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The primary goal of grading and reporting is

communication. Grading and reporting are

integral parts of the instructional process.
When done well, they provide vital
information to students, parents, and other
interested persons that can be used to enhance
both teaching and learning. . . Grading and
reporting certify the attainment of learning
goals, identify where additional work is
needed, and provide a basis for improvement
Thomas R. Guskey and Robert J. Marzano

Standards are statements about what students
should know and be able to do within each
content area. Grade level curriculum is based
on standards defined in Utahs State Core
Curriculum. SLCSD publishes an annual
brochure outlining elements of the
curriculums content standards to be taught at
each grade level. Copies are available in
English and Spanish.
Brochures are available from schools or in the
curriculum area on SLCSDs website at: The curriculum standards
for all grade levels and subject areas may be
found on the State Office of Educations
website at:

SLCSD has developed a comprehensive

grading system at the elementary level that is
supported by current student learning and
assessment research. The new report card
gives parents and guardians feedback about:
academic achievement for each content
area connected to grade level standards,
reading levels and progress,
programs in which a student is involved,
interventions or additional support
provided by the school, and
behavior and citizenship of their child.

With the new report card, it should be clear to

parents whether their student is achieving at
the level expected or if additional help and
support may be necessary for their student to
successfully meet the standards. Parents also
receive information about a students
citizenship in relation to SLCSDs
Performance Results.

Elementary Content Areas

Language Arts - Reading and Writing
Social Studies
Fine Arts (Visual, Drama, Dance)
P. E.
Information Technology

The new report card supports the districts
commitment to developing strong student
performance. The card provides information
about a student's progress in citizenship,
behavior, participation in class, completion
of assignments, and growth toward the goals
defined as SLCSDs Performance Results:
Our goal is for each student to be:
1. A complex thinker and problem solver.
2. An effective communicator.
3. A cooperative group participant and leader.
4. A contributor to the community.
5. A quality worker and producer.
6. A self-directed learner.

Clear standards and expectations are established
for students at each grade level. Students must
be able to demonstrate their knowledge relative
to what has been taught.
Exceptional Performance ( 3 )
Exceptional performance means a student
consistently performs at or above grade level
expectations and at a high competency level
regularly demonstrating knowledge beyond that
expected for students of their same age.
At Standard ( 2 )
At standard means students do grade level work
regularly at an acceptable or sufficient
competency level. They apply knowledge at the
level expected with teacher assistance.
Approaching Standard ( 1 )
Students approaching standard do work at or
near grade level but generally need additional
help and guidance from teachers to support their
efforts to perform adequately at grade level.
Progressing ( P )
Students who are progressing have difficulty
doing the work expected for their grade level.
They need help to do grade level work but are
making acceptable progress.
Need for Improvement ( N )
Students performing far below grade level or
below their potential may prevent a teacher from
making an accurate determination about their
growth indicating a clear need for improvement.
Not Applicable ( NA )
Students for whom a teacher has inadequate
information to determine the level of learning
during a report card term would receive NA.

Evidence of Learning

Students show evidence of their learning in

many ways, and teachers are encouraged to
measure student progress using a variety of
methods. Examples of strategies used by
teachers may include, but are not limited to:
Oral interviews
Performance or presentations
Writing and work samples
Projects and exhibits

Research shows that parents play an

important role in their childrens school
Help students get to school each
day on time ready to learn.
Foster positive attitudes about
school and learning.
Establish a homework routine.
Talk to your child about school.
Read to and with your child.

A Parents Guide
to the new
Salt Lake City School
District Elementary
Report Card

Our Students
Our Future
Salt Lake City School District
440 East 100 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-1898
(801) 578-8599 FAX 578-8248

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