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PHED 239 Module 4: High School

Site Observation/Teaching Assisting Assignment

Due one day after the observation
Directions: Read and become familiar with the questions below BEFORE the
observation. Submit answers to the questions on a separate sheet (wordprocessed/double-spaced). Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling and
punctuation mistakes. Total = 30 pts.
Include the following general background information:
Name of high school
Name of cooperating teacher(s)
Grade level of students
Number of students in class observed
Description of facilities & equipment available at school
1. Describe how students interacted with each other, teachers, and/or administrators.
All the students interacted very well with each other and the teacher. The lesson for this
observation was ping pong. All the students gave each other feedback and fed off of
each other very well. The teacher gave the students a challenge which was to think of
there own pattern to hit the ball between there four patterns. When this happened they
all started talking in theirs groups and thought of their pattern and immediately started
doing the task. Also the students were very respectful to their teacher. At the closure of
the lesson every student was silent when the teacher was talking and asking questions.
The teacher didn't have to force anyone to do anything, they seemed like they wanted to
be there.
2. What characteristics of a high school student did you witness? Give examples.
All the characteristics of these students were very good. They were respectful and on
task the whole class. They worked well in groups but were a little talkative. However
that wont bother me if it doesn't affect their work, which it did not. Some of the students
looked very goofy and not as athletic as others in the class but it didnt seem to stop
them from participating. And the athletic ones worked well with everyone else.
3. What rules, routines, and management techniques are used by your cooperating
There were not that many rules that I observed while I was there. However the
students did not need any rules because they were on their best behavior, hopefully
they are like that when I am there. One management technique that she used was a
whistle. She used it when ever she wanted her students to stop and start. She also
walked around a lot and checked on every table to see how they were doing.


What units are the students participating in during this time of year? How do the
teachers determine what units the students will be involved in? How long are the
Some of the units they are in are basketball, volleyball, table tennis, swimming, and
dance. The students are able to choose which unit sections they are in. Seniors get first
pick and then it goes down by grades from there. Unit lengths vary a little bit depending
on the unit. But the table tennis one that was going on today is about 2-3 weeks
depending on the class rotation.
5. Any discipline issues? If so, how were they handled? What is the teachers
discipline policy?
There were no discipline issues during the class that I observed. How ever she said she
is not very strict about her discipline. She gives one-two warnings depending on the
problem. After that She has the students sit out for the class.
6. What are the average class sizes? How are classes divided (i.e. by grade level,
skill level, etc)? The classes that I will be teaching is 9th graders and the class size
is 20-22. There is a wide range of skill levels. However it was hard to tell most of the
skill levels of students because the unit was table tennis and most people in high
school are not that good.
7. What is/are your biggest concern(s) about teaching at the high school level?
One of my biggest concerns for teaching at the high school level is how long the class
length is. 80 minutes of teaching is a long time, especially if a student is misbehaving or
you run out of activities for class. A lot can go wrong in 80 minutes.
8. What are you most looking forward to in regards to teaching at the high school
I am looking forward to the content we get to teach them. We get to do more game play
and modified games instead of the basic skills, like jumping and things like that. I am
looking forward to helping these kids possibly find a lifelong hobby or even improve their
game at certain skills and sports. High School PE was always my favorite class in
highschool and the class that I looked forward too, I am hoping I can give them a great
experience like I had.

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