uy (TTescorescaroner UN Charter Articles 55 & 56, UNDRIP, UN ECOSOC ifrnetonat Assodaon of Conareiat AGmineTaias FILING OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (Form UCCH) (Rev, paris) eme¥onal Assocation of CnmercalAdmintatore VACA) dun&bradstreet Exhibit J- 1 “tara deinnScnee iUpdate Company spr ited area one? STUD tity ea an a cet muses ay pt eg dino tp ming vats Mee tera Ba oats oes ANS moni af ee haa be tye cman 1 YF ise aoa co ae wt Noe i uke erie hae pat ee et Mean oa bu eta neta Ths masa ay sop 1 aro Sear een he Gan Oia Wea ect poe Yar Ciara conan a Somes Syed Aan ese Scop ecw ral yeh New Report DUNS # Company Name Location Update = [iosmi2i3_FRINCEGEORGE.COUNTY OF -#20RFICHE MARLBORO RD.UPPER MARLBORO, [H76748) PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY ANMAL WELEARELE/ 750 BROWN STATION RD.UPPER MARL BORON © Insaco: Please provid any details you may recognize in thes stings that would help OBE identify the most current reper. Examples: Indicate which ‘company may bea previous address ov an old company name and/r stings plo to @ merger or conversion that may have changed the business type or ‘nership. To protect he Inept oF our information DBO wl ot be ube te make changes to your business information part unt the tpdate feafsration is completed Pease provide the fllowing contact information for follow > First Name * Last Kame: oie: emai {© Din Han e200 2015 Ap ee (64100 SO Nant Hass Dhan Busnes Cre es PA Cat Us Py Pay 175 CHT 2e727 YsOon spHONY 2oHHV/OY Santee SHYSTS) ‘oniysalaryy Era St SHL suoneedsu : Gusse001d mwed : | 2 aad syurr don 2M AL ALO opimiy7D AW CO, ha saod Samo Fwd 20 6909) BL ay aVSHO CE —— ZIWYLNCD gwrLsIAZ-Fad Qos) TAHL coal put dopo ves sie JOY WIYTD Yosk pIMaN Lewy waif vw “Sage sag Lan OVD 7 B102/02/1 Ayunog 61009 Wa pue swepsses oooez 40} me BuL2aID) SHERI 5 eaper ees uno 9p0g ruoneuei Wa ‘eunso1g bese woIskg vowewio}u) 613U07/ oosie peoy Areodwey | s]Usuipuswy 9% SeoueUIPIC ‘Sapod |2907 stozsee onvny ANEW eu aiea uypeoH deanrea dene < < ‘SMON Me eesti Golesi (ole corlol Tiel pel pee Pe | EPPr Toy ea Porn, Tet Va Er Eso unupt svang| AEE Ping HD - HOD TEUBgENNURETNRS 100K quowKojdw3 sepugeD SMON this form entitles you to request a show cause hearing into the impoundment of your vehicle. } If you elect to contest the impoundment, you will be required to appear and present testimony at the hearing. Reclaiming your vehicle: } If your vehicle has been impounded, please make every effort to retrieve it from storage as soon as possible. Impound/storage fees are incurred daily. Keep in mind, you may reclaim your vehicle at any time. » By retrieving your vehicle, you do not forfeit your right to the hearing should you so request it and you may save yourself the additional assessment of storage fees and possibly other expenses if it is found that the tow/impoundment was legal. Not reclaiming your vehicle within 21 days after the impound notice being nailed, waives all the owners “right, title and interest in the vehicle”. (Sec. 26-142.12) The Hearing Officer: } The Hearing Officer is only empowered to rule on whether or not the vehicle was legally towed and impounded. (Sec.26.142.10(c) and Sec. 26~ 165(c)). Should the Hearing Officer rule that your vehicle was towed without probable cause (illegally) you may be entitled to receive reimbursement for towing and storage fees already paid or a fraction thereof. } Should the Hearing Officer determine there was probable cause (legally) for your vehicle being impounded, impound/storage fees paid will be upheld, and therefore forfeited. } ‘The decision of the Hearing Officer is final. That decision is in no way connected to any claims filed via Civil Court. Probable Cause for Vehicular Impoundment: Abandoned vehicles are prohibited~ Y/N #* IGMDVAZEBIDIANIPS 9 wee ‘AO AnDOusO " A vehicle is classified as abandoned if it is inoperable and left on =; = : Se property) on public property araplaying invatid Cowditiong Bublic property; illegally on public propereyr Gispraying inva Zeqistvation plates; or displaying registration plates of another eee han 48 hours be ee eae + Kvvehicle is classified as abandoned if it has xemained on private met Sy pespesty tor sore than 46 nosis and 1s tnaperaaiey GaepLayens invalid registration plates) displaying registration plates oF “Another vehicle; or partially dismantled, wrecked or junked. > Impoundment without prior notice to the owner. Vehicles can be impounded 7 without prior notice to the owner if it is impeding traffic flow Cowdtions enicular/pedestrian Tratttc ows)? illegally parked; ir imposes an. immediate danger to public safety; when a police officer believes Vehicle Ave wot STE = = ‘maybe st6len; when a police officer believes vehicle constitutes 67 “evidence of a cfine? Uhot the operator of vehicle has been taken into MET, Seer atbad ina: Feteced: peaking” space in cvielacion oF emt 20-129 ‘or parked on private property in violation of Sec, 26-142.0; or when 3 See ete ecten enone? Please Let the Offles of Boards and Coons eater The Office of Boards and Conaissions 9400 Peppercorn Place, Guite #520; Largo, MD 20774 '30i-689-5950 NO CONTRACT ~ A Wr, Gedveal STYLES Mamoat oes, Chapter & Boo Exhibit Ht See nee TIME NAME Fax TEL SER.# } eaaKsy309643 03/30/2015 18:34 DATE, TIME 93/30 18:30 Fax ND. /Nawe 3013368706 DURATION ao:a3: 40 PAGE CS) 18 RESULT aK MODE STANDARD Ech lof 4 Exhibit Qv KART AACAAEN VIOWA WERPIVERKY CULURRIY Fax Cover Letter Po [March 30, 2015] , Gregorian calendar :Aaron-Hakim:Eil Latitude 38° 52° 37” Longitude -76° 52° 28.7 ‘Turtle-[sland/:Atlan/:Amexen/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capitol Heights, Maryland) To! Mayor Marnitta L. King ‘Town Hall :Vivian Dodson Municipal Center One Capitol Heights Blvd Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 Phone: (301) 336-0626 Fax Number (301) 336-8706 Greetings Mayor King, Tam :Aaron-Hakim:Eil. I am sending you this courtesy fax regarding my standing in International Law. Enclosed are copies of fax cover letters and a Statutory Declaration sent to the VATICAN/HOLY SEI Her Majesty the Queen [ELIZABETH II(sic)], EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR STATE OF MARYLAND claiming my genous Standing in accord with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People: rg/esa/socdev/mpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf, A letter from the Mayor acknowledging receipt of this correspondence while acknowledging the sam my Indigenous Standing in Law in accord with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. International Publication and Notice www, thank you for your time and understanding. .much appreciated, Qf ¥ oS Exhiba H ‘TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT 93/38/2015 18: 43 TEL SER. # } avaxesaa9643 DATE, TINE Fax NO, /NAME 93/30 18:38 ‘3918523784 0:04:06 ia aK STANDARD EoM 3 of 1 Exhibit H QY KWRT APACHE VIOVA IVTRDIVTRRY GULURRTY Fax Cover Letter Neen Yes [March 30, 2015] Gregorian calendar :Aaron-Hakim:Eil Latitude 38° 52° 37” Longitude -76° 52° 28.7 ‘Turtle-Island/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan [Care of 910 Applewood Street Capito! Heights, Maryland] To: RUSHERN L. BAKER III, County Executive (Democrat) Office of County Executive County Administration Building, Room 5032 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 - 3070 Phone: (301) 952-4131 Fax: (301) 952-3784 Greetings County Executive Baker, 1am :Aaron-Hakim:Eil. | am sending you this courtesy fax regarding my standing in International Law. Enelosed are copies of fax cover letters and a Statutory Declaration sent to the VATICAN/HOLY SEE, Her Majesty the Queen [ELIZABETH Il(sic)], EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR STATE OF MARYLAND claiming my Indigenous Standing in accord with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People: www.un ory/esa/soedev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf, A letter from the County Executive acknowledging receipt of this correspondence while acknowledging the same in my Indigenous Standing in Law in accord with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. International Publication and Notice http://www I thank you for your time and understanding. ..much appreciated, -Aaron-Hakim:Eil ' tscescrvel vee 1-38 To foe acs vmrcua Avorn h: ‘ PRINCE GBORGE'S COUNTY Ex Nove ae ae Lor ¥ 579 Wre Ly) D; ; DATE ARCH 4,206 NS 1$ honor- CON # C5854 TO PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY VEHICLE COMPOUND ADDRESS 4920 RITCHIE MARLBORO ROAD, UPPER MARLBORO, MARYLAND naxe Pontiac > YEAR 2001 COLOR BLUE MODEL MON oman wi) gosta appRéSg Eayaie Chen) HEIGHTS MD 20743 Pu EHICLE Sees ne si fo (DBR REMOVED FROM THE COMPOUND NO a CHE DAY EB. VEHTCH fe REMOVED THE DAY OF 3S ELON See Pees. FUNDS. NO REPATRS OF ANY Re BERN ore OND. RED on JSPPERABLE OX VENICLES oes anya ae REMOVED 7 TRUCK; 7OW_BAR, OR TRAILER. oo se merce ay een aah BULGE ARE. SUBJECT MEDIA | REMOVE FRt OR ARRES¢S / PURSU: RYLAND LAN, A F, B rch DORE 5 et (21) pays? IF (VEHICLE REMAT eel A re gon Sag ae sic Ted co past TH Davee es ous acy sree ein a gee ee (GREE ESE coseatipys, Wage ‘, Hm 2 ig Sabcageonn on Nor “bass io oo) a "Saag sate te sg om ‘oe a cays 259,430 fy hg PRE = oe Ge; a g. lee ee: ghee os a PREC ples ‘GAVE BEE PAID I EOL Boe Pog ‘TH! RELEASE. ce Upeee bx, 6m aa Do? GOR STORAGE SY 50. LETTER “es : mse. 9 4g WAIVED ¢ Ye TOTAL «= § ao5y oo® JRG RELEAGED BY Bryson En Charleys 8613 Old Aagore Landover, Mi ‘Tel: 301-773-7670, Fax; 410-646-2011 Big or Small, We Tow i All! ow smn am ett VO ee ee a= Tia oars Bray nse dape io ice Hee yo Dio Sa Thank You! ter 1 ‘restville, ¥0 20037 q Phone A0t- 736-7368 < “yy Fax S-558-2503 |, ~wevelecesanssactersfercennennsed Us < K J wotary Cres, 15.005 ae Ss susToral “7 x : “A Total snipnents: 0 “sy ustoner: one selected Ls L.2& yous “*s i Ze 03:17 PA verenatnt-9 tater verstation * * <, eeaatqacesstieenveeeneestncseanes $3.00 efcgeur UPS, FedEx, DHL “a ICE GEORGE? § co ney Dna ci Xo '‘p BEC gut ie % x 8 ‘9201, EDGEWORTH OR, carak ets 20709201 2314200791 osyosyeais —tS00)275-8777 1:53 PH Product ‘Sale Final Description ay Prive UtL ir 10.5" 1 si.a9 x16 . Watt Price:$1.19) L_firet Class 1 $2.74 Irae Erwel ope Domestic) ~ ba WARLBORD, MO 2072) fnt:0 Lb 9.60 02) sd Del very Day) re ‘io sora / regi stere $19.00 y Glace 395,00) | SO ee Tua art nat) (RALOTEABIUS) totals? > 5.9 og one on Yo 7.50 6 ves | ah an ame Eee" < ee ales t war Ears rene nd ke 1; (oem Pexmcecerai WAR OF ae | Trac or ctl Pena227 ‘at. % 48 lomo 8) [REN aneomarap Aan akyy p shely face Nol ater is st ‘At egey Cptacout. Ark Rgeal Fence Pome o Bolton Nw i) 58.00 | SL sav i kip ae gags of >, ‘i = a Epes eae Hwa La me gue Brion. “0 f Sa i ; In 13 abuspso Vsho6 vit ~ i f il Seog, i Ip asin, i ii 3 pennnnag hire sdoviee en ag at cen eee mine 2 iP pysac a eee ca q TER MAnLBors wd AoW CT 1op2 bor anhine aC ei 3206, ReaTatered Wait Recaipt oro ES ingees een yo ‘a a PN Se A ve ‘negation ae deci) ee nates reanes v ‘\_-HELP USSSERVE YOU BETTER “

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