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Join the Lopez family as we serve in Guatemala

Prayer Requests:
Pray for our emotional and spiritual preparation as a family. God first in ALL things.
Please pray the sale of our home and belongings and for wisdom regarding the timing of placing our home
on the market.
Pray for boldness and clarity of mission as we invite others to partner with us in ministry.
Practical Needs:
Yard Sale Helpers we will have multiple yard sales before our departure. We are in need of helping hands
to help organize and collect donations and to offer assistance on the day of the sale.
Yard Sale Donations We are accepting the donation of items for the sale all proceed will go toward
ministry start-up costs.
Helping hands for the preparation of our home for sale (Landscape, Cosmetic, Rebuild of Deck, etc)
Temporary housing in the event of early sale of our home
Financial Partnerships:
Monthly financial partners: $25, $50, $100/mo or whatever God lays on your heart to give.
Shipping of vehicles - $10,000
Home set-up $4500
Emergency Travel Fund - $5000
Prefield Training - $1000
Frequent flyer miles or buddy passes (4) for travel to Guatemala.

Contact Us:
Vinicio & Karry Lopez
1542 Darwen Lane
Tucker, GA 30084
770-617-4846 Vinicio 770-403-2174 Karry

Donations can be made online at:
Commission to Every Nation
PO Box 291307
Kerrville, TX

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