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Dear Parents of Sarah,

Overall, Sarah is developmentally on-time. Every task that she was asked that is typically
completed by a three year old, she was able to successfully complete. In addition, some of the
four and five year old tasks that were asked of her were also completed successfully. In terms of
physical development, Sarah was able to climb, walk on tiptoe, throw a ball, and hop on one foot
similar to how any three year old would complete these tasks. In order to continue her on-time
development, I would encourage you to continue working with Sarah on drawing shapes, letters,
and people. You could try to begin with getting her to copy shapes that you draw, and then
introduce letters to her.
Sarah spent a lot of time toward the end of the semester playing with other children in
child lab. She was able to follow two step instructions given to a group and wait her turn for
activities. To continue Sarahs socioemotional development, at home, I would continue
encouraging her to interact with other children and encourage cooperation among them to figure
out solutions and work through challenges. With Sarahs cognitive development, she shows that
she is advanced in terms of identifying colors. To maintain this development, keep encouraging
her to count different objects throughout the day and interacting with her through pretend play.
At home try to continue and increase the time spent on:
Drawing shapes, letters, people and numbers
Interacting with other children encouraging cooperation and problem solving
Counting everyday objects around the house and outdoors
Caroline Fletcher

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