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"The hand never lies"

T.Stokes, U.K
is known worldwide as the Consultant Palmist & is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the West. He
has many years of combined practice, blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled with 10 years training in the
Harry Edwards School of spirit mediumship and guidance. His ability to access the wisdom of the multi-medical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak sub continental energy flow disciplines, such as Hasthricka and Il Mul Kaff, have meant a
sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill. These skills can take a subject from pre-birth through the main events of the life,
to the present day. T Stokes reads life histories from emailed handprints from all over the world, he is often called "Britains
psychic agony uncle" and his website is

If we can take a quick re-appraisal of what we need to see before examining palm lines.
Notice the picture below, and first categorise the hand shape, the psychological type,
whether introvert or extrovert, is the body shape Ectomorph, Endomorph or Mesomorph ?
and if possible the astrological sign, but many people will say, "I m not typical of my sun
sign and my horoscopes never fit" what they mean is newspaper horoscopes which in reality
are just sun sign solar-scopes, a real horoscope is individually tailored to you from all the
planets not just the sun sign.
Remember that when you look at the palm lines they must be filtered through all these other
factors, some amateurs see just the lines, and this is very wrong practice.
Many years ago I would have to travel on the train and bus into the city, and by the time I
reached my destination I knew everything there was to know about the people sitting
opposite, they had no secrets from me as the hand never lies.
So the hand depicted here
1. Is a water hand
2. Is psychologically type B
3. Is an Introvert
4. Is an Ectomorph

5. Is an obvious Pisces subject, knowing this without seeing any more one could write a fair
assessment on these facts alone.

(1) notice the short thin index finger, called by some psychological schools the world
finger, this is the ego and a small Jupiter finger shows from slight lack of self confidence to
when very small a full blown inferiority complex as here, the Jupiter middle phalange when
thin tells of a negative early father experience usually resulting in a feeling of not being
comfortable with others and stressful social interactions, and inbuilt feelings of inadequacy
and worthlesness, an over strict father shows in the Jupiter or world finger primarily as low
self esteem, the discoverer of the range of inferiority complex disorders, Alfred Adler said we
hold the trauma of any emotional hurt in our weakest organ, and we see here on the
headline (2) some long term depression stemming from paternal abuse or over strictness, a
recent article in the British Medical Journal questioned whether anti-depressants actually
work, and there is much evidence to say they dont, family doctors are now giving them for
back pain and related conditions which is hardly good practise, the new trials on daffodil

essence promises far better results with non addiction and without the side effects that have
plagued the allopathic Benzodiazepans and Fenothiazines, the landmark book "Noonday
Demons" by Andrew Solomons takes a much needed fresh look at the various depressions in
particular Bi-polar disorders, the book is being hailed for its long and superb research.
(3) They may not show in the illustration but small lines appear on the tip of the Mercury
finger, all fingers relate to glands, and this shows thyroid imbalance, the seaweed kelp is best
One often hears women say "I have been months on a diet with no effect" because the
biggest thyroid disrupters are in tap water, use a water filter jug which takes out much of the
chlorine and fluoride, do not use a fluoride toothpaste, baking soda is good provided
it contains no aluminium, and see its well dissolved or it can scratch the teeth, and do not
cook with non-stick pans which contain Perfluorooctanoic acid known as PFOA, the
American manufacturers promise they will ban it on health grounds after 2015, fast food
packaging also contains thyroid disrupting chemicals.
The lady whose hand this is complained of knee pain when walking distances, but reacted
badly to allopathic arthritis medication, Ayurveda is better but she took some persuasion to
try whipping her knees with stinging nettles, but found with this she could even do hill
walks with the ladies over 50s club, incidentally Louise Hay the well known healer says sore
knees represent pride and an unbending ego, and ego problems always go with a short or
malformed Jupiter finger.
Studies show that a young girls relationship with her father, called the "Electra complex" is
paramount to her later development, a womans love fluctuates during the month and is up
and down, but a mans love is constant, its firm and protective, even a baby girl will pick up
on this, and if the relationship is primarily one of discipline as this one, then the girl will
have a damaged inner view of what to expect from men, and will later accept men into her
life that are unworthy of her, and her love life will be far from satisfactory.
From the hand shape we can tell the ancestral bone structure and from that the blood type
and from that we can tell the correct diet and food necessary for optimum health for each of
the palm types.
(4) The heart line has many drops down under the Saturn finger, each tells of an emotional
hurt or let down, those with low self esteem always get involved below themselves, and she
was engaged for some years to a man she wrote to while on death row.
The Destiny line (5) stops short and has a cross with one offshoot going to the small or
Mercury finger, this tells of a career crisis which affects the health at age 28-32, the destiny
line tells primarily of career, and lines to Mercury usually cover health, her own story to this is
that a bullying office manager where she worked made her ill and she had many upset

stomachs until the cross showed the crisis where she lost her job, she then went through a
stressful period health wise where she got into serious rent arrears, luckily the old man who
rented rooms in the house was very understanding of her plight.
Hippocrates said "all disease begins in the gut"
The Ectomorph body type, is self restrained nervous, shy and quite private and does not cope
well with the stress of office managers with terrible crushes, while they are often feminine
and quite beautiful she should have nipped it in the bud long ago.
This imaginative, wispy vague beauty, the sensitive but weak willed and idealistic nature is
so typical of the lovely worrying and often depressive Pisces woman.
Ring out the bells of Norwich, and let the winter come and go,
and all will be well again this I know,
all will be well again I am telling you,
let the winter come and go
and all will be well again this I do know.
Julian of Norwich

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