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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

Assignment 7:1
Kaitlin Gagen
Arizona State University
PPE 310
Dr. Lineberry
March 4, 2016

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

5-E Lesson Plan

Teachers: Kaitlin Gagen

Subject: Science

Common Core State Standards:

S6C2P02: Distinguish the components and characteristics of the rock cycle for the following types of rocks:
igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.
Objective (Explicit):

The students will be able to identify the characteristics of igneous rocks.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response.

The student will write a three sentence summary about igneous rocks and what they have learned today
about them.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

The SWBAT state that a rock is the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth that is
exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans.
The SWBAT state that an igneous rock is a rock that is made from magma or lava.
The SWBAT state was intrusive igneous is an igneous rock made inside the Earths surface.
The SWBAT state that an extrusive igneous rock is an igneous rock made outside of the Earths
Key vocabulary:
Rock: solid mineral material forming part of the
Igneous rocks for each table group
surface of the earth that is exposed on the surface
Worksheets for lab
or underlying the soil or oceans.
Document camera
Igneous: A rock made from magma or lava.
Intrusive igneous: An igneous rock made inside the
Earths surface.
Extrusive igneous: An igneous rock made outside of
the Earths surface.

How will you activate student interest?

How will you hook student attention?
What questions will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?

Teacher Will:
Use an attention getter to gains students
Tell students that we are starting a new unit
today. We are going to be learning about
igneous rocks today.
Explain that igneous rocks are cooled lava
pieces that cooled down either inside a
volcano or outside of it.

Student Will:
Focus on the teacher and pay attention.
Listen to the agenda for today.

Explain that intrusive igneous are cooled

inside the volcano and extrusive igneous is
cooled outside of the volcano.

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1


How will model your performance expectations? Remember, you are not modeling what you want students to discover but
need to model expected behavior or required procedures.
How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question
posed in Engage?
What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are exploring?

Teacher Will:
Explain to students that there are 4 signs
around the room labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Explain to students that they will go silently
to a number based on their feelings towards
the statements I make. 1-stronly agree, 2somewhat agree, 3-somewhat disagree, 4strongly disagree.

Explain that there is no running, pushing, or

shoving. They are to walk calmly to
whatever number they think accurately
describes their feelings.
Begin by saying, I like rocks. 1 would be
you collect rocks or really like them. 4 would
be you really dislike likes.
Tell students to move now.

Student Will:

Listen to the directions for the


Move to the number that correspond

with their feelings towards the

Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
One teach One observe

Differentiation Strategy

What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

For students who have an intellectual disability, they will be given a partner to help them understand each
statement and repeat it when necessary.
For students who are physically disabled and cannot walk, I will ask them to hold up the number of fingers of the
number they would stand it.

How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the
question from Engage before moving on?

Teacher Will:
After teacher asks all the questions,
students will be instructed to sit down.
Teacher will play the Igneous rocks video
Teacher will review what pumice and granite
are and hold up an example of each.
(pumice= seen beauty salons for the bottom
of feet. Granite= countertops)
Explain that students are going to get a set
of rocks that are either obsidian, granite, or
Put three of the same type rock on every
They are not to touch the rocks until they
are given a go signal.

Student Will:
Students will sit down at their assigned
Watch the Igneous rocs video silently.
Listen to the explanation of what pumice
and granite are normally used for and make
connections to personal lives.
Listen to the directions and do not touch the

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

Tell students that they are going to be

switching stations to see the three different
types of igneous rock.
Remind students that when they switch,
they must put the rocks back in the middle
of the table and walk calmly to the next table
with no pushing or shoving.
Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
One teach One observe

Differentiation Strategy

What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

For students that have an intellectual disability, they will be paired with another student to help them understand
which table to go to next and what they need to do at each station.
For students who have a physical disability, they will be paired with another student to help them get from station to
station. If movement is limited, the student will have all three types of rock in front of them to study so that they
wont have to move.

How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular
aspect of this learning at a deep level?
How will students use higher order thinking at this stage? (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a what If
How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

Teacher Will:
Pass out lab worksheets and instruct
students to take a look at them.
Put a copy underneath the document
camera and read the opening paragraph to
the students.
Instruct students fill in the worksheet by
writing observations, inferences, and
questions for each igneous rock as they
walk to each station.
Tell students to begin. They will have 3
minutes at each station.
Co-Teaching Strategy

Student Will:
Get out a pencil and look at the lab
Watch the teacher put a copy underneath
the document camera and read silently as
the teacher reads the opening paragraph
Listen to how they are supposed to fill out
the worksheet.
Students will study the rocks at their table
and fill out the lab worksheet accordingly.

What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

One teach One observe

Differentiation Strategy

What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

For students that have an intellectual disability, they will be paired with another student to help them understand
which table to go to next and what they need to do at each station.
For students who have a physical disability, they will be paired with another student to help them get from station to
station. If movement is limited, the student will have all three types of rock in front of them to study so that they
wont have to move.

How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the Elaborate content)?
How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?

Teacher Will:

Instruct students to write a 3 sentence

summary about igneous rocks.

Student Will:

Write a 3 sentence summary for igneous


Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

Instruct students that we are going to do the

standing activity once again. Remind them
that they are to walk calmly to the
appropriate number and stand there quietly
without talking.

Students will listen to directions.

Stand and go to the number that they
believe is correct about 1-4.

Say the question, How many types of

igneous rocks are there? (2)

Say the question, How many types of rocks

are there? (3)

Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
One teach One observe

Differentiation Strategy

What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

For students who have an intellectual disability, they will be given a partner to help them understand each
statement and repeat it when necessary.
For students who are physically disabled and cannot walk, I will ask them to hold up the number of fingers of the
number they would stand it.
Struggling readers will write a one sentence summary.
ELL will list key vocabulary we used today such as igneous, extrusive, intrusive, shiny, rock, etc.

The teacher did state her expectations and made it clear what she wanted her students to do in the beginning.
When the teacher had the students walking from station to station, she noticed that the kids seemed to put more
thought into their answers. It was also interesting that when the students walked to the number they agreed with,
they would talk to their peers about why that number was the best answer. The teacher couldnt have been
happier because it showed that the students were involved in the activity and were actually thinking through
their answers before walking to the appropriate corner. The fact that the students were talking about the topic
instead of their weekend was a miracle in and of itself. The teacher overheard two students discussing why dead
animals can be made into rocks and the teacher couldnt have been happier to hear this discussion.
The teacher did not move at all during the time that the statements were asked and the students would go to the
numbers 1-4. The teacher was thought to be the moderator for the activity so she thought it would be confusing
if she was walking around the room as well. The kids were constantly in motion and it would have been a train
wreck if the teacher was walking around as well. Later on, when students were at their rock stations, the teacher

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

was constantly walking from group to group. The teacher never sat down and was asking the students questions
about the rocks as they studied and analyzed each sample. With this kind of movement on the teachers part, she
could hear how the kids were interacting with one another as well as the rock samples. The teacher adjusted her
teaching accordingly to what the students were discussing.
The teacher stumbled a bit when asking students to walk to the number based on whether they agreed with a
statement or disagreed. Halfway through the kids walking, the teacher changed the strongly agree and strongly
disagree by accident. One started off being strongly agree and four was strongly disagree. Halfway through the
activity, the teacher changed it by saying that one was strongly disagree and four was strongly agree. The kids
didnt seemed to mind or care, but the teacher acknowledges that this might make the instruction confusing to
some students. Next time, the teacher plans on writing on the numbers strongly agree and strongly disagree
so that it is written and clear to the students and to the teacher.
The mentor teacher suggested that the teacher candidate also discuss the answers after the students respond to
each statement. The teacher candidate just told the students that they would discuss the answers in the upcoming
unit. The teacher candidate will definitely take that into consideration next time. The students could benefit
from hearing the correct answers to get their interests piqued ahead of time.
For student response latency, the students were actually quick to start the activity. If a student took longer to
walk to the corner, it was because they were thinking about the question to give the teacher a quality answer.
The teachers transitions were smooth and the students knew to respond in a quick, but thoughtful, manner. The
teacher couldnt have done anything different to make all the students start walking at the same time. Each
student needs a different amount of think time and the activity gives students time to reflect on the question
before answering.
Since assignment 6, the teacher has developed by making the physical activity more meaningful to the students.
The students were happy to do this activity because they could walk to a number and share their thoughts

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

without speaking aloud. Shy students (intellectual and physical disability students included) and talkative
students could share their opinions on equal footing. I did not have any students who needed a partner to help
them through the activity, but the students who normally dont speak finally got the chance to share their own
thoughts through this activity. The physical activity component was much more thought out this time around
and the students seemed to be happy to get up out of their seats and move around during the class period.



Exemplary (5)

Proficient (3)

Unsatisfactory (1)

Instructional plans
Instructional plans
Instructional plans
of physical
All learning
Most learning
Few learning
objectives and
objectives and
objectives and
state content
state content
state content
standards are
communicated and
communicated and
communicated and
are only slightly
are drastically
altered with the
integration of
integration of
integration of
physical activity.
physical activity.
physical activity.
Content (PIC)
Lesson activities
Lesson activities
Lesson activities
Activities and
include integration
include integration
include integration
of physical activity
of a physical
of a physical
component in at
activity component
activity component
least two parts of
in at least one part
in only one part of
the lesson plan
of the lesson plan
the lesson plan, nor
not at all
Integration of the
Integration of the
Integration of the
physical activity
physical activity
component does
component slightly
physical activity
not detract from the
detracts from the
academic content
academic content
detracts from the
Teacher regularly
Teacher sometimes
Score: x1
academic content
implements a
Teacher rarely
variety of subjectsubject-specific
strategies to
strategies to
enhance student
enhance student
content knowledge.
strategies to
content knowledge.
enhance student
content knowledge.
Presentation of
Activities and
content most of the
Presentation of
materials include:
time includes (In
Video as well):
content rarely
o Sometimes
includes (In Video
o Concise
as well): (PIC-TAP)
activities are
o Concise
of expectations
for student
of expectations
require creating
performance of
for student
products, and
the physical
performance of
demand selfactivity
the physical
direction and
o Modeling by the
o Modeling by the
Presentation of
teacher to
teacher to
demonstrate his
demonstrate his
content always
or her
or her
includes (In Video
as well): (PIC-TAP)
o Concise
of expectations
for student

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

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