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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Kyle Naples and Jack Weinberger Date: 2/22/16 Time: 9:12- 9:59am
School: Agawam High school
Lesson #: 3/4
Facilities: Main Gymnasium
Class Size: 25-30 students Grade: 9-12
Unit/Theme: Volleyball
Generic Level : Control/Utilization
(10+) Volleyballs, (20+) Cones, speaker, downloaded clean music, hoops
Focus of Lesson: Bumping and Setting
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
Task/Activity #

; MA CF #

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Perform the proper technique of bumping and setting a volleyball by using all the
skill cues every time throughout the lesson National #: (S2.H2.L1) MA CF #: 2.17
(C) Demonstrate 2 of the 4 proper key points of bumping and setting when asked by the
teacher throughout the lesson. National #: (S1.H1.L1) MA CF #: 2.19
(A) Be aware of proper etiquette used in Volleyball (bumping and setting) at all times
throughout the entire activity. National #: (S4.H2.L1) MA CF #: 2.26
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
Evaluate students by giving 4 positive specific and 4 corrective specific
feedback during the class.
Split the time evenly among both teachers by the end of the lesson.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
Stress the idea of safety and respect throughout the lesson and enforce
proper etiquette while using the equipment.
Students must maintain personal space at all times throughout the lesson.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
National Standards Book Page 56-58

KEY: s= Students T=Teacher




Purpose of lesson: Students will

understand how to perform a proper
volleyball bump and set.





Warm Up: Students will enter the gym,
change, and perform their normal warm-up
Introduction: Teacher will introduce himself
to the class and review safety. Teacher will
review the lesson focus (bumping and
setting). Teacher will review the difference of
the bump and set and when one would
perform each one during a volleyball game.
Teacher will explain and demonstrate activity
Safety: Students need to stay in their own
personal space and be aware of their
Students will respect the equipment, their
peers, and themselves.

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Activity One: Bumping/Setting Passing

Students will pick a partner of their skill level. s s s s s s s s s s s s
One partner will stand one line decided by the
teacher while the other stands across from
them. Students will start by bumping the
volleyball back and forth with their partner.
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Students will focus on using the key points of
bumping. They will count out loud how many
successful passes they get in a row without
the volleyball touching the ground. Once the
teacher is able to give sufficient feedback to
each student, students will switch to setting
the volleyball back and forth. Students again
will be focusing on using the skill cues when
setting the volleyball back and forth and count
successful passes. Once teacher is able to
give sufficient feedback to each student,
teacher will stop the activity and explain
activity 2.
Key Points:



- Hands Cups
- Contact volleyball with
- Power from the legs
- Triangle vision
- Contact volleyball with
- Give and extend
Checking for Understanding:
Do you interlock your fingers when bumping?
- No! You can not only hurt yourself, but
cupping your hands allows for a flat surface
when bumping.
Extend Up: Students will move further apart
from each other when passing.
Extend Down: Students will use a bigger
volleyball or move closer together.
Demonstration: Students and teachers will
demonstrate activity before it begins.
Transition: Teacher will group three random
pairs together to form a group of six. That
group will find their own personal space and
form a circle.
Activity Two: Hop Potato Volleyball
In this activity, each group will work together
to keep a volleyball in the air for the entire
time the music is going. If the volleyball is in
the air while the music is stopped, the group
will be awarded a point for each volleyball in
the air. While the volleyball is being hit up in
the air, any person in the group can call the
volleyball by yelling I got it. Teacher will
emphasize the importance of communication.
Students must use both the bump and set. If
a student bumps the first volleyball they hit,
the must set the next one. After a five start
and stops of the music, teams will be offered
the opportunity to use two volleyballs. Teams
will be awarded two points if both volleyballs
are in the air when the music stops, however,
they will be awarded zero if one or zero
volleyballs are in the air when the music

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Demonstration: Students and teachers will
demonstrate activity before it begins.
Key Points:
- Hands Cups
- Contact volleyball with
- Power from the legs
- Triangle vision
- Contact volleyball with
- Give and extend
Checking for Understanding:
How many bumps can you hit in a row? One. After I bump it, the next hit has to be a
Where can I hit the volleyball? The volleyball
can be passed anywhere and to anyone
within the circle.
Extend Up: Students will add the challenge
of the second volleyball.
Extend Down: Students will use a bigger
volleyball or move closer together.
Transition: Students will collect the
volleyballs and place them in the carts. They
will them meet in the middle where the class
will be turned over to Coach Naple.

-Kyle Naples Teaching BelowActivity Three (Volley-Hoopball):

This activity is designed in order to
incorporate bumping and setting into a
modified game. Within this activity the
students are going to be split up into at least
2 different teams(different color pinnies). This
segment will be a modified basketball game.
The students will keep in mind the concept of
basketball while also incorporating all
volleyball criteria/ rules. Students will be
required to bump/set the volleyball at all times


using passes to teammates to keep the flow

of the game going.
Two teams of at least 10
players divided by pinnies.
The basketball hoops are the
Each basket is 2 points, if you
set or bump the volleyball from the
three point line it is worth 3 points.
Students get 4 personal
bumps/sets until they have to give it
off to another teammate.
The volleyball can only bounce
once off the ground per person.
No holding of the ball, it must
be bumped or set at all times, lack of
this will result in a turn over.
Game will be played for 1015min, highest amount of points win.
Demonstration: Students and teachers will
demonstrate activity before it begins.
Key Points:
- Hands Cups
- Contact volleyball with
- Power from the legs
- Triangle vision
- Contact volleyball with
- Give and extend
Checking for Understanding:
I need one student to tell me
how many times they can let the
volleyball bounce before it results in a
turn over? (1 time)
I need one student to tell me
ways we can score? (2 points or 3
points for long distance shot. Must be
bumped or set into the hoop)
Extend Up: Students who show success will


be invited to use 2 bumps/sets until they have

to pass to another teammate. This will
increase the level of difficulty drastically
because they will have less time to look for
an open teammate.
Extend Down: Students who show lack of
success will be instructed to use a larger size
volleyball to work on the proper key points
with a larger surface area to increase the
chance of success.
Transition: When asked, students will
proceed on to put the equipment back and
meet to discuss the lesson.


I need one student to tell me

one reason why we incorporate the
individual skills of bumping and setting
into a modified game? (To work on the
skills all together)
I need one student to
demonstrate the key points for
bumping. (Hands Cups, Contact
volleyball with forearms, Power from
the legs)
I need one student to
demonstrate the key components to
setting a volleyball. (Triangle vision,
Contact volleyball with fingertips, Give
and push)
Great job today class! Everyone did a really
good job working on the key points of
bumping and setting. Next class we are
going to quickly recap them again and get
into a game like scenario. See you all next

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