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Tom Hurley

Bishop Guertin High School

Physical Fitness/Wellness Block Plan
PHED 239-HighSchool Module #4
Dr. Mangano
Springfield College

- 2 Frisbees
-20 cones
-12 pennies (same color)
-24 worksheets and pens
-Speaker and Itunes top 25 playlist
-10 cones
-10 task sheets
-24 worksheets and pens
-Speaker and soothing nature music
-24 yoga mats
-24 worksheets and pens

-Basketball courts
-One game court
-Two practice courts
-Turf football field used for every field sport

Students will be able to:

Psychomotor: Demonstrate one example of physical fitness component
by the end of the unit when asked by the teacher (National #S1. H3. L1. ;
MCAF 2.20)
Cognitive: Name one future benefit of participating in each fitness
component by the end of the unit when asked by the teacher (National #S3.
H1. L2; MCAF
Affective: Apply safe practices when participating in each fitness
component throughout the unit (National #S4. H5. L1; MACF 2.26)

UNIT:Physical Fitness and Wellness
Day: 1

Day: 2

Day: 3


Focus: Muscular

Focus: Flexibility

- Ultimate Frisbee
-Definition of cardiovascular
-How to calculate Heart rate and
why it is important

-Body weight circuit training

-Definition of muscular
-How to improve muscular



- 2 Frisbees
- Football field
-20 cones
-12 pennies (same color)
-24 worksheets and pens

-Basketball court
-Speaker and Itunes top 25
-10 cones
-10 task sheets
-24 worksheets and pens

-Define cardiovascular


-Define heart rate
-How to calculate target heart
-Educate students how they can
improve their cardiovascular

-Define Muscular endurance

-Educate students how they can
improve muscular endurance
-Educate students about the
importance of muscular


-Music start=start the station

-Music stops=stop and go to next
-Stay inside the boundaries at all
time during class
-When doing jump rope station
be careful of people around you

-1 whistle=start
-2 whistles=stop
-Stay inside boundaries at all
time during the game/class. Do
not push or play hard defense

Cardiovascular Endurance:
is the bodys ability to continue
exertion while getting energy
from the aerobic system used to
supply the body with energy.


Muscular Endurance:
is the ability of a muscle or group
of muscles to sustain repeated
contractions against a resistance

-Definition of flexibility and why
flexibility to so important
-How to stretch properly

-Basketball court
-Speaker and soothing nature
-24 yoga mats
-24 worksheets and pens

-Educate students how to
increase flexibility through yoga.

-Teacher will tell students when
to rotate from pose to pose
-Stay on yoga mat at all times
-Remember to always breath
during every pose
-Do not push yourself too hard, if
it hurts then stop

Is the range of motion of your
joints and muscles. The ability
for your joints and muscles to
move freely.

-Decreases injuries, especially
for athletes
-Reduces muscle soreness
-Improves athletic performance

for an extended period of time.

Cardiovascular Endurance:
-Walking, biking, running,
swimming, and aerobic activities
are all ways to improve your
endurance. When participating in
these activities you should
always start at a
low/slow/beginner level and work
your way up. Never start at a
high level of cardiovascular
endurance when it is your first
time doing it.

-Improves overall health
-Increases metabolism
-Helps weight control
-Disease control
-Boosts overall mood

Heart Rate:
-The amount the heart beats per
a minute
-Can vary for every person
-Place two fingers over side of
the neck or the wrist
-Hold for 15 seconds and
multiply the number by 4

Maximum Heart Rate:

-The number of times your heart
should beat per a minute during
-your age subtracted by 220 is
what your max heart rate should

Target Heart Rate:

-The level that your heart is at
while being exercised but not
-50-70% of your max heart rate
(moderate exercise)
-70-85% percent of max heart
rate (vigorous exercise)

-Hold frisbee with strong hand
-Place index finger on along
edge of frisbee


How to Increase Flexibility:

Weight control, increased energy

and mood, muscle tone,
decreased disease risk

-Stretch at least one time a day

-Hold stretches for a longer
period of time
-Go deeper into stretches

How to increase muscular



-Increase the amount of days

and time you workout
-Increase the amount of sets and

Sation 1: Planks (30 seconds)
Lie face down with forearms on
the floor and hands clasped.
Extend the legs behind the body
and rise up on the toes. Keeping
the back straight, tighten the
core and hold the position
Refining: Plank for ten seconds.
Break for 5 seconds. Repeat.
Extending: Tighten core as much
as possible for 5 seconds, then
do regular plank for 10 seconds.
Station 2: Push-ups (30
With hands shoulder-width apart,
keep the feet flexed at hip
distance, and tighten the core.
Bend the elbows until the chest
reaches the ground, and then
push back up (make sure to
keep the elbows tucked close to
the body)
Refining: Push-ups with your
knees on the ground
Extending: Diamond Push-ups
Station 3: Sprinter Sit-ups (30
Lie on your back with the legs
straight and arms by your side,
elbows bent at a 90-degree
angle. Now sit up, bringing the
left knee toward the right elbow.
Lower the body and repeat on
the other side.
Refining: Do regular sit-ups
Extending: Keep both feet off the

Child's Pose:
knees are open wide and the big
toes are touching with most of
the weight of the body on the
heels of the feet. The forehead
rests softly onto the efloor. The
arms extend to the front with the
fingers spread wide.
From a supine position, on your
back, the hips are pressed up
with the heels of the feet rooted
into the floor close to the sits
bones. The toes are actively
lifted and the pelvis tucked. The
thighs are parallel to the floor
and the fingers are interlaced
under the body with the ribcage
lifted and the heart open. The
back of the neck rests on the
Refining: Heals further from
Extending: Heels as close as
possible to your body
Balancing Cat:
extend one foot towards the
back, knee is straight, hips
squared to the floor. Slowly
extend the opposite arm
forward, keep the hand and
neck in line with the spine.
Refining: Just extend your arm
or your leg one at a time
Extending: Extend opposite
hand and foot
Front Corpse:
From a prone position with the
pelvis tucked under, the body is
relaxed and lying facedown onto
the floor. The forehead rests on
the floor with the arms by the

-Place thumb on top of frisbee

-Place other 3 fingers in the
rimb/inside of frisbee
-Bring disk towards your body
(keep disk parallel to the ground)
-Step towards the target
- Extend arm and snap wrist at
same time when letting go of the
-As frisbee is in the air make a
sandwich with the frisbee
-Two hands are the bread and
the frisbee is the meat

Learning Activities:
Warm Up: (5 minutes)
-Light jog around the football
-Student led stretch getting all
the major muscle groups

Game play: (40 minutes)

-20 minutes (Ultimate frisbee
with one frisbee)
-20 minutes (Ultimate frisbee
with two frisbees)
-The football field will be marked
off to make the ultimate frisbee
-30 yard line to 30 yard line
- hashes to sideline
- Have to catch the frisbee inside
the endzone to score a point
-Can not walk into the endzone
-Can only take three steps with
the frisbee then you have to
throw it
-Can only have the frisbee for 5
seconds and then you have to
throw it
-Can not play defense on the
person throwing the frisbee
-If the frisbee touches the ground
it is a change of possession
-Rules with 2 frisbees is the
same as one frisbee ultimate
except you have two frisbees

Cool down/closure:
(5 minutes)
-Student led stretching to cool

ground at all times

Station 4: Squats (30 seconds)
Stand with the feet parallel or
turned out 15 degrees or
whatever is most comfortable.
Slowly start to crouch by bending
the hips and knees until the
thighs are at least parallel to the
floor. Make sure the heels do not
rise off the floor. Press through
the heels to return to a standing
Refining: Only go down half way
Extending: Jump squats
Station 5: Calve raises (30
From a standing position, slowly
rise up on the toes, keeping the
knees straight and heels off the
floor. Hold briefly, then come
back down. And repeat.
Refining: Do them one leg at a
time so the other gets a break
Extending: Do then on a step of
some kind
Station 6: Superman (30
Lie facedown with arms and legs
extended. Keeping the torso as
still as possible, simultaneously
raise the arms and legs to form a
small curve in the body.
Refining: 10 seconds on, 5
seconds off. Repeat
Extending: none
Station 7: Arm circles (30
Stand with arms extended by the
sides, perpendicular to the torso.
Slowly make clockwise circles
for about twenty to thirty seconds
(about one foot in diameter).
Then reverse the movement,
going counter-clockwise.
Refining: none
Extending: Go from big To small
as many times as possible
Station 8: Flutter kick (30

side body and the palms

pressed down. The hips are
squared to the floor and the
knees and ankles are touching.
The tops of the feet are relaxed
and the big toes are connected.
The body rests on the earth in a
supine position with the arms
resting by the side body. The
palms are relaxed and open
toward the sky. The shoulder
blades are pulled back, down
and rolled under comfortably,
resting evenly on the floor. The
legs are extended down and
open. The heels are in and the
toes flop out.
Crescent Lunge:
slowly release the hands and
extend both arms. Bottom hand
can touch the floor. Top hand
reaches up towards the sky.
Keep both hands straight.
Refining: A block can be used
for support
Extending: Stretch arms to
either side to stretch out the side
Downward Dog:
one knee is bent and one leg is
straight with the sits bones tilted
up and reaching for the sky. The
arms are straight with the eye of
the elbows facing forward. The
palms are flat. The knuckles are
pressed evenly into the floor.
The heels alternatively lift and
lower with the weight of the body
equally distributed between the
hands and the feet. The ribcage
is lifted. Shoulders are squared,
rotated back, down and inward
Refining: Take a 10 second
break when needed
Extending: Try to get heals all
the way to the floor
Upward Plank:
place the hands on the floor
about one foot behind the hips
with the fingertips pointed

down the muscles properly

Students will have to complete an
exit slip at the end of class.
-Did you reach your target heartrate
during class? (yes I did during the
-How can you increase your
heartrate to get it to your target heart
rate if you did not reach it during
class? (I can run more and try to get
into every play)

-Target Heart Rates. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 21, 2016, from
-PE Central Cues View. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 21, 2016, from

Start lying on your back with

arms at your sides and palms
facing down. With legs extended,
lift the heels off the floor (about
six inches). Make quick, small
up-and-down pulses with the
legs, while keeping the core
Refining: Dont kick, just hold
legs/feet a couple inches off the
Extending: Both legs in the air at
the same time and go as slow as
Station 9: Lunges (30 seconds)
Stand with the hands on the hips
and feet hip-width apart. Step
your right leg forward and slowly
lower body until left (back) knee
is close to or touching the floor
and bent at least 90 degrees.
Return to the starting position
and repeat on the other side
Refining: none
Extending: Backwards lunges
Station 10: Burpees (30
One of the most effective fullbody exercises around, this one
starts out in a low squat position
with hands on the floor. Next,
kick the feet back to a push-up
position, complete one push-up,
then immediately return the feet
to the squat position. Leap up as
high as possible before squatting
and moving back into the pushup portion
Refining: Take away the jump
part of the burpee
Extending: 3 pushups instead of
just one

Learning Activities:
Warm Up: 7 minutes
-Students will lead the warm up
-They will touch on every major
muscle group
-Stretching dynamic and static

Circuit: 35 minutes
-30 seconds at each station

forward towards the hips. On an

inhale press through the hands
and feet to lift the hips as high
as possible. Keep the inner line
of the feet together and seal
them into the mat as much as
Refining: Bend your knees
instead of having them straight
Extending: Bend elbows slightly

Learning Activities:
Warm Up: 5 minutes
Students will take 2 warm up
laps around the court and then
the teacher will lead the stretch.

Yoga: 40 minutes
-Students will make 4 rows of 6
on the court
-Teacher will demonstrate every
-Students will do in and out of a
pose for 5 minutes at their own

Cool down: 5 minutes

Students will pick their favorite
position and hold it for another 5

Students will pick one pose to
talk about
-Why they liked it
-What it stretched
-Why is flexibility important

-Yoga Pose: Upward Plank |
Pocket Yoga. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 21, 2016, from

-7 Ways to Improve Flexibility.

(n.d.). Retrieved February 21,
2016, from

-15 second break in between

each station
-1 minute water break after you
complete every station
-doing every stay 4 times
-Students will be in partners for
every station (4 groups will have
3 students)

Cool Down: 8 minutes

-Teacher will lead a static stretch
hitting on every muscle that was
worked out today. This will be a
very relaxing stretch holding
each one for about 30 seconds.

Students will choose 4 stations
from the circuit and write down
what major muscle was being
used and the key points for the
exercise. They will also have to
define muscular endurance.

-50 Bodyweight Moves You Can
Do Anywhere. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 21, 2016, from
-What Does Muscular
Endurance Mean, Anyway?
(n.d.). Retrieved February 21,
2016, from

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