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Robert Frost

(1874 - 1963)

Frost- the farmer poet

Born in San Francisco, USA
Attended Harvard, but left without a degree- jack of

all trades
By 1920s most celebrated American poet
A farmer- poet
As he went about his farming tasks, his poetic
sensibilities would surface and he would question
the cold detachment of man from nature.
As a farmer, he stands with the world and his fellow
men to understand them and then as a poet he
withdraws into himself to attain higher forms of

His Characters
Frost writes of the farmers, neighbours, their life
and work, their loneliness and the manner in which
they deal with the situations of their life.
His characters live in secluded farms, they are
cautious and yet they extend help and favour to
others. The Fear, The Smile, The Star Splitter,
The House keeper.

Hopethat he will have a better life

Joysometimes people come to his shop
Disillusionment- nothing favorable comes out of their visits

Social divide
Class (rich- poor) the city people are rich, the rural folk poor
Region (rural- urban) the city is glamorous
Lifestyle (simple - materialistic) the city values money over


Hope for a better life want to see the life seen in movies
Self centeredness of man stop to reverse or ask the way
Exploitation relocate them and change their lives
Abuse of hope and hospitality no purchase, no appreciation
Assertion of the right to lead the better life rejects the
other life

Simple language- words from common core
Narrative style adopted- a story is being told
Conversational tone- They couldnt (this crossly).
Iambic pentameter (rhythm of spoken English)
Repetitions for effect- sleep, another, country
Movement of a series of images. Film strip like
Short, easy to understand sentences
Countryside imagery contrasting with wily behaviour

of outsiders

An Assessment
A poem that
the show of empathy that city dwellers have for their rural

the selfish motives of businessmen

the refreshing innocence of the rural folk
faith he has in humanity
hope that he nurses

A telling comment on the civilized behavior of the


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