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Daniel Colascione

43 Woodell Ave, Buffalo, N.Y. 14211 (716) 867-4737;

• SUNY at Buffalo—Buffalo, NY
Major in Computer Science; minor in Anthropology: graduated May 2008
– Academic experience with robotic control systems, hardware-software integration, image
recognition, and filesystems

• Censorship Research Center—San Francisco, CA
Co-founder and technology director: June 2009–present
– Wrote Haystack anti-censorship tool for Windows, OS X, and Linux (50k LOC C++, Lisp, and
x86 assembly); embedded Lisp, precise garbage collection, cooperative userspace threads
– Prepared internal and end-user documentation
– Maintained CRC network infrastructure and equipment
• Merrill Press / Complemar Partners—Buffalo, NY and Rochester, NY
Lead developer and system administrator: April 2005–November, 2009
– Took initiative in transitioning entire organization from ad-hoc, unversioned development to
sound methodology incorporating version control, unit testing, and formal releases
– Created and maintained web-to-print system at (100k LOC PHP,
Python, C++)
– Developed web-based desktop publishing system incorporating client-side truetype font
rendering, kerning, Knuth-Plass line breaking, and arbitrary geometry (75k LOC Javascript)
– Substantially increased the utility of existing hardware by optimizing software and
configuration, saving the company a substantial amount of money versus buying new
– Created distributed, persistent, optimized in-memory key-value store (10k LOC C++, with
client libraries for PHP, C++, and Python)
– Wrote and maintained user and sales tracking software with statistical analysis of advertising
effectiveness across markets (25k LOC PHP)
– Administered heterogeneous network of Linux and Windows machines with load-balancing
and full failover for major services
– Involved in personnel hiring decisions
– Wrote extensive and clear systems documentation

Open Source Development

• hrtimer—Created call-graph profiler and code coverage tool for Javascript
• espresso-mode—Created Javascript editing suite and Lisp-JS bridge; now part of GNU Emacs and
the default for editing Javascript

• Software—Distributed filesystems, memory allocation, embedded domain-specific languages
• Personal—Hiking, skiing, free software, following scientific research, classical music

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