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Key Period 3 Historical Thinking Worksheet

The competition among the British, French, and American Indians for economic and political advantage in North America culminated in the Seven
years War (the French and Indian War), in which Britain defeated France and allied American Indians. Briefly describe the motivations and
conflicts (and their results) of the following groups

The American Revolution came as a result of many things that Britain did to us, such as the numerous taxes and acts forcibly placed on
Americans. Analyze the effects of these Taxes/Acts and what Americans did to retaliate. Consider both immediate and long term effects.
Navigation Acts
Olive Branch Petition

Intolerable Acts

Sons of Liberty

Coercive Acts

Boston Tea Party

The creation of a new nation leads to the debate on how the government should function and whether the Constitution should be followed.
Compare and Contrast on America before the DOI and after the DOI was established.


BBefore the DOI

After the DOI

George Washingtons Farewell address advised the next presidents and Americans of what to beware of in the future, especially in the area of
foreign diplomacy. What did he warn us about? Why was these advice important to US History? Did Americans follow his advice in the next 100
years (support your stance with examples!)?

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