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ye €37.07-1969 eevision of ¢97.07-1864 ‘Supplement to 637.7-1960 ~ USA Standard 4, Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers American National Standard standard ian of apprexiatly 6000 approved a ee » USA Stnded Toe et Sur bncane on Ameen Hato Shnderdin Oder 1969 TE ATi chnped tr none fo Amon Naina Shanda atts, Ine ANSL 1430 Brondway, New York, NY. 10018 €37.07-1969 Y Sat S074 €37.07-1969 546 Revision of Sarthe Corr i900 (Ansi) USA Standard Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Sponsor Electrical and Electronics Standards Board Approved August 1, 1969 United States of America Standards Institute USA Standard A USA Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. A USA Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The exis- tence of a USA Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing. or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. USA Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. CAUTION NOTICE: This USA Standard may be revised or with- drawn at any time. The procedures of the United States of America Stan- dards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or with- draw this standard no later than five (5) years from the date of publica tion. Purchasers of USA Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the USA Standards Institute, 10 East 40th Street, New York, N. ¥. 10016, (212) 683-3058. Published by United States of America Standards Institute Copyright 1969 by the United States of America Standards Institute ‘No portion of ths publication may be quoted or reproduced in without the Malten permicion of the ‘Seater of America Standans Tnstitate, Printed in USA ‘A2M1069/275 Foreword (This Foreword is not « part of USA Standard Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service for AC High-Volt- tage Circuit Breakers, 37.07.1968.) USA Standard Interrupting Rating Factors for Reclosing Service on Power Circuit Breakers, (37.7-1960, was applicable to breakers built in compliance with the old method of rating circuit breakers. This standard, prepared by the EEI-AEIC-NEMA* Joint Committee on Power Circuit Breakers, has no change in the factors or their method of application. It differs only in the wording for compliance with the method of rating breakers adopted in 1964. Circuit breakers manufactured prior to the approval date of this standard and in conformance with USA Standard C37.7-1960 should still be modified by factors derived according to C37.7-1960 which were in effect at the manufacturing date, or the manufacturer should be consulted for appli- cable factors. ‘This publication on interrupting capability factors for reclosing service is one of a series of sup- plementary USA Standards. The basic material was first published on trial basis in 1941, was revised from time to time, and is now supplementary to USA Standard C37.7-1960. ‘The following list of USA Standards shows the comparable standards prepared under the total current basis of rating and those prepared under the symmetrical basis of rating (see back cover for complete titles): ‘Total Current Basis of Ratit ‘Symmetrical Basis of Ratit CHASES TOES) TOM €37.4a-1958 (1966) €37.04-1964 ©37.04a-1964 €87.5-1959 (R 1966) €37.05-1964 037.6-1966 C37.06-1966 €37.62-1968 €37.06a-1968 €87.7-1960 (R 1966) €37.07-1969 C87.8-1952 (R 1966) + €37.9-1953 (R 1966) €37.09-1964 037.010-1964 ‘The standards listed in the right column are supplementary to those in the left column and do not replace them. When a changeover from the total current basis of rating to the symmetrical basis of rating is effected by the manufacturer, the standards in the left column will be withdrawn. It is recognized that this changeover program will require time for completion, even though it is anticipated that the manufacturers of circuit breakers will expend efforts to meet the new stan- dards as soon as possible. This depends upon the demand for the various circuit breakers manu- factured and the economics involved. Since it will be impractical to revise the various sections of the standards every time a circuit breaker is transferred from the old to the new standards, the users are cautioned to confer with the manufacturers on the status of the various circuit breaker ratings. Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this supplementary standard will be welcome. ‘They should be sent to the USA Standards Institute. ‘The USA Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which processed and approved this standard, had the following personnel: V.L. Cox, Chairman W.R. Wilson, Vice-Chairman 4J.G. Werner, Secretary “Bdison Electric Institute-Association of Edison Iiluminating Companies-National Electrical Manufacturers Associ- ation, "tPhe corresponding material is included in USA Standard C37.06-1966. Organisation Represented Name of Representative Association of American Railroeds. ee W.O. Muller ‘Association of Iron and Steel Engineers... 7.8. Novak Blectrie Light and Power Group evn essorecrsrnewnn H.W. Griesler y Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [National Electrical Manufacturers Association ... ‘Tennessee Valley Authority .... US. Department of the Army USS. Department ofthe Navy. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation .... USS. Department of Defense, Defense Communications Agency. SECTION PAGE 1, Scope .. eee 2 Breaker Capability Factors for Reclosing Service ...... 3. Procedure for Determining the Proper Capability Factor for Reclosing 4. Examples of the Use of the Factors for Reclosing Service.. Figures Fig.1 AC High-Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Capability ; Factors for Reclosing Service ... Pig. 2. Beamples of Reclosing Capability for Some Usual Relosing Daty Cycies Shown Graphically .... USA Stanaara Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers 5 1. Scope ‘The following standard capability factors apply to all ac high-voltage 'circuit breakers as shown in USA Standard Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, C37.06-1966, which are: (1) Rated 72.5 kV and above, regardless of continuous current rating. (2) Rated below 72.5 kV and having con- tinuous current ratings of 1200 A and below. Breakers with continuous current ratings above 1200 A are not intended for reclosing service applications. When such applications arise, the manufacturer should be consulted for capability factors. . 2. Breaker Capability Factors for Reclosing Service 21 The rated short-circuit current and re- lated required capabilities of a high-voltage circuit breaker are to be modified by the following factors, whenever the circuit breaker is applied on a duty cycle having either more operations or shorter time inter- val between operations than the standard CO* + 15s + CO duty cycle, to enable the circuit breaker to meet its standard of interrupting performance as defined in 04-5.3.3 of USA Standard C37.04-1964. 2.2 The factor as determined from the reclos- ing capability curve in Fig. 1 shall be used to modify the symmetrical interrupting cap- ability and related required capabilities: (1) For each operation in excess of 2. (2) In addition, for each reclosure which is made in a period of time less than 15 seconds down to an instantaneous reclosure. Inter- polation shall be used to determine the value of the capability factor for reclosing times be- tween 0 and 15 seconds. Fifteen seconds means any period 15 seconds or longer. Zero seconds means any instantaneous reclosure with no intentional delay. “See USA Standard Definitions for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, C37,03-1964 and USA Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, €37,04-1964 ‘A duty cycle shall not contain more than 5 opening operations. All operations within a 15-minute period are considered part of the same duty cycle. ‘A period of 15 minutes between opening operations is considered sufficient to initiate a new duty cycle. ‘A CTO operation may be substituted for a CO operation provided that the aggregate time for carrying current does not exceed the time given in 04-4.7.1 of USA Standard C37.04-1964. 3. Procedure for Determining the Proper Capability Factor for Reclosing 8.1 Determine the symmetrical interrupting capability at the operating voltage from USA. Standard C37.06-1966. 3.2 Determine the factor d; from the reclos- ing capability curve in Fig. 1 for the current value determined in 3.1. The ds is a calculating factor expressed in percent for reducing the symmetrical interrupting capability at the op- erating voltage. 3.8 Multiply this d, factor by the number of ‘opening operations in excess of 2. Add to this an additional d, factor for each period less than 15 seconds modified by interpolation. This sum is the total reduction factor D which, when subtracted from 100 percent, gives the reclos- ing capability factor R for the duty cycle and operating voltage under consideration. ‘The preceding statement may be expressed by the following formulas: (5—t) , (1d—t) 15 D=din—2+d, +4, + R=100—D (percent) where D = total reduction factor in percent d, = calculating factor for D in percent of breaker symmetrical interrupting cap- ability at operating voltage n = total number of openings first time interval less than 15 seconds second time interval less than 15 sec- onds R = reclosing capability factor in percent csto7 3.4 Multiply the symmetrical interrupting capability as determined in 3.1 by the reclos- ing capability factor R as determined in 3. ‘This is the symmetrical interrupting cap- ability of the circuit breaker for the operating voltage and the duty cycle considered. Other related required capabilities may be determined by multiplying this value by the factors established in 04-, 04-, and 04- of USA Standard C37.04-1964. 3.5 The circuit breaker may be applied at this ‘operating voltage and duty cycle to a circuit whose calculated short circuit does not exceed the symmetrical interrupting capability as determined in 3.4. If the X/R ratio for the circuit exceeds 15, apply the proper factors as described in USA Standard Application Guide for AC High- Voltage Circuit Breakers, C37.010-1964, to the calculated system short-circuit current before comparing it with the circuit breaker symmetrical interrupting capability as deter- mined in 3.4. 3.6 If the reclosing duty cycle involves trip- ping delay, the aggregate tripping delay must not exceed the permissible value as described in 04-4.7.1 of USA Standard C37.04-1964. 4, Examples of the Use of the Factors For Reclosing Service 4.1 Example 1, Determine the symmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker when used on a duty cycle of O + 0s + CO + 15s + CO + 60s + CO ona system oper- ating at 23 kV. The breaker rated short-circuit current is 15 000 A at arated maximum voltage of 38 kV on a standard duty cycle of CO + 15s + CO. (1) (From 3.1) The symmetrical interrupting capability at 23 kV is 15 000 A X (38/23) = 24.800 A. (2) (From 3.2) The calculating factor d, from Fig. 1 for reducing the symmetrical in- terrupting capability is 4.0 at 24 800 A. (3) (From 3.3) Total reduction factor D is 3X 4.0 = 120 (15-0) 5 — 15) eg ) D=4(4—2)+4 15 15 + 0=12 The reclosing capability factor is thus R = 100 — 12.00 = 88.0 percent. USA STANDARD INTERRUPTING CAPABILITY FACTORS FOR (4) (From 3.4) The symmetrical interrupting capability for this duty cycle at 23kV is 24.800 A X 0.88 = 21 800 A. (5) This circuit breaker may be used on this duty cycle at 23 kV on any circuit where the calculated system short-circuit current does not exceed 21 800 A after correction for X/R, if necessary. 4.2 Example 2, Determine the symmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker when used on a duty cycle O + 0s + CO + 5s + CO ona system operating at 28 kV. The breaker rated short circuit is 22 000 A at a rated maximum voltage of 38 kV on a standard duty cycle of CO + 15s + CO. (1) (From 3.1) The symmetrical interrupt- ing capability at 28 kV is 22 000 A X (38/28) = 29 900 A from Table 3, line 4, of USA Standard C37.06a-1968. (2) (From 3.2) The calculating factor dy from the reclosing capability curve is 4.9 at 29 900 (see Fig. 1). (3) (From $.3) The total reduction factor using formula of 3.3 for this duty cycle where (15—0) D=4.9(3—2)+4.9— + (15-5) 15 49 = 13.1 R=100—13.1—86.9 (4) (From 3.4) The symmetrical interrupt- ing capability = 29 900 A X 0.869 X 26 000 A at 28 kV and the above duty cycle. (5) (From 3.5) This breaker may be used on this duty cycle at 28 kV on any circuit where the calculated system short-circuit current does not exceed 26 000 A, after correction for X/R, if necessary. 4.3 Examples of other reclosing capabilities for some reclosing duty cycles are shown graphically in Fig. 2. RECLOSING SERVICE FOR AC HIGH-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS cs7.07 DeTOTAL REDUCTION FACTOR IN PERCENT 0 20 30 26 30 7 7 20 BREAKER SYMMETRICAL INTERRUPTING CAPABILITY Ih KILDAMEGRES AT OPERATING VOLTAGE Fig.1 AC High-Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service Sihound oor ever cds s Se j J | i hs E a7 Tots. ei chat re sera aes my : GREET RES Kh 3 ss. z 2 Osis s¥ cos 198s C04 155404155 ¢ 00. 4 PO Pos SETS Sass | “ oe 3a wo oe en smstrien,femurniycapanneirr ‘NPE LOMUbrS hr Speen oLNNOE Fig.2 Examples of Reclosing Capability for Some Usual Reclosing Duty Cycles Shown Graphically

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