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Gemar Membantu

136 Jalan Teuku Umar

Tanjungbalai , North SumatraIndonesia
October 24 ,2010
With this letter I would like to introduce myself to you as a new pen pal. I am fifteen years
old and I am in the tenth grade of Sisimangaraja Senior High School . But before entering
senior high school I studied for nine years in elementary and junior high schools.My
interests , besides my studies are art , music , and sports , I especially enjoy swimming ,
horseback riding , and skiing . It does not snow where I live , so when the skiing comes , I
have travel to the mountains about two hours a way by car .I am enclosing a photograph of
myself and my family . I would like to hear from you . Please write with information about
yourself , your family , and life in your country . I look forward to being your pen pan and
sharing some of the events in my life with you , even though it must be at such a long
YourFriend ,

Hey harry, how are you doing? i hope youre good. im your biggest fan. i really
adore you. your face, your voice, your songs, everything. everytime i think of
you, make me nervous. it kills me slowly. i cant breath. but thats why i need you.
youre like my oxygen. if youre a bee, ill be your flowers. if youre a tree, ill be
your ground. i love you so much harry.

(your name)

Dear, (name)
When I first saw you, I have fallen in love with you. Perhaps, this feeling is
too fast and sometimes makes you strange, but I believe with all my love
to you. I want you to be the owner of my heart. I want you being my life
Every night, I keep thinking about a happy day when we love each other
forever. Although we had just met, I miss you so much. I want you to be
mine, and commit to create a sense of endless love.
I hope you would accept me in your life. I have a very great love. This is
my biggest source of joy and happiness that I want to share with you. I
can forget everything because I love you so much.

Well, its time to say good bye my friend

Im glad to stayed you until the end
I hope that youve enjoyed the time we spent
Though I know I will be back again
I dont know just how soon
Until we meet again just think of me
Ill always think of you
I was easier to say hello
Than to say good bye
Now the bus is leaving once again
I bid farewell to you
Oh.. yeah
I remember all the fun we had
And all the tears when times were bad
But you were there when we were down running out
And I know that I will not forget
What was written and what was said
And who was there when we were not on top
Of the world
Yes its time to say auf wiedersehn
Sayonara my best friend

You will always within my heart

I always do hope that I will be there for you some day
Read more:

Dear, Gina
Hello, what happen to you? are you sick? Oh, dear, get well soon please, i miss
you very much. O ya, i hope you fit at school anniversary next saturday cause
you'll get some performance. amin. please get well soon okay see you.
Your friend,

Home EDUKASI Contoh Surat Ucapan Selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Indraka Dwi 1 Comment EDUKASI
Name : Indraka Dwi
Class : X5
Number : 11

Hayam Wuruk Street.

Candi Mulyo,
December 02, 2011
Dear aniel,
How are you ? I hope just fine. Because, I very well in here. Please
accept my heartiest congratulations on your recent selection for inclusion
on the short-list for the Jombang Write Competition.
I just heard the news today from Jombang Good speed when she
dropped into my office with the marked up proofs for her latest collection
of stories. As you can imagine, I was very excited too!
I am so proud of you. As you know, I have been a longtime
promoter of your work, and in my mind it's about time they finally
recognized your talent. In fact, I believe that your selection for the JWC
short-list is long overdue.
I have already read two of the other books that are short-listed and
in my opinion they don't hold a candle to your "No Turning Back". I will
read the other three books nominated and let you know what I think.
Although, I could hardly be considered an objective reviewer on this one.
Once again Aniel, my sincere congratulations on your nomination.
Just being nominated for the JWC is an honor in itself. I will be keeping
my fingers crossed for you until they announce the winner on December
Sincere best wishes,

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