C37.05-1964 Recovery Voltage of Breakers

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\ wer prre ! Supplement’ to and Partial Revision of C37.5-1953 Sponsor Electrical Standards Board rc Approved March 6, 1964 4 # AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION |; bet I INCORPORATED Foreword (This Foreword is not a pat of American Standard Methods for Determining the Values of « Sinusoidal Current Wave and 1 Normal-Frequeney Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, €37.051964) ‘This standard includes methods for the proper identification of values of si which occur in the performance of interrupting devices. For the simplified calculation of fault currents, see American Standard Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, C37.010-1964, n, this material has been brought up to date by the AIEE* New Working Group on Methods of Rating Power Circuit Breakers to conform with current practices, ‘The membership of the ATE Working Group on Methods of Rating Power Circuit Breakers has included: J.H. Vivian, Chairman; C. A. Woodrow, Past Chairman; J. S. Ambrose; C. E. Asbury; L. Bik; J. F. Bracken; J.A. Elai; J.R. Guy; A. W. Hill; C, H. Hoffman; C. L. Killgore; I. F. Krughofl; H. L. Lowe; 0. Naefs T. G. A. 1s; W. F. Skeats; A. L. Streater; G. M. Tatum; R. C. Van Sickle; 0. B. Vikoren; R. L, Webb; J. D. Wood; ‘and J. C. Woods. Although not offical members of the Working Group, Messrs J. E. Conner, P. Q. Nelson, and others, assisted materially in the Group's work. ‘This publication on sinusoidal current wave and recovery voltage is one of a series of supplementary Ameri- can Standards to existing American Standards. The basic material was first published on a trial basis in 1941, ‘was revised from time to time, and is now supplementary American Standard C37.05-1964. ‘The following list of American Standards shows the comparable standards prepared under the total current basis of rating and those prepared under the symmetrical basis of rating (see back cover for complete titles) : Total Current Basis of Rating (C3741953 3701-1968 375.1953, 37.05.1964 €37.6.1964 37.06.1964, €37.7.1960 37.07.1964, 378.1952 + €37.9:1953, €37.09.1964 - 37010-1964 te ‘The standards the right column are supplementary to those in the left column and de not replace them, When a changeover from the total current basis of rating to the symmetrical basis of rating is effected by the manufacturer, the standards in the left column will be Ik is recognized that this changeover program will require time for completion, even though it is anticipated that the manufacturers of circuit breakers will make all efforts to meet the new standards as soon as possible. ‘This depends upon the demand for the various circuit breakers manufactured and the economics involved. Since it wll be impractical to revise the various sections of the standards every time a circuit breaker is trans- ferred from the old to the new standards, the users are cautioned to confer with the manufacturers on the status of the various circuit breaker ratings. drawn. Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this supplementary standard will be welcome. They should bbe sent to the American Standards Association, Incorporated, 10 East 40th Street, New York, N. ¥. 10016. ‘The ASA Sectional Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this supplementary standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval V. L. Cox, Chairman J.G. Wenner, Secretary Organisation Represented Name of Representative Assocation of American Railroads . WO, Mourn ‘Asocition of Tron and'Stel Engineers . 1.8. Novax TATE (American Insitute of Electrical Engineers) merged with IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers) Jan 1, 1962 to form the joint ooganitaton TEEE (Intute of Electrical apd Electronics Engineers). "| The corresponding materials iclided in American Standard C¥7.06-1%4, Organization Represented Name of Representative Electric Light and Power Group Hanne Bansen RG henna KT Baek (any ¢ HB Manne Paty BR, Wacsvarr (alo Insitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . Fricomer (Al) Hate (ale) National Electrical Manufacturers Asocition , cox Founrane i. Manson nM Ross Sum BK. Stuncis HJ Rescrwene (41) Tennessee Valley Authority 7 z RM, Murox U.S. Deparimet ofthe Army (Lisson) . Wieutas K. Cave U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation B.P. Bettrosr U.S. Department of the Navy, Bureeu of Yards end Docks . C.D. Fray ‘The ASA Subcommittee on High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, which reviewed this standard and coordinated it ‘with others in this series, had the following personnel: H.R. Korn, Chairman E. J. Hamnxeron, Technical Advisor I.E, Bremen "R. M. Muuron RD, Haste ©; Neer A&W. Hue W. 3 Sure oN esren Wo Whsow ‘ Contents Secrion Pace 05-1. Scope .. 5 05-2. Purpose 5 053. Currents ..... 5 Significance of Rrns Values Used in the Standards on AC High-Voltage 5 Classification of Current Wave . 5 Rims Value of a Symmetrical Sinusoidal Wave at a Particular Instant 5 Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sinusoidal Wave at Particular Instant 5 Alternate Methods of Stating the Making Current feces 6 Measurement of the Rms Value of a Current During a ShortCircuit of Several Cycles Duration vcscteetinsetittnsnnetertensreess u 05-4, Normal-Frequency Recovery Voltage sedeeadeweee u Measurement of the Rms Value of a Symmetrical Wave . 5 ‘Measurement of the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Wave 6 ‘Chart for Determining the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sine Wave 7 Scale for Measuring the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sine Wave 8 Gave for Deering the Row Vee of an Arnona Sine Ware Having & Single American Standard Methods for Determining the Values of a Sinusoidal Current Wave and a Normal-Frequency Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers 05-1. Scope This standard describes methods for measuring oxcillo- grams to determine the transient currents in a short cir cuit and the normal-frequeney recovery voltages foo the interruption of a short circuit, These include: (1) The rms (rootmean-square) or effective measured from the envelope of an asymmet ‘wave ata time such as the time of the maximum crest or the time of contact parting (2) The rms value of a short-circuit current over sev- eral cycles (3) The rms value of a normal-frequency recovery voltage following circuit interruption ‘mine, from oscillograms, the values of transient short it currents and transient normal-frequency voltages sed vices such as ac high-voltage circuit breakers, 05-3. Currents 05-3.1 Significance of Rms Values Used in the Standards on AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers. Rims values of sinusoidal currents vary with the time over hich the square of the current is integrated. For the pose of this series of standards on ac high-voltage ci breakers, an rms value is used which varies with the values of the components determined from the envelope of the current wave. ‘When a current is specified as an rms value at a given instant determined from the envelope of the current wave, the de component and the peak-to-peak value of the ac ‘component are assumed to remain constant at the values ‘existing at the given instant and the integration is made ‘over a time of one eycle. (See 09-3.3 and 09-34 of Amer can Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Ci cuit Breakers, €37.09-1964.) ‘When a current is specified as an rms value over a time of several cycles, the integration may be based on the in- stantaneous values of current over this time or, more easily, the rms current may be determined by the method in 0536. 05.3.2 Classification of Current Wave. Sinusoidal waves may be divided into those which are symmetrical about the zero axis and those whi respect to the zero axis. 05.3.3 Rms Value of a Symmetrical Sinusoidal Wave at a Particular Instant, A symmetrical sinusoid- al wave has an rms value equal to its peak-to-peak value divided by 2,828, To determine the rms value at a given instant, draw the envelope of the current wave (through the center of the trace), determine the peak-to-peak value at the given instant, and divide by 2.828. See Fig, 1 for ‘example. ENVELOPE RMS VALUE ~ are asymmetrical with ZERO LINE AND. AXIS OF WAVE ENVELOPE Fig. 1 Measurement of the Rms Value of a Symmetrical Wave instant for which measurement is made A= peakto-peak value of wave 4 Tae 05.3.4 Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sinusoidal Wave at a Particular Instant. An asymmetrical sinus- oidal wave can be considered to be composed of two components, an alternating component and a direct com- ponent. The rms value of such a current at @ is the square root of the sum of the squares of the de and ac components of current at the instant. See Fig. 2. 05-3.4.1 Alternating Component, The alternating, component has a peak:to-peak value equal to the distance between the envelopes and has an axis midway between the envelopes. B=rmsvalue Peak Value of Alternating Component Major Ordinate -+ 05-3.4.2 Direct Component. The direct component has an amplitude equal to the displacement of the axis of the alternating component. Major Ordinate — Minor Ordinate car0s 6 ENVELOPE RMS VALUE ~ AXIS OF WAVE, ZERO LINE ENVELOPE Fig. 2 ‘Measurement of the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Wave stant for which measurement is made =A 4B Calculation of the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sinusoidal Wave. See Fig. 2 for the method of calculation. The direct use of the formula in lerable amount of calculation to determine the components and to combine them, but it may be used to develop tables, charts, and scales by which the effective values are easily and quickly obtained. 05:3.4.4 Chart for Determining Rms Value. A chart which gives the rms value of the asymmetrical wave in terms of the peak-to-peak and maximum values is shown in Fig. 3. These two values are read on an oscillo- gram, The point, whose abscissa is the maximum value of the wave and whose ordinate isthe peak-to-peak value, indicates the rms value of the ssymmetrical wave. The ‘point whose ordinate is the peak-to-peak value and which is on the line having a slope of 2, indicates on the scale the rms value of the alternating component. These values are multiplied by the scale of the oscillogram. Scale for Determining Rms Value. transparent scale which can be laid over an asymmetrical ine wave and used for reading the rms value directly can be made by tracing Fig. 4. The scale is placed over the wave with its axis XX” parallel to the zero line of the the upper and lower edges of the scale passing thru the intersections of the envelope of the wave and the line #7 marking the instant for which the rms AMERICAN STANDARD METHODS FOR DETERMINING VALUES OF value is to be obtained. The intersection of ##” and the zero axis of the wave indicates on the scale the rms value of the asymmetrical wave. The intersection of t¢/ and XX" indicates on the scale the rms value of the ac com- ponent of the wave. The scale gives the rms value in inches. These rms values are multiplied by the scale of the oscillogram to obtain current values. Rms Value of a Current of Less than One Cycle Duration. A current may flow for less than ‘one cycle and make it impossible to determine the en- velope of the current wave by inspection of gram. However, ifthe oscillogram indicates that the current was part of the large loop of a wave that was at Teast 20 percent asymmetrical, the crest value may be divided by 1.69 to give the rms value as discussed in 05.35. If the current is not distorted by arc voltage, the rms value of the sine wave integrated over complete ceycle may be determined from the amplitude of the single loop, its duration, and the curve M of Fig. 5. In some ‘eases, the rms value of the current, for the fraction of ceycle for which the current actually flowed, may he de- sired’ in analyzing test data, even though this value is not referred to in any rating. The value may be deter- mined from the amplitude of the single loop, its duration, and curve N of Fig. 5. 05.3.5 Alternate Methods of Stating the Making Current. The making current may be stated as either fan rms current, measured from the envelope of the cur- rent wave at the time of the maximum crest, or as the instantaneous value of the current at the crest. These values are equally significant in the description of asym- metrical making currents but the units must be clearly stated to avoid confusion. The ratio of the peak value of ccurrent to the rms varies with asymmetry, as follows: Anny, Peak Yee are nave we ia a = ele a is te & ih 3 re S$ Hin ik 8 ie Rt Sim ime te 2 ik ie ie sib te ip Bie im as Siem Th rai ofthe pak ale othe rms ve 1.69 2 percent if the asymmetry is between 22 percent and 94, percent, and 1.69 3 percent if the asymmetry is from 20 percent to 100 percent. The v: in this ratio so small that 1.69 can he used without introducing ser cous error, Currents having 20 percent or less asymmetry ered to he symmetrical and should not be used —_—_—_—_—_———— SINUSOIDAL CURRENT WAVE AND RECOVERY VOLTAGE a 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mt 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 TTT 7ST" a ' WM. aL | VAT a \ 20 20 y VALUE A TOG “9 10 11 12-0 2 3 4 5 6 cr value A TOS ‘ Fig. 3 Chart for Determining the Rms Value of an Asymmetrical Sine Wave Nore: See 053.44, xa 8 AMERICAN STANDARD METHODS FOR DETERMINING VALUES OF coos 06 “oveso og -riouoduwo> yp0q wy iwousisep o12e Jo wopvduneen ayy uo porvg ae eauny ISILON, dooy offuyg wv Suey avy oUJg [woPNoWMsY UL Jo oneA sMY oy ZuJUPUDI9q 303 2AIND sa 001 x & =37949 40 ANZOUId NI O07 40 NOLvuna os OL og os Ov og rd ) — 3104940 NOLLVEND }-— 8 —+} w 3AMm ONINLL i 007 JO NOLL bev 9s0 eso z9°0 90 890 NX9_=d00740 3N1WA SHY ono 20 0 ~ WX9 =3AVM SNS TWOIMLEWAASY 40 3NTWA SWY po 90 * SINUSOIDAL CURRENT WAVE AND RECOVERY VOLTAGE AN3UUND MV3d OL SNY 4O OLLVY x70 10 05-3.6. Measurement of the Rms Value of a Cur- rent During a Short Circuit of Several Cycles Duration. The oscillogram shown in Fig. 6 represents fa record of a current which has passed through a circuit breaker during a short circuit of several eycles duration. ‘Times are indicated as abscissae on the axis OX and the current values as ordinates on the axis OY, The otigin 0 of the coordinates represents the beginning of the short cireuit, and OT its duration. ‘The rms value of the current during the time interval of O to T of such a wave is given by the following formula: ew = 4 [at instantaneous value of the current ‘The equivalent rms value of the current may be deter- mined with sufficient accuracy by the following applica- tion of the Simpson formula: (1) Divide the time interval OT into 10 equal parts (2) For the eleven instants, 0 through 10, determine the total rms currents, I, through I, by the method in 05:33 or 05-34, where applicable AMERICAN STANDARD METHODS FOR DETERMINING VALUES OF In using this formula on currents with a de component that decays to less than 5 percent ofits initial value dur- ing the first time interval, it is more accurate to ignore the de component than to consider it. In some cases the duration ofa test demonstrating short- circuit current carrying ability may not be exactly as specified. However, since the heating of the current carry- ing parts is very nearly proportional to id, and the time for cooling is short, the rms tet current I,, determined by this method is considered to demonstrate the ability of the breaker to carry the specified current Jp, if the duration T of the short circuit is within 25 percent of the specified time Ty and if L,°7, is equal to or greater than [oT 05-4, Normal-Frequency Recovery Voltage Normalfrequency recovery voltage shall be determined from the envelope of each voltage wave at a point in time coincident with that peak which occurs more than % ‘cycle and not more than 1 cycle after final arc extension in the last phase to clear. The normal-frequency line-to- Tine recovery voltage for a S-phase short circuit shall be taken as 1.73 times the average of the three values ob- hve [A] PETE ERIE TO tained in this manner for the three voltage waves. See re = Bute We he 18) Fig 7. y A }obobod tot. fin i i i its, 8 T = — ts f_\t0 oi 7 ie 3} a oR * G i | T A D Fig. 6 Determination of the Equivalent Rms Value of a Short-Time Current or juration of short circuit ‘AB = upper envelope of current wave cD Teliy =1ms value of asymmetrical curr Noma: See 053.6. lower envelope of current wave ent at each instant ee coms SINUSOIDAL, CURRENT WAVE AND RECOVERY VOLTAGE. tt Phase A = first to open circuit (00 = instant of final arc extinction it after interval - from 00 oe a .G, = instant after interval + from 00 \ PHASE A 7 \ _F1_ =normal-frequency recovery voltage, phase A ef/\ Fz _ = normal frequency recovery voltage, 2a2 phase B PHASE B E; _ =normal-frequency recovery voltage, TRIE phase C pole-unit recovery voltage + Average normal-frequen Ey By . use (sae + -atbe + atx) + Normal-frequency line-to-line recovery voltage ve (keer) a Fig. 7 Determination of the Normal-Frequency Pole-Unit Recovery Voltage [Nores: If as in phase B, a vollage peak occurs exactly at 616s, smesturement is made at GsGs ‘See 05-41,

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