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How do the dimensions of health interact?

The dimensions of health, which are mental, spiritual, physical and social
correlate with one another in order to make up a persons overall
wellbeing. If one of these dimensions fluctuate within a person, it is almost
certain that the others will also alternate. For instance, a girl loses a friend
in an accident. Due to this, she begins to feel depressed and doesnt have
the motivation to participate in her daily running anymore showing a
decline in mental health and physical health. This then progresses and she
begins to cut off ties with her friends, thus affecting her social health. The
girl cant accept the fact that her friend has passed on and begins to
question her religious beliefs and therefore causing her spiritual health to
also decline.
Through this, we see how the dimensions of health interact as a
weakening in one can cause a chain reaction of decline in the other.

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