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Macomb Mathematics Science and Technology Center

The Tower Project

Dylan Clark and Sebastien Rivest

Mr. Acre
Geometry and Algebra with Transformations 9A
30th May 2014

Clark Rivest 1

Mrs. Copeland, we cannot believe we are going to say this but yes we will
design your, to say the least, unique tower. Your aquarium idea is one of the most
intimidating, yet weird, yet brilliant thoughts we have ever heard in our time working
these types of jobs. While we do hope that the Plexiglas floor does not break and lead
to you and all of your furniture falling into the water, we must advise you that we cannot
guarantee that this will not happen. However, such a feat would be great to claim for
ourselves and our building team and we can honor you for taking such a creative risk
with your tower. We hope you understand the risks of this design. That is all that we are
trying to get at. Anyway, lets discuss the design.
The design you have presented us with is a tower made up of a ten sided
polygon on a 20x20ft. plot of land. Unfortunately, local rules prevent us from building 3
ft. from the boundaries of the plot, which will lead to you having a smaller tower. The
tower will need to consist of an outer wall, inner wall, and aquarium plot. We have
received the measurements that were given to us on how you would like these
structures built. We hope that our work on this tower bests your expectations, and that
we, in the end, have a satisfied customer.
Polygon Maximized on Plot Size:
We have done extensive mathematical work to find the most efficient way to plot
and build your tower. These blueprints, if you will, will be shown below.

Figure 1: Blueprint of Entire Plot

Clark Rivest 2

Figure 1 shows the entire plot size of the tower. ABCD is the extent of the plot.
AB, BC, CD, and AD are all each 20ft. The square was scaled down by 3ft. on all sides
to create the second square, which forms the area we can legally build in. The square is
scaled in on each side by 3ft., therefore the length of its sides is decreased by 6ft.
instead of 3ft.(3*2 = 6). Because the number of sides of the polygon cannot be divided
by 4, only 2 vertices can touch the sides of the legal building area. Because two
opposite vertices are on the sides of the legal building area, the length from one vertex
to the other will be equal to the length of one side of the legal building area. This makes
the length from one vertex to the other 14. The interior is broken up into four polygons,
each representing a different part of the tower.

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Each polygon is made up of ten sides. This means that the polygons have the same
central angle measure. To find the central angle measure of a polygon, 360degrees
must be divided by the number of sides of the polygon.
Central Angle Measure = 360 /10
= 36
Figure 2: Finding the Central Angle of One Polygon
Figure 2 shows how to find the central angle measure of one polygon. Because
each polygon has the same number of sides, 36

is the central angle measure for all

of the polygons.

Figure 3: Polygon 1.
Figure 3 shows Polygon 1, which will become the footing of the tower. A triangle
was drawn from two vertices to the midpoint that we used to figure out the crucial
measurements. The length of one side of Polygon 1 = A, the height of Triangle = B,

Clark Rivest 4

1/2NN = Y, and Y = the base of one half triangle in the equations. For Figure 4, the
triangle is split in half into two right triangles.
Length of MN = 14/2 = 7ft.
Cos(18) = B/7
B ~ 6.66ft.
Sin(18) = Y/7
Y ~ 2.16
Figure 4: Finding the Length of One Side of the Polygon
Figure 4 shows the mathematics behind finding the length of one side of Polygon
1. The length of one side is approximately 2.16ft. The length of MN is equal to 14/2
because the length of MN is half the length of one vertex of the polygon to the other.
A = 2Y
A ~ 4.32ft.
Area of Polygon~ (BH)10
~ ((2*7sin(18 ))*(7cos(18 ))*10
Area of Polygon ~ 144.007ft.

Figure 5: Finding the Area of Polygon 1

Figure 5 shows the mathematics behind finding the area of Polygon 1. A
represents the base of the triangle used to find the Area of Polygon. The A was then
multiplied by the height, and then this was multiplied by ten, as that is the number of
faces of Polygon 1. The Area of Polygon 1 came out to be approximately 144.007ft. 2

Clark Rivest 5

Figure 6: Polygon 2
Figure 6 shows Polygon 2, which is scaled down 1 ft. from Polygon 1. Like
Polygon 1, a triangle was used to find crucial measurements. The length of one side of
Polygon 2 = C, the height of the triangle = D, 1/2QQ = Y, and Y = base of one half
triangle in the equations. For Figure 7 and Figure 8, the triangle is split in half into two
right triangles.
D = 7*cos(18) 1
D ~ 5.66ft.
Figure 7: Finding the Height of the Triangle
Figure 7 shows the mathematics behind finding the height of the triangle. The 7
is the hypotenuse of the triangle, and the -1 is used because the polygon is scaled in by
1 ft.
Cos(18) = 5.66/Hypotenuse
5.66/cos(18) = Hyp.
5.95ft. ~ Hyp.
Sin(18) = Y/5.95

Clark Rivest 6

Y ~ 1.84ft.
C = 2Y
C ~ 3.68ft.
Figure 8: Finding the Length of One Side of Polygon 2
Figure 8 shows the mathematics behind finding one side of Polygon 2. The
method used was to find the hypotenuse of the triangle and then use the angle measure
of 18degrees and the hypotenuse to find the base of one right triangle. The base of two
was found simply by multiplying the base of one by two.
A = (BH)10
A = ((2*5.95sin(18 ))*((7*cos(18 ))-1)*10
A= 103.994ft.2
Figure 9: Finding the Area of Polygon 2
Figure 9 shows the mathematics of finding the area of Polygon 2. The area of the
half triangle was found and then multiplied by the number of sides of Polygon 2, which

Clark Rivest 7

is 10.

Figure 10: Polygon 3

Figure 3 shows Polygon 3. which is scaled down 1 ft. from Polygon 2. Like the
others, a triangle was drawn to find measurements. The triangle is split in half for Figure
11. The length of one side of the polygon =E, the height of the triangle = F, 1/2UU = Y,
and Y = the base of one half triangle in the equations.
F = 7*cos(18) 2
F = 4.66ft.
Cos(18) = 4.66/Hyp.
Hyp. = 4.90ft.
Sin(18) = Y/4.90

Clark Rivest 8

Y = 1.51
E = 2Y
E ~ 3.02
Figure 11: Finding the Base and Height of the triangle.
Figure 11 shows the mathematics behind finding the height and base of the
triangle. The -2 was used while finding the hypotenuse as Polygon 3 is scaled down 2ft.
from Polygon 1. The base of one right triangle was multiplied by two to get the base of
the entire triangle.
A = (BH)10
A = ((2*4.90sin(18 ))*((7cos(18 ))-1)*10
A ~ 70.479ft.2
Figure 12: Finding the Area of Polygon 3
Figure 12 shows the mathematics behind finding the area of Polygon 3. The area
of the triangle was found and then multiplied by 10, the number of sides of the polygon.

Figure 13: Polygon 4

Figure 13 shows Polygon 4. Polygon 4 contains a triangle created with the
midpoint and a side of the polygon to find out measurements. The triangle is split up into

Clark Rivest 9

two right triangles, which are used in Figure 14. The length of one side of the polygon =
G, the height of the triangle = H, 1/2YY = Y, and Y = base of one right triangle in the
H = 7*cos(18) 3
H ~ 3.66ft.
Cos(18) = 3.66/Hyp.
Hyp. ~ 3.85ft.
Sin(18) = Y/3.85
Y ~ 1.19ft.
G = 2Y
G ~ 2.38ft.
Figure 14: Finding the Base and Height of the Triangle
Figure 14 shows the mathematics behind finding the base and height of the
drawn triangle. The height was found by using the sine of 18degrees and the
hypotenuse of one right triangle. The base was found by multiplying Y by 2.
A = (BH)10
A = (2*3.85sin(18 ))*((7cos(18 ))-3)*10
A ~ 43.46ft.2
Figure 15: Finding the Area of Polygon 4
Figure 15 shows the mathematics behind finding the area of Polygon 4. The area
of the triangle was found and then multiplied by the number of sides of Polygon 4, which
is 10.

Clark Rivest 10

Each of these measurements are very important and greatly needed when
finding the surface area and volume of the tower in order to determine the costs.
The Footing and the Floor:
Now that we have the math finished for the basic start of the tower, we can get to
the more in-depth and intricate design matters. Figure 16 shows the footing that, as
asked, will be below the tower, with a hollow space for the aquarium at a depth of 3.5.
Shown in Figure ,It will also utilize a 1/3 Plexiglas floor, giving the God-like ability of
walking on water.

Figure 16: Footing of the Tower

Clark Rivest 11

Figure 17: Aquarium

Figure 16 shows the footing of the tower and Figure 17 shows the aquarium of
the tower. Both of these pictures were made with the help of Google Sketch Up. To find
how much cement will be needed to form the footing, the volume needs to be
calculated. The footing is represented by Polygon 1, but Polygon 4 represents the
hollow space so to find our desired result we will need to subtract the volume of Polygon
4 from the volume of the entire base.
V= volume of entire base - volume of Polygon 4
V = Abase*Hpolygon
V= (144.007*3.5) - (43.46*3.5)
V= 504.025 - 152.11
V = 351.915ft.3
Figure 18: Finding the Volume of Cement of the Footing
Figure 18 shows how to find the volume of the footing needed to be filled with
cement. Now, using the newly found volume of the footing, the price of material for this
can be figured. Weve been working with the same company for years now, and

Clark Rivest 12

thankfully they give us a little bit of a discount; giving us concrete at just $115 per cubic
yard. So, to find the cost, the volume that we just found needs to be converted to yards.
$= V/3 * 115
351.915/3= 117.305
117.305 * $115= $13490.10
Figure 19: Finding the Cost of the Cement
Figure 19 shows how the cost of the cement needed for the footing was found.
As you can see, things are already starting to get pricey, and were just beginning! Are
you sure you want to keep going with this? Never mind, if youre crazy enough to get
here, youre crazy enough to finish!
The next step towards completion is finding the volume of the, magical, one of a
kind floor. It is represented by Polygon 4 as it fits right with the aquarium and will be 1/3
thick as asked of us.
V= Abase*Hpolygon
V= 42.46 * (1/3)
V= 14.1533ft.3
Figure 18: Volume of the Plexiglas Floor
Figure 18 shows all of the mathematics behind finding the volume of the
Plexiglas floor. We now know how much Plexiglas is needed. Using this, we can find
how much this will set you back. Finally, it is crucial that we know how much water is
needed in the aquarium. It was asked that it would 75% full, but what volume is that?
Lets find out. Using the previously determined measurements and requested 3.5 depth,
the math is a breeze at this point.

Clark Rivest 13

V= area of base times height * (3/4)

V= (B*H) (3/4)
V= (43.46 * 3.5) * (3/4)
V= 152.11 * (3/4)
V= 114.083ft.3
Figure 19: Volume of the Water in the Aquarium
Figure 19 shows the mathematics behind finding the volume of the water needed
for the aquarium. It has been concluded that we will need 114.083ft. 3 of water for this
pioneer in building architecture.
Outside of the Tower:
The outside of the tower is anything related to Polygon 2. The outside of the
tower is important to the project, as it is where the door and two windows can be made.
Polygon 2 will also form the outside of the wall of the tower. The inside of the wall of the
tower is Polygon 3, which is 1ft. scaled down from Polygon 2. The lateral faces will have
a height twice that of one side of the base of Polygon 2.

Clark Rivest 14

Figure 20: Polygon 2

Figure 20 shows Polygon 2 made in Google Sketch Up. Each side of this polygon
will become the base of a lateral face of the tower.

Figure 21: Lateral Face with Door

Clark Rivest 15

Figure 21 shows the lateral face of the tower with the door, with the
measurements labeled. The height of 7.42ft. was found by multiplying the base of
3.71ft. by 2. The half polygon made was made by creating a polygon whose length from
one opposite vertex to the other was 3. This was done as the top of the door is 3.

Figure 22: Lateral Face with Window

Figure 22 shows the lateral face of the tower containing a window and
measurements. Keep in mind that there are two lateral faces with a window. Now that
these measurements have been found for the lateral faces, the lateral surface area can
be found.
Adoor = 5 * 3= 15ft.2
Awindow = 1.5tan (18 ) = 0.4873795443 * 2 * 1.5 / 2 * 10 = 7.310693165ft. 2
Awindow & door = 29.6214 squared
ALateral Side 3.6773 * 7.3546 = 27.0541
ALateral Face 27.0541 * 10 = 270.451 - 29.6214 = 240.83ft. 2

Clark Rivest 16

Figure 23: Area of the Lateral Face

Figure 23 shows the mathematics behind finding the area of the Lateral Face of
the tower. The area of the door was first found, then the area of the window was found
and multiplied by two as there are two windows. The area of a normal lateral face was
then found, multiplied by 10 for the number of sides, and the combined area of the door
and windows was subtracted from this in order to get the Lateral Faces area.
The Inner Base Prism:
The inner base prism is built upon Polygon 3. Polygon 3 is scaled in 1ft. by from
Polygon 2, making its dimensions slightly different. The lateral faces must have the
same height as the lateral faces seen in Polygon 2 in order for the walls to match up

Figure 24: Polygon 3

Clark Rivest 17

Figure 24 shows Polygon 3 made in Google Sketch Up. Polygon 3 has a different
base than Polygon 2, as Polygon 3 has been scaled down from Polygon 2. This
changes the lateral faces of the tower for Polygon 3.

Figure 25: Lateral Face of Polygon 3

Figure 25 shows the lateral face of Polygon 3 with measurements labeled. As
one can see, the height of the face has not changed from that of Polygon 2 while the
base has changed. With the measurements of the lateral face, the volume of the inner
prism can be found.
V= APolygon 3*HLateral Face
V= 70.479 * (((5.95sin(18 )) *2) *2)
V~ 518.345ft.3
Figure 26: Volume of the Inner Prism
Figure 26 shows the mathematics behind finding the volume for the inner prism. The
area of Polygon 3 was multiplied by the height of one lateral side to get the volume.
Pyramid Top:

Clark Rivest 18

With the base and walls of the tower found, the only thing left is the top. The top
is a rectangular pyramid with a decagon base.

Figure 27:
Figure 27 shows the top of the tower. The top has a lateral face with
measurements labeled. The lateral face was made as it is used to find important
measurements. The height was found by multiplying one side of the base
Slant Height2 = B2 +H2
= 5.712 + 11.132
Slant Height ~ 12.51ft.
Figure 28: Slant Height
Figure 28 shows the mathematics behind finding the slant height. A triangle was made
with the hypotenuse being the slant height, and then The Pythagorean Theorem was
used to find the slant height.

Clark Rivest 19


= (((5.95sin(18 )) *2) *3) divided by 7cos(18 )-1

~ 62.8566

Figure 29: Angle Measure

Figure 29 shows the mathematics behind finding the angle measure between the slant
height and the inner prism. Theta represents that angle in the equation.
Lateral Face of The Outer Pyramid:
The lateral face of the outer pyramid is the next set of measurements that need
to be found. They are important to the project as the top of the tower cannot be built
without them.

Figure 30: Lateral Face of the Pyramid

Figure 30 shows the lateral face made for the rectangular pyramid. The
measurements are labeled, and are important for finding the angle measures, area, and
outer pyramid lateral surface area. The angles that are between the outer prism and the
slant height are . The top angles are each

Clark Rivest 20

= sin-1(1.85/12.60)

~ 8.44

= cos-1(1.85/12.60)

~ 81.56

Figure 31: Angle Measures

Figure 31 shows the mathematics behind finding the angle measures within the
lateral face. The two angles along the center line formed in the triangle are both 90 .
This means that if you add that plus the two angle measures found you will get
approximately 180 , which proves these angles correct as they are for a triangle.
ALateral Side = (3.71*12.51)
~ 23.21ft.2
ALateral Face = 10*23.21
Figure 32: Area of Lateral Side and Face
Figure 32 shows the mathematics behind finding the areas for one lateral side
and the lateral base. The lateral side was found by using the area formula for a triangle,
and the lateral face was found by taking that and multiplying it by ten. Now that
everything about the outer pyramid has been found, the inner pyramid can be looked at.
Inner Pyramid on the Top:

Clark Rivest 21

The inner pyramid on the top is the pyramid on top of Polygon 3s prism. Since it
will not be the outside of the tower, fewer measurements are crucial. Only the volume
and height of the pyramid needs to be found.

Figure 33: Inner Pyramid

Figure 33 shows the picture of the inner pyramid made in Google Sketch Up. The
lateral face was made as it is what was done for the outer pyramid. The height was
found by multiplying one side of the base by 3(3.09*3). This came out to approximately
9.27ft. With this measurement found, the volume of the inner pyramid can be found.
Vinner pyramid = Abase*Hpyramid
V = 1/3(((3.09*4.76)*10)*9.27)
V ~ 227.26ft.3
Figure 34: Volume of the Inner Pyramid
Figure 34 shows the mathematics behind finding the volume of the inner
pyramid. This was found using the base triangles area and multiplying that by ten. This
gave the area of the base which was then multiplied by the height of the pyramid.

Clark Rivest 22

The Tower:
After all of that work, the major measurements of the tower have been found.
Now the measurements of the entire tower can be found using the many smaller
measurements. First, however, the blueprint of the tower must be shown.

Figure 35: The Tower

Figure 35 shows the completed tower made using Google Sketch Up. Keep in
mind that these are just blueprints. The completed physical tower will look different than

Clark Rivest 23

this. It is important to find the lateral surface area and volume of the entire tower so that
we know what we are dealing with.

LSA = 240.83 + 232.10

LSA = 472.93ft.2
V = (1/2(3.71*5.71)10)*1/3(11.13) + (1/2(3.71*6)10)*7.42
V ~ 1218.81ft.3
Figure 36: Volume & Lateral Surface Area of the Tower
Figure 36 shows the mathematics behind finding the volume and lateral surface
area of the tower. The lateral surface areas of the outer prism and pyramid were added
to get the lateral surface area. The volumes of the outer prism and outer pyramid were
also added together to get the volume of the tower.
After looking mathematically at your tower idea, Mrs. Copeland, we feel that it
would be stupid not to do it. It is an interesting idea that incorporates an aquarium at
your very feet. We have included a surprise theme of which we will be decorating your
vacation home with. We hope you will be happy with the theme we chose. It is a quirky
idea for a quirky house design, and it also works well with the aquarium.
We did run into problems designing the tower, however. We had to change the
units that were used multiple times throughout the project in order to meet demands.

Clark Rivest 24

Another problem we had was towards the end of the project. Google Sketch Up was
misbehaving, and certain tools that were needed could not be accessed. Luckily, it
happened towards the end of the project, so it barely affected any of the pictures. As a
matter of fact, it only prevented us from making dotted lines in the final picture of the
The rest of the problems were all related to the model of the tower. The metal
rods used bended very easily when being grabbed or moved and it got to the point
where we had to meld the top where they needed to meet. The sheet metal also gave
us issues while cutting and bending it. The roof of the tower had to be changed to a
piece of cloth as the sheet metal bended so awkwardly when made into a pyramid
shape. The cloth will form a part of the theme for our tower, however, so it shouldnt be
too much of a problem. Other than this, it was not an extremely difficult project. Despite
the strange design you gave us, Mrs. Copeland, it was just a matter of time to make a
very interesting tower.

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