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Evaluation activity 2

How does the media product represent the particular

social groups?
I will be comparing similarities and difference between
a character from my production to characters from real
media products such as established films.

The Dogs
Liberty Pictures
John Wick is an action film, which we to an extent based
our narrative on, there are many similarities between
this film and our production. The protagonist John Wick
and the protagonists in The Dogs find themselves in
two locations which either in some sort of house (safe
house) or being outside. This creates a sense of enigma
until the antagonists show up.
Another similarity within both productions is the
suspense and mystery created through the mise-enscene such as the costume, for example the masks and
dark clothing is used to conceal the identity of the
protagonists and so their identities are revealed as the
narrative unfolds. Likewise in John Wick the protagonist
is always in dark clothing so he can be unnoticeable in
public places and so in order to find out why the
protagonist is always wearing the same costume the
audience have to continue to watch the narrative to
understand why he is dressed up the way he is.

Also in The Dogs, Robert was a character who is the

most similar to John Wick as they both have a very dark
history which involves gory violence. The darkness from
their history affects them as person and so because of
this is why they had turned out this way. Robert in the
production does not speak at all as he is traumatised
from his past this leaves a mystery for the audience as
they dont know what had caused this, likewise with
John Wick he has no emotion or remorse because of his
past experiences and throughout the narrative we
understand who John Wick is.

Inside man is a 2006 action, crime and thriller film. It is

similar to The Dogs as the cast includes a lot of men
who are presented to be the same age as our actors.
Similar representations are used as both gangs are
represented as very mysterious and violent as they find
themselves in difficult situations. The audience would
expect this representation as both gangs are
stereotypical in terms of age and gender.

In addition to this both protagonists find themselves in

danger and panicking when they are put into a difficult
situation as The Dogs are cornered by the ballers and
inside man the gang is blocked off by the police. Also in
both films the mis-en-scene between both gangs were
very similar, for example their costumes were almost
matching as they were wearing dark clothing and white
masks which both gangs were using to conceal their
On the contrary, Inside man includes certain action and
thriller aspects as these gangs show violence and
intimidation by their diegetic dialogue or by facial and
body expressions. As a group we did not decide to add
the thriller elements as it would be very difficult to

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