Writing 4 - Pertemuan 5 - Modul 6 - Suray

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Writing 4

5th Class

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Course Introduction
Text book : Writing 4, Karnedi, Universitas Terbuka 2003
Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8

Class 1 : The Process of Writing

Class 2 : Paragraph Structure
Class 3 : Unity and Paragraph Outline and Arranging Sentences
Class 4 : Ordering Ideas Logically
Class 5 : Supporting Topic Sentence
Class 6 : Patterns of Essay Organization
Class 7 : Essay Writing (1)
Class 8 : Essay Writing (2)

Tutorial method: Online (Justin TV) and In class

Grading Components
Task 1, Task 2
Final Exam

Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook


You are able to write essays in

Modul 8
Writing an Essay (1)

Modul 9
Writing an Essay (2)

Modul 7
Organizing an Essay
Modul 6
Supporting the Topic Sentence
Modul 5
Ordering Ideas Logically
Modul 4
Arranging Sentences Coherently
Modul 2
Understanding the Paragraph

Modul 3
Outlining Paragraphs

Modul 1
Understanding the process of Writing

Review from the Very


On March 4, 1849, John Smith was born to Anna

Braddock Smith and James Smith. Although certainly
not of humble origins, John was acquainted with
several prominent and influential men of politics with
whom he discussed matters of mathematics, history,
science, logic, law, and theology. Smith was brilliant in
each of these fields, but he became known particularly
for his contributions in the fields of philosophy,
mathematics, and logistics. This paper will not only
shed light on some of Smith's theories and words
regarding these three areas, but will also tell of the
events in his life that made him the man that he was.
Is it a good paragraph??

Class 5 Supporting Topic

A good paragraph contains concrete support for
the topic sentence by using specific and fractal

Facts => objective statements of truths

Opinions => Subjective statements

The purpose of it is to support or prove your topic


Try to make your own

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