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Pumaren, Jaztin Benjamin M.


May 3, 1882

He arrive Barcelona, Spain where he met some Filipinos. He also made his first
Nationalistic essay he wrote abroad, Amor Patrio which was later published in
Diarnong Tagalog. To complete his studies and widen his political knowledge
Through exposure to European governments.

Hong Kong
October 1891

Rizal left Europe for Hong kong onboard the ship Melbourne on which he began
Writing his third

(but unfinished) novel. He arrived in Hong Kong on November 20

And resided at No. 5 D Aguilar Street, No. 2 Rednaxela Terrace. and opened a medical clinic
there. A Portuguese friend, Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques helped him to have plentiful
Patrons of various nationalities.


The first stop over of Rizal on his way to Spain is Singapore, which he spent for sightseeing

The city including its famed botanical Garden, Buddhist Temples, the monument of
Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles, the founder of Singapore.

Colombo. Sri Lanka

Rizals journey to Colombo, Sri Lanka that was

important for him to improve his knowledge of the
French language while on board a French ship,


July 1891

Rizal went to Ghent in July 1891 because the cost of

printing in the place was cheaper. He lived in a Low cost

boarding house where he had as roommate Jose

Alejandro, an engineering student in University of Ghent.

Here is also where Rizals novel El Filibusterismo was


In Marseilles, En route through the Suez Canal, Rizal got

off at the Red Sea ternimal and was amazed by the

impressive moonlight scenery in Suez and was engrossed

with the multicultural people and language of the place.
And he visited The Italian City of Napples.

Biarritz, Paris and


Rizal proceeded to take a more than a month

vacation in Biarritz, a tourist town in southwestern
France noted for its mild climate and sand beaches.


Rizal reached Naples, Italy and was briefly

astounded by its dynamic citizens and the picturesque
wonders of the municipality particularly the Mount

Vesuvius and the Castle of St. Telmo.


In Belgium, Rizal busied himself with writing the

Fili and contributing for La Solidaridad using the

pen names Dimas Alang and LaongLaan.

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