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Colloidal sols of metals like Ag, Au, Pt etc.

can be

prepared by Bredigs arc method.

Ellingham diagrams are graphical representation of
Gibbs energy and help us to predict the feasibility of
thermal reduction of an ore.
Blister copper has blister- like appearance due to the
evolution of SO2.
Monds process- refining of Ni; Van Arkel methodrefining of Zr or Ti.
Oxoacids of nitrogen- hyponitrous acid (H2N2O2), nitrous
acid (HNO2), nitric acid (HNO3).
Allotropes of phosphorus- white P, red P, black P. White
phosphorus is poisonous.
Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen (O2).
Allotropes of sulphur rhombic sulphur (-sulphur),
monoclinic acid (- sulphur).
In contact process (manufacture of H2SO4), low
temperature and high pressure are favourable conditions
for maximum yield.
Oxides of chlorine- Cl2O, ClO2, Cl2O6, Cl2O7.
Deacons process manufacture of chlorine.
Binary fluorides formed by xenon- XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6.
Very pure nitrogen is obtained by thermal
decomposition of sodium or barium azide.
Oxides of nitrogen- N2O, NO, N2O3, NO2, N2O4, N2O5.
Zn, Cd and Hg are not regarded as transition metals
because they have full d10 configuration in their ground
states as well as in their common oxidation states.
General electronic configuration of d- block elements is,
(n-1) d1-10 ns1-2, while that of f block elements is,
(n-2) f1-14 (n-1) d0-1 ns2.


MOB- 9097019270

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