Everystudentsucceedsactessa Kmcomments

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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Total pts. = 5
A. Write brief overview - (i.e. what is it; when did it pass; why is it
important; impact on health and physical education; etc.)
The Every Student Succeeds Act or ESSA, is a law that was passed at the
end of 2015. ESSA strives to get the 50 million students k-12 active and
healthy by growing their skills, knowledge, desire, and confidence of
physical activity and healthy lifestyles. 50 million strong vision is to have all
students when they graduate in 2029 are physically active and healthy. To
make this happen, Physical Educators and Health teachers need to their
inspire students to work hard to achieve this goal. Essa will also affect me
as a PE teacher since PE is officially a core subject. This means instead of
schools cutting funding from programs like PE, they will be nationally
funded to teacher quality material to the students.

B. Write personal reflection - (i.e. opinion; role as a future health and/or

physical educator moving forward with this legislation)
This legislation is the start of a new beginning for physical and health
education k-12. I believe that it is so crucial to education the whole student
and that means teaching students the importance of choosing a healthy
and physical lifestyle. I think 50 Million Strong sets a great goal that can be
achieved through teachers around the country working hard to educate the
mind, body, and spirit of each and every student that walks into their

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