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The Biggest Quiz in Environmental Class in MUIDS.

The third week in February, there was a quiz in grade ten in environmental science
class. The quiz is about the evolution of species. Students in environmental science class
study hard for this exam both group 1001 and 1002. Finally the day that has the quiz. Ms.
Charlene, the environmental science teacher in MUIDS gave thirty minutes for the quiz. The
entire question in the quiz is multiple choices. Some of the student use only half of the time
to take the quiz, and some of them use full time to do the quiz. The test was checked in that
day and students went looked for the result of the test, but most of the environmental science
students was pungent about the result of the quiz.
The week after the quiz, fourth week of February. Ms. Charlene the teacher of the
environmental class teacher told the result of the quiz in the class and the answer of each
question in the quiz, there is the table show how many percent of all the students can answer
each question right, then she told the answer in the question that half or most of the class
cannot answer. In the same week in February, Ms. Charlene informed the retest of the quiz is
on the first week of March (March 3, 2016), and she told that there had a review in last
Wednesday (February 24, 2016), and two days before (March 2, 2016) for who want to redo
the quiz.
Yesterday (March 3, 2016), is the day that the environmental science students did the
retest, but Ms. Charlene is absent in that day and posted in Edmodo that the retest day was
changed to next Monday (March 7, 2015). Thats make the student have time to study for the
retest and be more ready for the test in next Monday.

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