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-Past health history

1. There were no particular symptoms or problems that they shared

with me, but they mentioned that I was overweight. My mother had
normal delivery but since there was no new born screening at that
time, prayers and observation was necessary. Urban legends were also
2. As far as memory can recall, I really could not recall any
immunizations that I took. But I had a MUMPS experience when I was
in high school.
3. No chronic illnesses.
4. Yes, Allergic rhinitis. No treatment.
5. N/A
6. Explore lap. No complications
7. Stabbing incident
8. Excruciating pain after the stab incident.
9. Never
-Family Health History

I think my dad is 72 yrs old and my mom 65.

Diabetes for my mother.
My grandmother died of cancer.
No idea.
My 1st son is 8yrs old and my 2nd is 5 yrs old.

-Lifestyle and health practices

Description of a typical day
Nutrition and weight management
1.Complete meal Rice and meat. Im a meat lover.
2.Meat3x Pork, beef and eggs. I eat 3 square meals a day.
4.All of the above. Hehe
5.I cook my own food or I eat ready to eat food.
6.House, office and restos

7.Water or softdrinks
Activity Level and exercise
1.Work and sleep.
2.I go to the gym once or twice a week.
3.Work demands.
4.Online games and jamming with my band.
Sleep and rest
1.I work in a call center, sleeping disorder is normal.
3.5 to 7 hours.
5.power naps in between my shift.
6.Play online games.
Medication and substance use
1.Pain killers for my stab wounds.
2.When I used to drink, I drink excessively.
3.I rarely drink coffee.
4.I have been a smoker for 18 years.
Self-Concept and self care responsibilities
1.Bass guitar.
2.I feel good and I know I look great!
3.Gym and vitamins.
4.By having a Dog.
5.I dont drive.
6.Annual company medical exams.
7.Every year.
Social Activities
1.Online games, playing with the band and spending time with my
loved ones.
2.Barkada and officemates.
4.I feel that my community needs a good leader.

5.I can contribute by changing myself first.

1.My kids. They are my inspiration.
2.I have been through failed relationships it made me a good lover.
3.Girls and pets are the same for me.
4.Im a father a bread winner and a leader.
Values and belief systems
1.To raise my kids with love and guide them with the teachings of God.
2.To make a difference.
3.Yes. Yes.
5.My kids and God.
Education and Work
1.I was bullied.
2.I want to study psychology.
4.I feel great!
5.Supervisor/teacher conflicts.
6.I am.
Stress levels and coping styles.
2.If am triggered, I burst out.
3.By breathing deep and by thinking hard.
5.I spend time with the kids I go to church and talk to God.
1.Accidents, forces of nature and crazy people.
2.The best precaution would be to think ahead. Any accidents can be
avoided if you are aware of whats to come.
3.If you are exposed to violence and evil, theres a possibility that you
can be a cause of violence. Again, if you think ahead and avoid any
possible violence, then you are a step ahead any danger.

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