Assignment Business Plan: Entrepreneurship

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Business Plan
Table of Contents
Opportunity & Idea:....................................................................................................................................2
Other prospects.......................................................................................................................................2
Product description & Benefits....................................................................................................................4
Our service..............................................................................................................................................4
What you get...........................................................................................................................................4
Target Market..............................................................................................................................................5
Competitor Analysis....................................................................................................................................5
Market Plan.................................................................................................................................................6
 Target Market:.................................................................................................................................6
 Competitors:....................................................................................................................................6
 Criteria of success:...........................................................................................................................6
 How much will you sell & how.........................................................................................................6
Core strength...........................................................................................................................................7
Marketing Mix.........................................................................................................................................7
SWOT analysis.........................................................................................................................................8
PEST analysis............................................................................................................................................9
Perceptual maps....................................................................................................................................10
Functional Benefits............................................................................................................................10
Aesthetic benefits..............................................................................................................................10

Options Express
Opportunity & Idea:

“There is a lack of sufficient skills to be successful academically and in the professional world.”
(Problem statement)
Other prospects
 Free time in schedules between classes
 External such courses being extremely expensive
 Location of FAST is convenient for the target marketer
 The need for extracurricular activities
 Security concern is there

We aim to capitalize on these opportunities by offering a program that would provide short courses
which will fulfill the needs of the students. This program would help them academically as well as in
professional life. These courses would be offered as optional courses to all the students of FAST-NU
covering the dimensions of communication, technical, creative and personal grooming.
Product description & Benefits
Our service
 The courses we are offering would cover a broad spectrum of subject areas not covered in
academics hence giving active learners a platform to acquire new skills which they never got a
chance to learn before.
 The program would consist of short courses having duration of 2 weeks in the month of May.
 The course instructors would be students of FAST-NU who excel in their respective course fields.
 The fee charges would be Rs.2000 per course which would be collected by a registration office that
would be set up for this purpose. It would also be responsible to answer any queries of the
students regarding the upcoming courses.
 A separate section on radix would also be maintained for the convenience of students as it would
keep them updated about the courses offered and would provide them a platform where they can
register for them.

What you get

 The courses would give students of FAST a competitive edge in the professional world as they
would have skills along with those offered in academic life. Hence making them all rounder.
 Security is a major issue today. People avoid travelling even around the city as bomb threats are
becoming an everyday story. In such a situation these courses being offered at the university
premises would be a blessing for those who have to go to faraway academies to attend such
 What could be better than learning these diverse skills at a place where one has to go everyday
anyway. Hence convenience factor is there.
 The program would give students a friendly learning environment where they would not only apply
the skills but would be given a chance to practice them too.
 Learning would be fun when students themselves would be the instructors as then the
environment would not be an extremely strict and rigid one.

Target Market

 We are aiming to serve the undergraduate students of FAST NU from all the respective
departments of Telecom Engineering, Business Administration and Computer Science.
 Those students who are enthusiastic, active learners and opportunity seekers would be given a
chance to diversify their skill set.

Competitor Analysis

 Our competitors are all those institutions which offer such short courses in Islamabad and
Rawalpindi which include academies, universities and embassies

 Academies



 One of the threats which are there is that someone else might come up with a similar plan of
offering such courses. This would lead to competition as students would then have a choice to opt
for either of the two.

Market Plan

 Target Market: undergraduate students of FAST NU from all the respective departments of Telecom
Engineering, Business Administration and Computer Science.

 Competitors: institutions which offer such short courses in Islamabad and Rawalpindi which include
academies, universities and embassies
 Criteria of success:

Criteria for success Competitors Us

1 Convenience Weak Strong
2 Interest of students Strong Strong
3 Reasonable Fee Weak Strong
4 Expertise of instructors Strong Weak

 How much will you sell & how

Fee charges will be R.s 2500 per course the registration of which would be done on a separate section
in radix. The students would be kept updated regarding the upcoming course through SMS facility for
their convenience.
Regular notices would be put up on notice boards and Pamphlets consisting of all the information
about the courses would be distributed across the university.

Core strength
Our core strength is that we are the first to offer an opportunity to the students to acquire diverse skill in
a friendly environment. The courses would be offered in the university premises hence making it
convenient for the students to take them. It would help save the time they would otherwise have to
spend in travelling to distant academies or institutions to acquire these skills.
Marketing Mix
The courses we are offering would cover a broad spectrum of subject areas not covered in
academics hence giving active learners a platform to acquire new skills which they never got a
chance to learn before.

Fee charges will be R.s 2500 per course

Courses would be offered at FAST-NU premises

Awareness about the courses would be generated though pamphlets, notices, SMS and radix alerts.

SWOT analysis

Our core strength is that we are the first to offer an opportunity to the students to acquire diverse skill in
a friendly environment. The courses would be offered in the university premises hence making it
convenient for the students to take them. It would help save the time they would otherwise have to
spend in travelling to distant academies or institutions to acquire these skills.

We are faced with certain limitations. First of all we have limited time to plan and execute the plan in
an effective way. The constrained budget does not allow us to advertise our program the way we
want to. Another weakness is that the instructors would be students of FAST-Nu instead of experts
from the market limiting their scope of their knowledge and expertise. The limited space of the
campus is also a weakness that we have and would have to make the maximum out of it. Lastly we
would be offering limited courses which is a weakness n itself as it would not cater to the interests of
each and every student.

Free time in schedules between classes and external such courses being extremely expensive are an
opportunity for us. Also the location of FAST is convenient for the target market to reach.

Our competitors are all those institutions which offer such short courses in Islamabad and Rawalpindi
which include academies, universities and embassies. One of the threats which are there is that
someone else might come up with a similar plan of offering such courses. This would lead to competition
as students would then have a choice to opt for either of the two. We also have apprehensions regarding
whether we would get permission from the administration for running the program the way we want it
to. There is a major risk that they would modify the program as they would want it to be go rather than
how we planned it to.

PEST analysis
There is political unrest in our country today which has made our lives insecure than ever before. In
such a time we take this as an opportunity to offer courses in a comparatively safe and secure

In a time of economic recession, incomes have reduced which has lead to a decrease in the overall
spending patterns. This is a disadvantage for us as lesser people would be willing to spend extra
money to go for these optional courses.

We would offer these courses in a friendly environment as the instructors would be the students of
FAST themselves. This would facilitate active learning and promote the interaction of students among
various departments.
In today’s world change is the only constant where technology advances so rapidly that it’s hard to
cope with it. It is a threat for us as we would start planning for the program today but even after one
month from now we can’t say what latest software’s (graphic designing, flash etc.) would come in the
market. The demand of students to learn those software’s might be higher than those we had
planned & arranged to teach.

Perceptual maps

Functional Benefits
Skills diversification
Time saving
Reasonable price

Aesthetic benefits
Friendly environment

Zawiya Academy
Functional Benefits




Aesthetic Benefits

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