C37.48-1987 Operation and Maintenance of Fuses and Switches

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3 B 2 3 3 a a a Db 2 < ANSI/IEEE C37.48-1987 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE C37.48-1969) American National Standard guide for application, operation, and maintenance of high-voltage fuses, distribution enclosed single-pole air switches, fuse disconnecting switches, and accessories Se DRC Sm ANSI/IEEE (37.48-1987 (Revision of ANSI/IBEE €37.48-1969) American National Standard IEEE Guide for Application, Operation, and Maintenance of High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories Sponsor Switchgear Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Secretariat trical and Electronics Engineers, Inc ctrical Manufacturers Association Approved December 8, 1983 IEEE Standards Board Approved July 9, 1987 American National Standards Institute © Copyright 1887 by ‘The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher BIBLIOTHEBUE HYERO-OUEBEC IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Com: tnittees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEBE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve volun tarily and without compensation, They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought. about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least once every five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a doe- uument is more than five years old, and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the.present state of the art. Users are cautioned to cheek to determine that they have the latest edition of any IDEE Standard. Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any in- terested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Sugges- tions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the mean- ing of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications, When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, itis important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of @ balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those eases where the matter has previously received formal consideration Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be ad- dressed to: Secretary, IEEE Standards Board 845 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 USA C Foreword (his Foreword is nt a part of ANSI/IEEE C9748-1987, IEEE Guide for Application, Operation, and Maintenance of High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories) ‘This guide is a revision of ANSI C37.48-1969 to bring it up to date and in line with present day requirements for high-voltage fuses and switches. The expanded coverage of application information for current limiting and expulsion fuses broadens its applicability. Section 6 of this guide was formerly published as ANSI/IEER C37.48a for trial use in 1980, This guide was prepared by the C37 Subcommittee on High-Voltage Fuses with cooperation from the IEEE Subcommittee on High-Voltage Fuses and NEMA. Liaison was maintained with EEI and IEC during the development of the revisions to incorporate the latest thinking up to the time of publication. ‘This guide is one of a series of complementary American National Standards covering various types of high-voltage fuses and switches, so arranged that certain of the standards apply to all devices while each of the other standards provides additional specifications for a particular device. For any device, ANSI/ IEEE C37.40-1981, ANSI/IEEE C37.41-1981, plus the additional standard covering that device constitute a complete standard for the device, In addition, ANSI/IEBE C37.48-1987 is an application, operation, and maintenance guide for all the devices. ‘The following American National Standards make up this series: ANSI/IBBE C37.40-1981, IBEE Standard Service Conditions and Definitions for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories ANSI/IFEE 03741-1981, [EEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories ANSI €37.42-1981,! American National Standard Specifications for Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links ANSI (3744-1981, American National Standard Specifications for Distribution Oil Cutouts and Fuse Links ANSI 3745-1981, American National Standard Specifications for Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches ANSI C37.46-1981, American National Standard Specifications for Power Fuses and Fuse Disconnecting Switches ANSI (3747-1981, American National Standard Specifications for Distribution Fuse Disconnecting Switches, Fuse Supports, and Current Limiting Fuses ANSI/IFEE C37.48-1987, IEEE Guide for Application, Operation, and Maintenance of Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links, Secondary Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Power Fuses, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories ‘this revision includes pertinent data formerly contained in ANSI C3749-1969 (R 1074), which has been withdrawn, ‘The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval: ©. L, Wagner, Chairman D. J. Polasky, Secretary J. E, Beehler, E:xecutive Vice-Chairman of High-Voltage Switchgear Standards W. E. Laubach, Exxecutive Vice-Chairman of Low-Voltage Switchgear Standards S. H. Telander, Executive Vice-Chairman of IEC Activities Oryunisation Represented Name of Representative Association of fron and Steel Engineers 4M. Tillman Blectric Light and Power Group a ‘SE. Bechler D.0 Craghead Darron Pros Hendeix ‘Adgate (Ate) Capra cate) Lindsey (Ate EE. Ramm (Al!) Fahnoe E, Friedrich Maier Mlklecky Walsh ‘wnive Beachy (Als) Mathews (4) MeMaster (Alt) Musgrave (Al) Colaiaca unam Portman Wilson Wason € Huber Seelhach (Al) St Cale Bruck Toms Montagna Hanks (Ale) RERFrOSo Institue of Bleetrieal and Electronies Engineers Roppemeee [National Blectrieal Manufacturers Association genes Testing Laboratory Group ‘Tennessee Valley Authority US Department of the Arm” US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation... US Department of the Navy, Navy Construction Battalion Center phbkeerezepe>onpszonsr= pegeost At the time this guide was approved, the IEEE High-Voltage Fuse Subcommittee of the Switchgear Committee had the following membership: J.R, Marek, Chairman RF Burnett H.W. Mklecky FL, Cameron HG Red HL Famnoe WH Russell GPcin EW. Schmnle RE Koch J6,8t Cllr 3.6 Leach TLE Swanson ‘The membership of the C37 Subcommittee was as follows: RH. Amdt, Chairman D. J. Polasky, Secretary ML Ht Beachy GP.cit A.M. Salazar RE Bennett CH Grin EW. Senmunk X Belwendt (AU S Lampe GD Smith FL cameron 1 Marek 16 Se Chir 1. Gave LW ikueeky 2 Stet AM Dicioceio W.. Ole EE Steven RA Few HE ‘The membership of the NEMA High-Voltage Fuse Technical Committee was as follows. eo F. L. Cameron, Chairman D. J. Polasky, Secretary 3.G. Angelis (Ain) RA Few (Alt) W.W. Olive Ball (A) 3 Fox RL Robertson L RBeard Grow RB Sioel RE. Bennett, IR Marek ELE Swanson FLL Camron iL Miller 8 Wal HA. Norberg ‘The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to the IEE Standards Board. AS. Kalvattis A.B Rishworth Pie Kolarie HC Ross D.G. Kumbera, W. N. Rothenbubler S/R Lambert LHL Schmidt D.M. Larson EW. Schmunk W.B Laubach 6G, Sehockelt TS Lauber CA Senwalbe 3:6 Leach J. Seat GN Lester “EP Selers ELL Luehring WM. Smith P.C Lyons SD. smith SEA Maneatis EM Spencer UR, Marek GH Tayior © Mayo Sil Telander Ve Mecal F.C Teutel BLA. MeMaster TR Truitt HW, Mikuleely EF Veverka Gs D.C Mile CL. Wagner K AF Paris D.R Webster &. 0. Perkins 6. Wikon W. CA Popeck WR Wilson K.D. Hendrie 3. GW-Ransom BF Wine WP. Hoenigman 3.6. Reeldett ©. Zale When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on December 8, 1988, it had the following membership: James H. Beall, Chairman Edward Chelotti, Vice Chairman Sava I. Sherr, Secretary Jed. Archambault Donald N. Helrman ‘John P. Riganat ‘ohn . Boettger Levin N. Howell Frank L. Rose EV Bonuceht Joseph L. Koopfinger* Robert W. Seelbach Rene Castenschiold Irving Kolodny. say A. Stewart Badward J. Cohen George Konomos ‘Chtford 0. Swanson len S Corey! John E. May Robert B. Weiler Donald C. Fleckenstein Donald T, Michael* WB Wilkens Jay Forster Charles J Wyle Member emeritus Deceased Contents SECTION 1. Scope and References LI Seope 12. References 2. General 3. Application ... 3.1 Usual Service Conditions’... 2 Unusual Service Conditions . 8 Clearance and Spacings ... 34 Position on Crossarm . 35 Noise Level 36 Factors in Selection of Fuse Voltage Rating 3.7 Guide for Selection of Fuse Voltage Rating . 38 Selection of Interrupting Rating 9 Selection of Continuous Current Rating 3.10 Fuse to Fuse Coordination Procedure 3.11 Voltage Withstand on Blown Fuses 3.12 Marking of Spare Fuses and Parts 4. Operation... 4.1 Operating Speed 42 Locking or Latching of Fuses, Blades, or Links in Closed Position ... 43 Replacement of Fuses . En nnin 44 Operation of Energized Fuses 45 Open Fuse Holder . 46 Use of Nonexpendable Cap on Expendable Cap Cutouts . 4.7 Storing Spare Fuse Units and Replaceable Parts 5. Maintenance . 5.1 Safety Precautions 5.2 Inspection of Air Insulated Fused or Switching Devices . 13 5.3. Inspection of Distribution Oil Fuse Cutouts, . 4 6. Application and Testing of Current-Limiting Fuses in Enclosures. . u 6.1 General... bocnnoce 4 62 Tests in Enclosures 16 63. Ambient Temperature. . 16 64 Time-Current Characteristics (TCC) Shift. 216 65 Interrupting Tests . 16 66 Oil-Immersible Fuse... 16 6.7 Tests for Oil Tightness . 16 APPENDIX Appendix A Fault-Current Caleulation 19 APPENDIX FIGURE Fig Al Relation of X/ Ratio to Multiplication Factor 19 o American National Standard IEEE Guide for Application, Operation, and Maintenance of High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories 1. Scope and References LI Scope. This guide applies to high-voltage fuses (above 600 V), distribution enclosed single- pole air switches, fuse disconnecting switches, and accessories for ac distribution systems as follows: (1) Bnelosed, open, and open-ink types of dis: tribution cutouts and fuses (2) Distribution current-limiting fuses (3) Distribution oil cutouts (4) Distribution enclosed single-pole air switches (5) Power fuses including current-limiting types (6) Outdoor and indoor fuse disconnecting switches (7) Fuse supports, fuse mountings, fuse hooks, fuse tongs, and fuse links, all of the type used exclusively with products listed in (1) through (6) (8) Removable switch blades for products listed in (1) through (3) 12 References. ‘This guide shall be used in con. junetion with the following publications: [1] ANSI C37.42-1981, American National Stan. dard Specifications for Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links. [2] ANSI C37.44-1981, American National Stan- dard Specifications for Distribution Oil Cutouts and Fuse Links. [3] ANSI C37.45-1981, American National Stan. dard Specifications for Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches. [4] ANSI 3746-1981, American National Stan- dard Specifications for Power Fuses and Fuse Disconnecting Switches? [5] ANSI 037.47-1981, American National Stan dard Specifications for Distribution Fuse Discon- necting Switches, Fuse Supports, and Current- Limiting Fuses, [6] ANSI/IBEE C37.40-1981, IEEE Standard Serv- ice Conditions and Definitions for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnection Switches, and Accessories (?] ANSI/IBEE C37.41-1981, IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Discon- necting Switches, and Accessories. [8] ANSI/IBEE Std 18-1980, IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors, [9] ASTM E-498-73 (R 1980), Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode.* 2ANSI_ publications are available from the American National Standards Institute, 1490 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. ® ANSI/IEEE publications are available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Bax 131, Piscataway, NJ 08856: 1381, Or from the Saies Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018, ASTM publications sre available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St Philadelphia, Pa 19103, 2. General ‘The application, operation, and maintenance of equipment covered by this guide is the responsi bility of the user who is expected to take into account his/her own particular requirements. As an aid in obtaining satisfactory performance of equipment, this guide provides a general guide on some of the more important features of the above functions for normal conditions of service; un- usual conditions may require special measures. ‘Although fuses are single-phase devices, they can be applied to single- or three-phase equip, ments or lines, or a combination of these, How: ever, characteristics of the power system should be considered when selecting all fuses. A fuse when applied in an electric circuit within the limits of its ratings protects the circuit. Its primary function is to isolate faulty equipment from the system. When applied with other equip- ment in a coordinated over-current protection scheme, it may also limit service interruptions to only a predetermined section of a power system. In many applications it is possible that the equipment connected to the system can be pro- tected from excessive damage. In this latter application the primary function is to remove the faulted equipment from the system, and the secondary function is to minimize the damage to the connected equipment as much as possible, considering the varying fault or overload circum stances that can occur. Fuse performance depends upon the integrity with which it was manufactured, the correctness of its application, and the attention it receives after it is installed. If not properly applied and maintained, it might fail to perform when required, which might result in considerable damage to costly equipment or extensive inter- ruptions in service. Ttcannot be stressed too strongly that prescribed. safety rules and. manufacturers’ recommenda- tions and instructions should be adhered to at all times when operating or maintaining these devi- ces near energized equipment or conductors. This is especially true for devices where air insulated blades, insulating barriers or liners, or fuses are removed or replaced twhile mating contacts are energized. Application 3.1 Usual Service Conditions. Usual service conditions conforming to this guide are defined in IEEE GUIDE FOR APPLICATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGH-VOL Gi PUSES, DISTRIBUTION ANSI/IBEE (37-40-1981 [6],5 2.1. These condi- tions specify limits in altitude and ambient tem- perature. 3.2 Unusual Service Conditions. Unusual serv- ice conditions are defined in ANSI/IEEE C37.40- 1981 [6], paragraph 2.2, which gives examples of such conditions, ANSI/IBEE C37.40-1981 (6), Table 1 lists altitude correction factors for rated voltage, rated continuous current, and ambient temperature for altitudes above 3300 ft (1000 m), 3.8 Clearances and Spacings. Minimum electri- cal spacings and clearances for power fuse and disconnecting switch installations shall be in accordance with ANSI C37.46-1981 [4], Tables 7, 8, and 9 The application should recognize the conditions prevalent during proof testing (per ANSI/IEEE €37.41-1981 [7]) and generally con- form to the test clearances and conditions as a minimum, unless the manufacturer recommends the minimum clearances to be observed. ‘Vented fuses should be provided with adequate clearances in the direction or directions in which they are vented, and facilities should be provided to ensure that operators are not exposed to fuse discharges either during replacement or when working in the area. When this is not possible, the circuit should be de-energized, Clearances for oil cutouts are generally dic- tated by type of cable connection and should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommen- dations 34 Position on Crossarm. The positioning of the fuses on a pole or crossarm should be such that their operation is facilitated. Fuses that are far out on a crossarm should open in a plane that is inclined toward the pole, rather than in a plane that is perpendicular to the crossarm. 3.5 Noise Level. Vented fuses may produce in- tense short time noise levels during fault inter: ruption. The height, location, and exhaust control of vented fuses should be such as to minimize the noise level at any location normally occupied by personnel, 3.6 Factors in Selection of Fuse Voltage Rating. ‘The selection of the proper voltage rating for power fuses, distribution cutouts, or distribution Sithe mumbers in brackets correspond to the references listed in 12 of this standard o ENCLOSED SINGLE POLE AIR SWI current-limiting fuses, is based on consideration of the following system parameters (1) Maximum system line-to-line or line-to- ground normal frequency recovery voltage (2) System neutral grounding (8) Single- or three-phase eireuits 3.7 Guide for Selection of Fuse Voltage Ratings 3.7.1 Power Fuses (including current-limiting types). The fuse should have a maximum voltage rating equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-to-line voltage. NOTE, Most power fuses are used on three-phase applica Sons. When used on single-phase ine-to-ground ie, the {use should have @ maximum voltage rating of atleast 1.15 limes main system ine to-ground voltage or be used 50 that tall currents do not exceed O87 times the fuse rated interrupting current 3.7.2 Distribution Fuses (Cutouts and Dis- tribution Current-Limiting Types) Ungrounded-Neutral Systems or Systems Having Grounding Poorer Than Solidly Grounded Neutral (Multigrounded) Systems. A single-voltage-rated distribution fuse should have a maximum voltage rating equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-to-line voltage. A slant- voltage-rated (multiple-voltage-rated) cutout should have a maximum voltage rating to the left of the slant equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-to-line voltage. Solidly Grounded-Neutral (Multi- grounded) Systems Single-Voltage-Rated tion Fuses. (1) Insingle-phase, line-to-neutral circuits, the fuse should have a maximum voltage rating equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-to. ground voltage, and a basic insulation level (BIL) coordinated with the line-to-ground insulation of other connected apparatus. (2) In three-phase circuits where multiphase faults not involving ground can occur, the fuse should have a maximum voltage rating equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-to-line voltage, (3) In three-phase cireuits where multiphase faults not involving ground cannot occur or are unlikely (for example, where phase isolation is employed as in underground or cubicle construc. tion), and the fuse is not required to protect transformers against secondary faults of the types that would impose greater than line-to-ground recovery voltage, the fuse may have a maximum voltage rating equal to or exceeding the maxi- mum system line-to-ground voltage, and should stribu- DISCONNECTING SWITCHES, AND ACCESSORIES ANsvt caras-1987 have a basic insulation level (BIL) coordinated with the line-to-ground insulation of other con: nected apparatus. A backup device may be re quired to clear such faults, should they occur. Slant-Voltage-Rated (Multiple: Voltage-Rated) Cutouts. (1) In single-phase, line-to-neutral circuits, the cutout should have a maximum voltage rating to the left of the slant equal to or exceeding the max. imum system line-to-ground voltage. (2) In three-phase eireuits, the cutout should have a maximum voltage rating to the right of the slant equal to or exceeding the maximum system line-torline voltage. Some of the criteria for using slant-voltage rated cutouts in three-phase circuits as herein set forth are (a) Three-phase faults not involving ground, which impose 87% of line-to-line voltage across the first cutout to clear, seldom occur. Operation of a backup device may be required to clear such faults, but experience indicates such cases are (b) Phase-to-phase faults not involving ground generally cause two cutouts to operate in series to clear the fault. Even with differences in fuse-link melting time, both eutouts work together to clear high-current faults, On medium-current. faults, the possiblity exists of load current con- tinuing to flow through one of the cutouts, after fault clearing by series operation of the two cutouts. Operation of backup devices may be required if the cutout does not clear the continu- ing load current, but experience indicates that such cases are extremely rare. (©) The maximum current to be cleared by ‘one cutout operating alone at line-to-line voltage is limited to approximately the one-cycle melting current of the fuse link in the second cutout, involved. Slant-voltage-rated cutouts will gener- ally clear such relatively low currents at full line- toline recovery voltage (a) The basic impulse insulation level (BIL) of a slant-voltage-rated cutout should be coordi- nated with the line-to-ground insulation of other connected apparatus Consideration should also be given to service conditions listed in ANSI/IEEE €37.40-1981 (6), Section 2, as they apply to dielectric strength. (e) Manufacturer's recommendations should be followed on the suitability of particular stant voltage-rated cutouts for three-phase application. 3.7.3 All Systems. Expulsion fuse voltage rat- ings may exceed the system voltage by any desired Definitions and test specifications under development ANSI/IE ra PA GUIDE: FOR AM amount. Care should be taken in applying current: limiting fuses with higher voltage ratings than the system voltage. Current-limiting fuses can pro- duce peak are voltages higher than the fuse volt- age rating, These overvoltages should not exceed, system BIL. The sparkover voltage of source side connected surge arresters should be considered. The fuse manufacturer's recommendations should be followed in this regard. 3.8 Selection of Interrupting Rating. The inter- rupting rating of the fuse should be equal to or greater than the maximum fault current available on the load side of the fuse. With fuse interrupting, ratings in symmetrical amperes, they are directly ‘comparable to the calculated fault-current value, Fuses will interrupt asymmetrical fault currents associated with specified X/R ratios, These ratios are generally higher than experienced on actual power systems, so no derating is generally re- quired. For the rare cases where system X/R is higher than that specified for fuse testing, de rating may be necessary. The fuse manufacturer should be consulted. 3.9 Selection of Continuous Current Rating 3.9.1 General. There are no generalizations as to the selection of a current rating for a high: voltage fuse since there are radically different objectives for using a fuse as an overcurrent pro: tective device, such as the type and rating of the equipment being protected, the nature of the loads imposed by the equipment or circuits special operating practices of the user such as loading of transformers, special operating require ments of the user such as ability to withstand cold load pick-up after extended outages, and coor: dination with other series protective devices, ‘This guide, therefore, will present a listing of the most commonly used applications for high-voltage fuses together with the objectives that are re- quired and can be achieved with proper fuse ampere rating and time current characteristic (TCC) selection. 3.9.2 Primary Distribution System Fuses for Distribution Transformers —Residential, Industrial, Institutional, and Commercial. Protect the distribution system from faults at or within the transformer, and coordinate with the next upstream overcurrent, protective device up to the maximum fault cur- rent available at the transformer fuse. Provide maximum protection to the trans- former from through faults, with the degree of 10 LICATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGH VOLTAGE FUSES, DISTRIBUTION transformer protection determined by comparing the appropriate time-current curve for the fuse selected with the appropriate transformer short- time loading curve; both curves need to be prop- erly adjusted to reflect differences between primary- and secondary-phase currents and winding currents associated with the specific transformer connection involved and the types of possible faults in the secondary circuit. Provide earliest possible detection and clearing of internal transformer faults Permit loading the transformer to the maxi mum loading practice of the user. Withstand combined transformer magnetizing, inrush and load pickup current after short-time (up to 1 min) service interruption, and combined transformer magnetizing inrush and load pickup current after extended (30 min and longer) outages. Properly coordinate with over-current, protec tion devices on the secondary of the transformer. For small residential transformers (25 kVA and lower), withstand surge discharge through a grounded primary winding whose magnetic circuit has become saturated by a long-time lightning- induced surge. For residential transformers with a fuse located ahead of a surge arrester at the transformer, withstand the potential surge current that may be discharged through the arrester. Fuses for Shunt Capacitor Banks. Protect the distribution system trom major faults at or within the capacitor bank, and coordinate with the next upstream overcurrent, protective device up to the maximum fault current available at the capacitor bank fuse. Provide earliest possible detection of internal faults in individual capacitor units. Permit loading associated with: larger-than- rated capacitance of units, operating voltage in excess of nameplate rating, and presence of har- ‘monic currents. Operate, when one unit in one phase of an ungrounded wye-bank becomes faulted, within a time span that will not damage capacitor units in the unfaulted phases due to their operating at 1,78 times rated voltage for the duration of the fault, Withstand transient currents from the distribu- tion system and from adjacent banks. Withstand or operate (users choice) on dis- charge current from the capacitor bank into a fault on the distribution circuit near the capacitor bank c 1 SINGLE POLE AIR SWETCHES, PU l DISCONNEK Fuses for Recloser or Circuit Breaker Bypass. Protect. the substation trans: former from feeder faults in the zone from the bypassed device to the next main circuit downstream overcurrent protective device, and coordinate with the next upstream overcurrent, protective device up to the maximum through fault current available at the bypass fuse. Permit loading of the feeder to the maximum, loading practice of the user. Properly coordinate with main cireuit down: stream overcurrent protective devices, Fuses for Sectionalizing. Protect conductors from burn-down or extreme heating in the zone from the sectionalizing fuse to the next main circuit downstream overcurrent, pro: tective device, and coordinate with the next upstream overcurrent protective device up to the maximum fault current available at the sectional izing fuse. Permit loading of the circuit to the maximum, loading practice of the user. Properly coordinate with main circuit down- stream overcurrent protective devices. 3.9.3 Subtransmission System Fuses for Distribution Substation ‘Transformer Primary. Protect the substation bus from faults at or within the transformer, and coordinate with all upstream overcurrent protec- tive devices up to the maximum fault current available on the substation bus. Provide maximum protection to the transformer from through faults, with the degree of trans- former protection determined by comparing the appropriate time current curve for the fuse selected with the appropriate transformer short- time loading curve; both curves need to be properly adjusted to reflect differences between primary and secondary phase currents and wind- ing currents associated with the specific trans- former connection involved and the types of possible faults in the secondary circuit. Provide earliest possible detection and clearing of internal transformer faults. Permit loading the transformer to the maxi mum loading practice of the user. Withstand combined transformer magnetizing inrush and load pickup current after short-time (up to 1 min) voltage interruption on the sub- station bus. Properly coordinate with overcurrent protec tive devices on the secondary of the transformer. Fuses for Substation Shunt Capaci- tor Banks TING SWITCHES, AND ACCESSORIES Bank Fuses. Protect the substa tion bus from faults at the capacitor bank, and coordinate with all upstream overcurrent protec: tion devices up to the maximum fault current available at the substation bus, Permit maximum normal loading associated with: larger-than-rated capacitance of units, operating voltage in excess of nameplate rating, and presence of harmonic currents Withstand energizing transient currents from the source(s) and from other energized capacitor banks connected to the substation bus. Capacitor Unit Fuses. Provide earliest possible detection of internal faults in individual capacitor units. Permit maximum normal loading associated with: larger-than-rated capacitance of unit, oper- ating voltage in excess of name plate rating, and presence of harmonic currents, Withstand discharge transient current from an individual capacitor unit into an adjacent faulted unit within the same parallel-capacitor group. Withstand currents 10% greater than maximum normal loading in the remaining capacitor units within a group of parallel units, until phase imbalance is detected and the capacitor bank de-energized, 3.10 Fuse to Fuse Coordination Procedure. For the fuses on an electric system to operate prop: erly and provide the desired system protection, consideration of voltage, continuous current, and interrupting ratings is not sufficient to select the proper fuse for a particular application. One must also ensure that the fuse being selected will oper ate correctly relative to the other fuses being used, The procedure by which this is accomplished is called the fuse to fuse coordination procedure. ‘The information required to select fuses that coordinate with one another is usually provided in the form of two curves related to the melting and clearing characteristics of the fuse. The ‘minimum melting time-current curve shows the tinimum time, expressed in seconds, required to melt the fusible element(s) for a particular value of symmetrical sinusoidal current. The total clear- ing time-current curve shows the maximum time, expressed in seconds, to complete current inter- ruption at a particular value of symmetrical current. Both curves take into account variations resulting from manufacturing tolerances and represent performance under specific conditions (see ANSI/IERE C3741 1981 [7], Section 12), On both the minimum melting and total clear ing time-current curves for current-limiting fuses ANSI/ Caras-987 ws BUIDE FOR APPL currents can usually be determined for times as short as 0.01 s, However, as noncurrent-limiting fuses do not clear in less than one loop of fault current, the total clearing curves for these fuses show a constant value of time for all currents that produce melting in less than one loop (that is, approximately 08 of a cycle for typical X/R values), Characteristic information for current-limiting fuses for times less than 0.01 s is often provided in terms of [?¢ (strictly { Jd). Data on the min- imum melting 12t and total clearing %t can be presented either in tabular form or as curves showing /%t as a function of the available fault current. As a fuse's melting time decreases, its melting /?t approaches a fixed value, which is a function of the fusible element material and geometry. Properly coordinating noncurrent-limiting fuses is basically a matter of keeping the minimum. melting curve of the upstream fuse above and to the right of the total clearing curve of any down- stream noncurrent-limiting fuse within the range of fault currents available at the downstream fuse. To allow for variables such as preloading and ambient temperature variations there are two commonly used techniques. One is to allow a 10% safety margin in current for any value of time. ‘The other utilizes a 25% margin in time for any value of current. Coordination involving current: limiting fuses is dependent upon the type(s) of current-limiting fuse(s) under consideration, ‘There are two basic types of current-limiting, fuses: general purpose and backup.’ When a general purpose fuse is used, the coordination can be done in a similar fashion as for noneurrent- limiting fuses. However, for melting and clearing times, less than 0.01 s, minimum melting /t and clearing [?t data should be compared to be certain that the desired coordination has been achieved. 7 (1) When abackup current-imiting fuse is used another protective device must clear all currents below the specified ‘minimum intereupting current of the backup fuse, TNS 8 accomplished by making certain that the crossover of the ‘other protecting deviee's total clearing time current curve ‘occurs above the minimum interrupting current of the back Up fuse, but below the maximum interrupting current ofthe ‘other protecting device. (@)'One method for coordinating backup fuses is referred to.as matched melt coordination and is used when the other protecting device i an expulsion fuse. With this method the Expulsion fuse always melts, providing isolation ofthe backup fuse after fault interruption. Coordination exists when the expulsion fuse's melting 1s less than or equal to the melting Pt ofthe backup current limiting fuse forall currents, To ensure this condition, refer to manufacturers’ recommen: dations ‘ATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGH VOLTAGE 2 DISTRIBUTION 3.11 Voltage Withstand on Blown Fuses. ‘Typi- cally, fuse cutouts are designed to incorporate a drop-open action following an interrupting oper ation. This action quickly removes all voltage stress across the fuse holder. Many applications of nondrop-open fuses, such as the backup current- limiting type, utilize a series expulsion fuse or other device coordinated to provide isolation means and prevent dielectric breakdown of a contaminated fuse if subjected to long time volt age stress. For those applications where long time voltage stress can occur across a blown fuse, and. dielectric breakdown would permit curr: the fuse manufacturer should be consulted as to the adequacy of the product for the proposed application. 3.12 Marking of Spare Fuses and Parts. If several types and ratings of fuses are used in a given location, spare fuse units should be suitably marked, coded, or indexed to show the mount: ings, circuits, or equipment with which they are to be used, thus minimizing the possibility of im proper application. 4. Operation 4.1 Operating Speed. Any of the devices that are used to disconnect or close an energized cir- cuit should be operated in a rapid, positive manner since the success of this function may be dependent upon the use of proper procedure and technique as established by the manufacturer. 4.2 Locking or Latching of Fuses, Blades, or Links in Closed Position. Special care should be taken to see that the fuse, blade, or link is securely locked, latched, or held fast in the closed position as recommended by the manufacturer. The fuse carrier assembly of distribution oil fuse cutouts or other devices applied in sealed enclosures should be locked and sealed; therefore, the sealing gaskets must be maintained in good condition for satis- factory operation. 4.3 Replacement of Fuses 4.3.1 Fuses Subject to Partial Melting or Deterioration. There are fuse constructions that are subject to partial melting or damage by cur rent that is not of sufficient magnitude and time to cause total melting of the fuse. For such fuses it is important that the following precautions be observed: Cc ENCLOSED SINGLE-POI (1) In two- or three-phase applications it is advisable to replace the fuse units (or fuse links) im all phases when the fuses in one or more phases are found to have blown unless (a) The manufacturer's instructions are fol- lowed for determining the suitability of the fuse(s) for continued service () There is proof that no damaging current, occurred in the remaining phase(s) (2) In applications where these fuses are used in series with other fuses or interrupting devices in the same phase in such a manner that their melting or clearing curves cross one another, or both, it Is advisable after an operation to follow carefully the manufacturer's instructions for determining the suitability of the fuses(s) for con tinued service. 4.3.2. Re-energization After Fuses Have Oper- ated. It is advisable to locate and correct the situation that caused the fuse to operate before re-energizing, The operator should be aware that a potential hazard may exist if the circuit is re- energized with the fault condition still present. 4.3.3 Replacing Fuses on Capacitor Installa- tions. Fuses used on capacitors should not be removed or replaced by hand unless due precau- tions are taken beforehand to discharge and ground the capacitors. Capacitors used in power applications have a discharge resistor to reduce the voltage to a speci- fied value in a specified time after being dis- connected. ‘The internal discharge device provided in capac- itors should not be considered as a substitute for the recommended safety practice of manually discharging the residual stored charge before working on capacitors, Capacitors can be dam: aged if discharged too soon after de-energization, Itis recommended that at least 5 min be allowed for discharge through the discharge resistor and then the capacitor terminals be connected together and grounded. See ANSI/IEEE Std 18- 1980 [8] for complete information in regard to discharging of capacitor units, ‘The entire capacitor bank should be discon- nected and grounded while replacing the fuses unless the fuse link or its mounting, or both, ean be removed safely and completely from the circuit using hot line tools, 4.3.4 Replacing of Vented Fuses. When the replacing of vented fuses must be done from within the venting area, the circuit should be de- energized during the replacement procedure, When vented fuses, which are operable from out- side their vented area, must be replaced without E Alle SWITCHES, FUSE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES 13 ANSI/EEE 3748-1987 AND ACC SORIES de-energizing the circuit, the use of hearing pro: tectors should be considered, 4.3.5 Replacing of Nonvented Fuses of the Current-Limiting Type. Current-limiting fuses are inherently fragile because of the multiplicity of slender fusible elements surrounded by very heavy dielectric material, Careless handling of these fuses may result in damage. ‘When damage is suspected, the fuse should not be installed, 4.4 Operation of Energized Fuses 4.4.1 When a fuse or fused equipment not pro- vided with a load-break device is used to ener a circuit following fuse replacement, it should not be opened unless the fuse has blown or the circuit has heen de-energized. 4.4.2 When a fuse or fused equipment with a load-break device is used to energize a circuit following fuse replacement, it should not be reopened immediately. The time delay before reopening will vary considerably, depending upon the continuous current rating of the fuse, but should be adequate to allow the fuse to interrupt, any existing fault current that might exceed the load-break rating of the device, For large-sized fuse links above 100 a, this time delay could be as long as 10 min, 4.5 Open Fuse Holder. Outdoor fuses should not be left hanging in the open position for an extended period of time. If they are left hanging in the open position they should be inspected to ensure there is no water damage and that no warpage has occurred prior to reclosing into the cireuit. 4.6 Use of Nonexpendable Cap on Expendable Cap Cutouts. Installation of nonexpendable cap on an expendable cap cutout results in a redu tion of the expendable cap cutout interrupting. capability. Refer to manufacturers’ instructions as to the reduction in rating. 4.7 Storing Spare Fuse Units and Replaceable Parts. Spare fuse units and replaceable parts of fuse units should be stored in such a manner that they will not be damaged, and so that they will be readily available when needed. ANSI/IEEE cars 1987 we cuine OR APPLICATION, 0 5. Maintenance 5.1 Safety Precautions. Examination and main tenance of equipment that is connected to an energized circuit should be done at a safe distance from any exposed energized parts of equipment or conductors, or the circuit and equipment should be de-energized. In the case of equipment on capacitor installations, precautions should be taken to discharge the capacitors after de-energi zation. Alternatively, live line techniques may be employed if they are adequate to ensure safety to personnel 5.2 Inspection of Air Insulated Fused or Switch- ing Devices. Equipment within the scope of this guide usually consists of several parts, some cur- rent carrying and some noncurrent carrying, all subject to atmospheric and other environmental conditions. The equipment is also subject to the normal and abnormal operating conditions of the system in which it is connected. The frequency and completeness of inspection will necessarily be a function of the service reliability required and the conditions at the specific equipment location and must be determined by the user. Some of the items that should be considered are as follows: (1) The equipment should be given a general examination for obvious defects and to ensure that bolts, nuts, washers, pins, and terminal connectors are securely in place and in good condition (2) Insulators and other porcelain or plastic parts should be inspected for breaks, cracks, burns, or contamination. Insulators and other insulating surfaces should be cleaned of any excessive contamination, such as salt deposits and cement or road dust, to avoid flashover as a it of the accumulation of foreign substances on their surfaces. Cracked or broken insulators and other insulating parts should be replaced. To prevent flashover, consideration should be given to replacing badly burned insulating parts. (3) Current contact surfaces should be exam- ined for pitting, burning, alignment, and to ensure that the contacts when closed are held together with adequate pressure. Badly pitted, burned, or distorted contacts should be replaced. Alignment and spring pressure should be adjusted if re- quired. (4) Vent holes on equipment so equipped should be examined to ensure they are not plugged with dirt or other foreign substances, and cleaned if necessary. RATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGH-VOI 4 FUSES, DISTRIBUTION (5) If applicable to the equipment, the fuse unit or fuse tube and renewable element should be examined for corrosion of the fuse element or connecting conductors, excessive erosion of the inside of fuse tubes, tracking and dirt on the out. side of the fuse tube, and improper assembly that ‘may prevent proper operation. Components show- ing significant signs of deterioration should be replaced. Fuse tubes made of organic material may be refinished according to manufacturer's specifications, (6) Current-carrying parts, such as blades or fuse links, should be examined for thermal dam age resulting from heavy short-circuit currents or overloads, Damaged fuse links and other parts significantly deformed should be replaced, (7) The mechanical operation should be checked per manufacturer's recommendations. 5.2.1 Periodic Inspection of Fuse Links in Distribution Cutouts. Fuse links in distribution cutouts may require periodic replacement since corrosion of the lower terminal of the fuse link (generally a flexible cable) at the lower open-end of the fuse holder may cause breakage or melting at this point rather than at the current-responsive element. Link-break cutouts are more susceptible to this problem because of the mechanical strain placed upon the fuse link by the link-break ‘mechanism, 5.3 Inspection of Distribution Oil Fuse Cutouts. In addition to items 5.2(1), (2), (3), (6), and (7), the following items should be included (1) Periodically, a sample of the insulating oil should be taken and tested for dielectric break- down strength. Oil in cutouts that experience regular load break or fuse interrupting duty should be tested on more frequent basis, (2) The fuse carriers of nonvented distribution oil fuse cutouts generally incorporate insulating materials that may be damaged dielectrically by excessive exposure to moisture or humid atmos- phere. The cutout should be kept sealed or the components and oil suitably protected from the contaminating exposure. (2) The fuse elements of these cutouts are generally not interchangeable and any substitu tion for the manufacturer's fuses may seriously affect the interrupting characteristics of the device. (4) The cutouts should be examined for any evidence of oll leakage and the prescribed oil level must be maintained ENCLOSED SINGLE-POLE AIR SWITCHES, FUSE DISCONNECTING (6) Moveable bearing gasket surfaces, yoke compression, and interlocking features should be checked for satisfactory operation, 6. Application and Testing of Current-Limiting Fuses in Enclosures 6.1 General. Many applications require the use of current-limiting fuses in enclosures where the fuse and the associated contacts may be sub Jected to air temperatures above 40 *C. Other applications may require the fuse to be immersed in a liquid such as transformer oil. Current- limiting fuses intended for such service shall comply with the applicable design tests specified in this section and in accordance with ANSI/IEEE. 87-41-1981 [4] and ANSI/IEEE C37.47-1981 [2]. When current-limiting fuses are applied in enclosures of any type, the performance charac- teristics of the total system should be evaluated. The following test sections reflect this basic requirement for system capability and require tests of the total system, ‘There are five types of fuse applications covered by this guide: ‘Type (1). ‘The fuse is mounted in a compart ment so that relatively free air circulation exists. Reference ambient temperature is the enclosure air temperature (for example, live front pad: ‘mounted transformers and vaults) ‘Type (2). The fuse is inside a container that has restricted airflow surrounding the fuse, but relatively free air circulation outside of the con- tainer. Reference ambient temperature is that of the air outside the container (for example, fuse inside a canister in a vault). Type (3). The fuse is inside a container that has restricted airflow surrounding the fuse, but relatively free liquid flow outside of the container. Reference ambient temperature is that of the liquid outside the container (Jor example, fuse inside a canister immersed in transformer oil) ‘Type (4). A combination of Types (2) and (3) where the container is partially in air and par- tially in liquid. The reference ambient. tempera- ture is that of the liquid outside the container (for example, fuse inside a transformer bushing). ‘Type (5). The fuse is directly immersed in liquid, without the need for separate fuse enclo- sure, and with relatively free liquid circulating around the fuse. The reference ambient tempera- ture is that of the liquid surrounding the fuse (for example, oil-immersible fuse in transformer or switehgear oil). 15 ANsvII e5748.1987 SWITCHES, AND ACCESSORIES Because the fuse and its enclosure produce a system with interacting effects, and each compo: nent could be supplied by a different manufac. turer, it is essential that sufficient data is made available to permit proper application, Suitability of a specific application of the fuse in an enclo- sure shall be the responsibility of the supplier of the fuse enclosure package (FEP). NOTE: For Types (1) and (5) the FEP isthe fuse itself for Types (2), (3), and (4), the FEP Is the container and fuse combination 6.2 Tests in Enclosures. The tests specified shall be performed with the current-limiting fuse or FEP mounted in a manner that will simulate the service conditions specified by the supplier of the FEP. 6.3 Ambient Temperature. The FEP application shall take into consideration any higher operating temperatures caused by fuse confinement or ele- vated ambient temperatures. The five fuse appli cation descriptions in 6.1 also define the ambient temperature to which reference is made. ‘The supplier of the FEP shall specify the maximum. reference ambient temperature °C allowable, preferably selected from the 20 series of preferred numbers (typically 56,63, 71, 80, 90, 100, 112, 125, or 140), 6.4 Time-Current Characteristics (TCC) Shift. ‘The modification of the thermal environment for the fuse due to an enclosure, and the higher than normal ambient temperatures of the FEP, will ‘cause some shift of the fuse TCC. The largest shift ‘occurs at the long time end. NOTE: Use ofthe general rule of thumb coordinating factor, ‘that is maximum clearing time of the load side protective device should not exceed 75% oF the minimum melt time ofthe source side device, generally provides sufflcent allowance for TEC shift inthe 01-1000 second region 6.4.1 Derating Factors. Backup-type current- limiting fuses that are coordinated with other fuses (or overload sensing devices) intended to operate at low overload currents require no de- rating factors. Backup current-limiting fuses that trip an interrupter switch after the fuse element melts may require a derating factor. Application of general-purpose current-limiting fuses in enclosures, subject to, or producing high ambient temperatures will result in a reduction of the current required to produce element melting. Because the fuse and enclosure have interacting effects that determine the thermal environment ANSI Caras. 1987 of the fuse, the supplier of the FEP shall provide the long time minimum melting current for each fuse size applied as described in 6.1. This current will be determined at the reference ambient temperature of 25 °C + 5°C. Any derating factor so determined will be due to the application of the fuse in the container. A second derating factor may be published by the FEP supplier. This factor gives the percentage reduction of the long time minimum melting eur- rent as related to the referenice ambient tempera- ture above the standard 25 °C. When no specific derating factor is provided, the following derating factors for the FEP long time minimum melt cur: rent may be used as a guide, ‘Type (1) 0.4%/°C of air temperature above 25°C ‘Type (2) 0.4%/"C of air temperature above 25°C ‘Type (3) 0.2%/*C of top oil temperature above 25°C ‘Type (4) 0.1%/°C of top oll temperature above 25°C ‘Type (5) 0.2%/°C of top oil temperature above 25°C 6.5 Interrupting Tests 6.5.1 Test Practices. Interrupting tests shall be performed in accordance with Test Series 2 and 3 of ANSI/IEEE (3741-1981 [4], with the following exceptions and additions. 6.5.2 Reference Ambient Temperature. The tests conducted on FEP Types (2), (3), or (4) in accordance with this section shall be performed with the FEP placed both in the reference ambient temperature of 25°C 15°C and at the maximum reference ambient temperature specified by the FEP supplier. FEP ‘Types (1) and (5) shall be tested at the maximum reference ambient temper- ature specified by the FEP supplier. Oilimmersible fuses may be tested in either air or oil Inalll cases the test specimen shall be stabilized at the reference ambient temperature before the test current is applied to the fuse. 6.5.3 Test Current Series 2: This series is the same as specified in ANSI/IEEE (37-41-1981 [7], paragraph 6.1.23. Series 3: This series is the same as specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.41-1981 [7], paragraph except as follows: (A) The test current for the FEP using a ‘general-purpose fuse shall cause fuse melting in not less than one hour. For elevated reference ambient temperature tests, this current shall be derated according to the FEP derating factors. 16 GUIDE FOR APPLICATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGH.VOLTAGE FUSES, DISTRIBUTION (2) The test current for the FEP using a backup-type fuse shall be the rated minimum. interrupting current of the fuse. 6.5.4 Voltage Withstand. The FEP shall be allowed to cool naturally during the voltage with- stand period, 6.6 Oil-Immersible Fuse. Oil-immersible fuses are designed for partial or total immersion in oil without the need for a separate fuse enclosure. ‘These fuses are designed for use in various equipments, and the oil temperature to which the fuse will be subjected will depend on the applica- tion. The specific test sections, therefore, do not specify a maximum test temperature but utilize the maximum reference ambient temperature specified by the FEP supplier 6.7 Tests for Oil Tightness. The FEP test sam. ple (see 6.7.4) shall be subjected to the following tests in the sequence listed (these tests apply to any FEP that is used in an oil environment and such as described in 6.1, Types (3), (4), and (5). 6.7.1 Cycling Test in Air. The FEP shall be thermally cycled in air from ~30 °C to the maxi- mum reference ambient temperature as specified by the FEP supplier. The rate of temperature change shall be controlled to prevent thermal shock, Each thermal cycle from one temperature extreme to the other shall be accomplished in not more than 8 h, with holding periods at the temperature extremes of sufficient duration for the temperature of the FEP to stabilize at the extreme temperature limits. The test series shall consist of ten thermal cycles over any convenient time period. 6.7.2 Cycling Test in Oil. The FEP shall be thermally cycled in oil with current passed through the fuse for part of the cycle, The FEP. shall be immersed in oil, and the oil temperature shall be raised from room temperature to the maximum referenced ambient temperature spec: iffed by the FEP supplier in not more than 6 h. The rate of rise of oil temperature should not exceed 0.5°C/min. When the oil temperature reaches the maximum specified, the fuse rated current, or the maximum permissible continuous current as specified by the FEP supplier shall be maintained through the fuse for a period of 2 h with the oil temperature held at or above this maximum, NOTE: Current may be used as a supplemental heat source during the heating cycle At the conclusion of the 2 h current period the oil shall be allowed to cool to ambient tempera- eG ENCLOSED SINGLE-POLE: AIR SWITCHES, FUSE DISCONNECTING SWITCHES, AND ACCESSORIES ture (25°C 45°C [cold section of eycle]). The test series shall consist of ten thermal eycles over any convenient time period, 6.7.3 Alternate Tests. The requirements of 6.7.1 and 6.7.2 may be met by a single test series made according to 6.72 with the following excep- tions. The test FEP shall be cycled from -30°C to the maximum reference ambient temperature specified by the FEP supplier in not more than 8 h, with a holding period at -30 °C of sufficient duration for the temperature of the fuse or FEP to stabilize. In addition, at the conclusion of the 2h maximum temperature period the oll shall be cooled to -30 °C in not more than 8 h. 6.74 Test Samples. A total of five FEPs with the largest current rated fuse in each of the phys- ical fuse sizes manufactured shall be tested, The FEP shall be mounted or supported in the oil as specified by the FEP supplier, 6.7.5 Test Criteria. The criteria to be used in determining whether or not a particular FEP design passes the test for oil tightness shall be maintenance of a minimum of 14 Ibf/in? (psi) 7 ANSI/IE exras-L987 positive pressure differential and the absence of bubbles, while the FEP is submerged in oil (or suitable equivalent liquid) over a 6 min period, Alternate but not necessarily equivalent test methods may be one of the following two methods: (1) The leak rate shall be measured using a helium detecting mass spectrometer. The maxi- mum permissible leak rate, both before and after exposure to the above specified test cycles, shall be I times 10-° standard ce/s (one atmosphere pressure differential) NOTE: See ASTM £:498-79 (1960) [2] (2) The test FEP shall be carefully inspected for oil ingress using ultraviolet light, spectrogra- phic analysis, or another equivalent positive oil- detecting technique and oil shall not be detected. All five FEP samples shall pass the test criteria. NOTE: The use of ultraviolet light or another technique for detecting presence of ol inside the fuse will require further ‘work to permit aquantizing of the test uo provide a correlation With expected Tong sime service when submersed in trans {ormer oll The use ofa uorescent dye in the oll, plus compar json with an unexposed fuse, are possible techniques, wh should be considered. Ce ANSU/IEEE G7 48-1987 Appendix (his Appendix isnot a part of ANSI/IE Frases, Distribution Bnelosed 5 only) € O37 48-1987 Guide for Applicaton, Ope inle-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories, buts included for information con, and Maintenance of High-Voltage Appendix A Fault-Current Calculation AL. Interrupting Duty To select the proper interrupting rating it is necessary to calculate the maximum symmetrical fault. current. on the load side of the fuse and compare this value with the interrupting capabil- ity of the fuse, Most power fuses, distribution currentlimiting fuses, and distribution cutouts are now rated by the manufacturer. in terms of symmetrical current, A direct comparison can be made between the calculated values of fault cur- rent and the fuse rating Many power fuses and distribution cutouts of earlier manufacture (before 1970) were rated on the basis of asymmetrical current. For those fuses, multiplying factors must be applied to the calculated fault currents before a comparison can be made with the fuse ratings. ‘The multiplying factors to be applied depend upon the system X/R ratio on the source side of the fuse. Some representative X/R ratios for application of fuses on systems are given in ANSI/ IBEE (3741-1981 [7], Section 6, For specific applications, where the X/R values are known, multiplying factors can be obtained from Fig Al. Normally, the curve labeled rms multiplication factor will be used. Occasionally, the curve labeled peak multiplication factor is of interest during design testing of fuses. Fig AL Relation of X/R Ratio to Multiplication Factor 28 - == 3) 2 [ erceo urn rae asi = (EF mat { | 3 Bak oe Uawue ; 7 i, 38 a | 14 a8 a LI} ae aE Ui 3 zig 23 4 —| lo ae | | a2 a] aa 4 = hea i | Zl & | [4 A Q 1 Tt ee z 4 | wt 5 13 “i ha & Eon Ss a z 3 14 2 2 i °g : @ 78 810 Ws 20-26 304060 @0 TORDRDIO0 Comcurt x/@ RATIO AN 19 Bi ANSI! 3748-1987 A2. Mechanical and Momentary Duty For many purposes, it is necessary to know the maximum possible rms current (including ac and de components) that can flow in a cireuit. Allow- RUOTHEQUE HYDRO-QUEBEC 20 ing for over-excitation of generators, the rms value of asymmetrical current as calculated for zero time is approximately 1.8 times the symmet rical fault current, However, as there will always be some decay even in the first half cycle, a multi plier of 1.55 is acceptable,

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