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PQ Corrections

Use these directions to make PQ corrections all year:

1. Why did you get the answer wrong? (In other words, why did you choose the
incorrect response? What was your rationale for choosing this answer?)
2. How do you know that this is the wrong answer? (Now that you know the correct
answer, explain how your initial answer choice could not possibly be correct. Please do
not write that you now know this answer is wrong because Mrs. Bauer told you!!)
3. What is the correct answer?
4. How do you know that this is the correct answer? (Explain SPECIFICALLY how this
answer choice makes sense above all other answer choices.)

You are expected to go through this process for all formative assessments. There is no
reason for you not to have 100% in the formative (20%) category. Remember, these
assessments are the stepping stones to the summative assessments (80% category).

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