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Mudra therapy is a non-medical mode of treatment

which helps without harming. Mudras are various

postures of fingers and thumbs. In mudra therapy,
different diseases are treated by holding and
retaining the fingers and the thumbs in different

This simple measure surprisingly restores a state

of balance(homeostasis) within the body and raises
the level of the performers resistance . With the
patients immunity thus strengthened, the disease
has no other option but to flee.

Mudra therapy is advantageous in a number of

It is very simple, perhaps the simplest among
different non-medical therapies.
Mudras are quite easy to perform.
It is an extremely gentle form of treatment
It is entirely safe since no chemical medicines
are employed
Mudra therapy is inexpensive because no
instruments are required
It is a form of self-treatment.Any person who
has acquired basic knowledge about mudras can
treat most trivial ailments on his own

Mudra therapy has a preventive aspect, too.

Any person who analyzes and understands his

temperament and his bodily constitution (on the
basis given in Personality through health table )
can realize what ailments he is susceptible to and
can , then regularly practice certain mudras to
prevent those susceptibilities from manifesting in
to overt illness.

Mudras enjoy a universal application. They can

help all types of disorders ; Sub-acute, acute or
chronic; they can help all type of people :young or
old, men or women.

Mudra therapy can be advantageously combined

with other forms of treatment: non-medical as well
as medical. Being a part of Ayurveda, it goes
especially well with Ayurvedic medicine.

Even after this much saying some you may say

that All this sounds too good to be true. does it
really work. Or is it all in the mind ? Perhaps
mudras help because the performer strongly
believes that they will. With out the performers
faith,mudras would fall flat on their faces.

But some doctors and scientists never believe in

such things but some tested and say this really
work. So it upto You to decide whether it work or
not. I can say this because as far I had find out and
with my own experience with mudras I can say that
Mudras help people who are entirely new to or
unaware of, Mudra therapy and have never
witnessed its efficacy to become believers.

Mudras help young children and even insane

people, where the question o belief does not arise
and Mudras even help semi-conscious or
unconscious people (on whom Mudra therapy is
carried put passively by using rubber bands to
maintain thumbs and fingers in specific positions).
Even though mudras help in many disease there
some where it has no role in the treatment of the
following disorders

Purely mechanical disorders like mature cataract, a

big hole in the eardrum, deviated nasal septum,
cleft palate, hare lip, heart0valvular
defects,varicose veins,hernias,big stones in the
gall bladders/urinary tract, prolapsed
uterus/rectum/inter vertebral disc, fracture, etc.
These disorders will, obviously, need surgical
intervention.Ailments caused by deficiencies of
nutrients. vitamins, minerals, etc.Disorders that
are a part and parcel of old age (senile

Life threatening ailments like cancer, AIDS,

encephalitis, diphtheria, heart failure, kidney
failure, cirrhosis of the live, septicaemaia,
gangrene etc. These ailments cal for strong,
extreme measures rather than gentle mudras.
So what I say that mudra therapy is an excellent
key to try in the the lock of disease. More ofteh
than not, it succeeds in opening up th lock . This
key should, certainly, be tried when other keys(e.g
modern medicines) have either failed or are
undesirable / inapplicable. You may say that mudra
therapy seems to simple to be really effective. So
what I can say is in life, most important truths are ,
indeed , write simple!
Personality can be achieved or altered by
improving your health. Your personality reflects in
your health condition.By proper health you can get
prominent personality.According to ayurveda there
are three constitutions which is responsible for our
health.Variations in constitution changes health
conditions and big difference in personality.
1. Vatha prakruti(constitution)
People of vaata constitution are, in general,
physically underdeveloped. Their chests are flat
and their veins, muscles-fibers and tendons are
visible.The complexion is brown, the skin is cold,
rough, dry and cracked. There usually are few
moles present, which tend to be dark.
Vaata people generally are either too tall or too

short, with thin frames which reveal prominent

joints and bone-ends because of poor muscle
development. The hair is curly and scanty, the
eyelashes are thin and the eyes lusterless. the
eyes may be sunken, small, dry, active and the
conjunctiva is dry an muddy. The nails are
rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is bent
and turned up.
Physiologically, the appetite and digestion
are variable. Vaata people crave sewer, sour and
salty tastes and like hot drinks. The production of
urine in quantity. they have a tendency to perspire
less than other constitutional types. Their sleep
may be disturbed and they will sleep less than the
other types . their hands and feet are often cold.
These people are creative, active,alert and
restless. They talk fast and walk fast but they are
easily fatigued.
Psychologically, they are charaacterized by short
memory but quick mental understanding. They will
understand somehting immediately, but will soon
forget it. They have little will-power, tend toward
mental boldness. their reasoning power is weak
and these people are nervous,fearful and afflicted
by much anxiety.
Each constitutional type also exhibits certain
patterns in interactions with the external
environment. Vatta people tend to earn money
quickly and also spend it quickly.
Thus, they tend to remain poor.
People having a Vaata constitution are prone to

diseases listed under Vaayu-shaamak, Vaatanaashak and Appan-vayu mudras

2.Pitta constituion
These people are of medium height, are slender
and their body-frame may be delicate. Their chests
are not as flat as those of vaata people and they
show a medium prominence of veins and muscle
tendons. They have many moles or freckles which
are bluish or brownish red. The bones are not as
prominent as in vaata individual. Muscle
development is moderate.
The pitta complexion may be
copery,yellowish,reddish or fair. The skin is soft,
warm an d less wrinkled than vatta skin. The hair
is thin, silky, red or brownish and there is a
tendency toward premature graying /loss of hair.
The eyes may be gray, geen or copper-brown and
sharp; the eyeballs are of medium prominence. The
conjuctiva is moisst and copper-colored. The nails
are soft. The shape of the nose is sharp and tip
tends to be reddish.
Physiologically, these people have a strong
metabolism, good digestion and therefore, strong
appetites. The person of pitta constitution usually
takes large quantities of food an dliquid. Pitta
types have a natural craving for sweet, bitter and
astringent tastes and enjoy cold drinks. Their sleep
is of medium duration but uninterrupted. They
produce a large volume of urine and the stools are
yellowish, liquid, soft and plentiful. There is a
tendency toward excessive perspiring. the bodytemperature may run slightly high and hands and

ffet tend to be warm. Pitta people do not tolerate

sunlight, heat or hard work.
Psychologically, Pitta people have a god power on
comprehension; they are very intelligent and sharp
and tend to be good orators. They have emotional
tendencies toward hate, anger and jealousy.
They are ambitious people who generally like to be
leaders . Pitta people appreciate material
prosperity and they tend to be moderately well-off
financially. They enjoy exhibiting their wealth and
luxurious possessions.
People having a pitta constitution are prone to
diseases listed under the Prithvi-vardhak,
Pitta_shaamak and Shank mudras.
Kapha constitution
People of Kapha constitution have well-developed
bodies. Ther is, however, a strong tendency for
these individuals to carry excess weight. Their
chests are expanded and broad. The veins and
tendons of Kapha people are not obvious because
of their thick skin and their muscle development is
good. The bones are not prominent.
Their complexion is fair and bright. The skin is soft,
lustrous and oily; it is also cold and pale. The eyes
are dense and black or blue; the white of the eye is
generally very white, large and atractive. The
conjuctiva does not tend to redness.
Physiologically, kapha peoplle have regular
appetites, the digestion functions realtively slowly
and there is less intake of food. They tend to move
slowly. They crave pungent, bitter and astringent
foods. Stools are soft and may be pale in colour;

Evacuation is slow. Their perspiration is moderate.

Sleep is sound and prolonged. There is a strong
vital capacity evidenced by good stamina, and
kapha people are generally halthy, happy an d
Pyschologically, they tend to be tolerant, calm,
forgivng and loving;however, they also exhibit
traits of greed, attachment, envy and
possessiveness. Their comphrehension is slow but
definite; once they understand something, that
knowledge is retained.
Kapha people tend to be wealthy. They earn money
and are god at holdint on ot it.
People having a kapha constitution are prone to
develop disease listed under the Prithvi-shaamak,
Kapha-shaamak and Linga Mudras.
The general features of the three individual
constitutions have been described above. However,
it is often seen that people have mix(compund)
1. Vatta+Pitta constitution, where both Vatta and
Pitta are in Excess.
2. Vatta + Kapha constitution, where both Vatta
and Kapha are in Excess.
3.Pitta + Kapha constitution, where both Pitta and
Kapha are in Excess.
4. Vatta + Kapha+Pitta constitution, where all the
three humors are at fault(hence called Tridosha).
To judge your personality see the features below:




great initiative;
fast speed of
work; however,
cananot sustain
efforts timid,
, angry,
ss), moody
,unrelaiable very
few friends


slow spped
of work;
however, can
tirelessly ,
many friends


Ailments worse
in autmn.
Reaction to Intolerance of
temperatur wind and cold
e /weather climate. Liking
for sunshine,


Intolerance of
pain, noise


Ailment Ailments
s worse worse in
spring and
summer. monsoon.Int
Intolera olerance of
nce of
for cool Liking for
weather warmth
nce of
stress, of fast-life
Medium Excellent

Lean, short or
ely built
heavy, fleshy
Body-Frame weight. Weight
. Weight
hard to gain, esy
easy to gain,
to lose
hard to lose


Medium Large


small forehead,
thin eyebrows.
Big, restless,
muddy eyes.
Thin, unequal

Medium Broad
forehea forehead,
Thick bushy
,Medium eyebrows,
Big white
brows, lusterous
Yellow, eyes; Lips
piercing thick and

turn red
anger ,
e or
Lips red
Speech and speech

Quick, irregular

Short and fast;

Movements tremors,



Voice sweet,
soft, loud
and clear


Slow and

Strong;c Less, but

can eat a
lot ;can also
take a
undertake a

Liking for

Hot foods and




Hot; spicy,
bitter foods;
dry foods
Strong strong and
and fast slow

e tract


Multiple regular
, yellow, evacuation.
Stools well
evacuation ;
sometim occasionally
mucousbloody laden


Capricious, less desires Normal
scanty, difficult

Yellow, Pale,
red, hot profuse,
burning milky


little, if at all



d with eyes half Moderat Long and
open; Grinds
teeth in sleep


jumping, flying



water , lakes
, birds

Irregular, scanty, Excessiv Moderate

painful; blood


heaviness in
blood pale


Cold, dry,
; there may
cracked; Nails
be itching
complexion dark hes),


balding; Long ,dense,
Dry, rough, curly
prematu oily.


Loose. Creaking; ely,
firm, stable,
strong, covered by
projecting bones hot,

If you gave many more Vs than Ps or Ks, you
have a Vaata constitution.
If you gave many more Ps than Vs or Ks, you
have a Pittta constitution.
If you gave many more Ks than Ps or Vs, you
have a Kapha constitution.
If you have more and almost equal Vs and Ps, you
have Vatta+Pitta constitution.
If you have more and almost equal Vs and Ks, you

have Vatta+Kapha constitution.

If you have more and almost equal Ks and Ps, you
have Kapha+Pitta constitution.
If you have more or less equal Vs,Ps and Ks you
have Tridosha(Tri =three dosha= faults).
A balance between these three humors is vital for
good health; imbalance of any one or more results
in disease. In present times,a perfect balance of
these three humors is seldom seen.Due to
hereditary factors, generallly one humor
dominates the other two right from birht, giving
the person a prakruti or a constitution. For
example , a person who has an excess of vaata
humor in his body is said to be possessing a Vaataconstitution or suffering from Vaatadosha(dosha=fault or imbalance),Similarly ,people
having an excess of Pitta humor or Kapha humor in
their bodies are said to be possessing pitta
constitution or kapha constitution respectively.
Such dosha develops specific traits and
susceptibilites in the owner , renderning him prone
to certain diseases.
It may also happen that two (or some times all
thre) humors are deranged(i.e in excess). Sich
people are said to be having mix constituions.
To balance these three humors for proper health
we have methods like Mudra, yoga and
Samaan mudra is very useful for balance all the

Gyaan Mudra (Meditation mudra)

Gyan mudra or vaayu vardhak mudra is very

popular in all mudras.We can call it as prime
mudra.Gyan mudra is also known as meditation
mudra. To day I am sharing a step by step guidance
for how to perform Gyaan mudra and its benefits
and healing properties.

How to do gyan mudra our body has made from

five elements of earth, vaayu, jal, fire and
space.Gyan mudra increases vaayu element in the
body. In hatha yoga this mudra is used for
meditation. In Ayurveda this mudra is known as
vaayu vardhak mudra.When you meditate with
performing this mudra it gives you quick results.

Vaayu mudra

Vaayu mudra is very useful to decrease air element in the

body.This mudra is called as vaayu shaamak mudra because of
its impact on Vaayu element.
Here I am sharing how to perform vaayu shaamak mudra and its
benefits and healing properties.

Vayu mudra or vayu shamak mudra

How to perform Vaayu mudra:

This mudra is very easy to perform,just placing your tip of the
index finger on the base of thumb finger vaayu mudra is formed.
Impact of this mudra on health.
Vaayu mudra decreases vaayu element in the body
which enables various health benefits.
If your mind is anxious and restless vaayu mudra is
best natural remedy to over come.
If you are over excited then vaayu mudra will calm

down your nervous system and you can feel

Hormone imbalance of endocrine glands can be
over come through practising vaayu mudra.
Other benefits of Vaayu mudra are, Clears voice
problems, allows rehydration of skin and articular
Vaayu is the important component of vaata
prakarti.Decreasing vaayu element in the body
enables to over come vaata dosha. If you are Vaata
prakarti daily practising of vaayu shaamak mudra
helps to live a disease free life.
Daily practice of 30 minutes is enough to get best
results.You can perform Vaayu mudra any time or
in any pose. It is recommended that early hours in
the morning or in meditation to get quick results.

Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra (healing

Aakash mudra is very useful to increase space in the body.This
mudra is also called as Aakash vardhak mudra.
How to perofrm Aakash mudra:
This mudra is very easy to perform.Just joining together your tip

of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb finger.

Impact of this mudra on health:

Aakash mudra increases space in the body.Which gives various
benefits to health and spiritual enlightenment.Practise of the
mudra enables the individual(aatmaa) to reunite with the
collective consciousness(Paramaatmaa or God). Negative
emotions like fear, anger, sorrow, etc. are replaced by positive
emotions and thoughts.
The above- mentioned increase in internal space is effected by
the elimination of metabolic wastes from the body.
Aakash mudra detoxifies the body.The increased internal space
enables the rest of the four bodily elements:vaayu(air),
agni(fire), jal(water) and prtihvi (earth) to increase , affording
them a room to act. Thus , Aakaash-vardhak mudra can be
beneficially combined wiht mudras that increase the other four
elements(i.e, Vaayu-vardhak mudra, Prithvi vardhak mudra,
Agni-vardhak mudra and jal-vardhak mudra).
In general, Aakaash-vardhak mudra is an excellent mudra that
stimulates noble thoughts and helps the practioner to take rapid

strides along the path to moksha(salvation).It also helps a person

who wishes to scale great heigths in the art of meditation.
The element Aakaash is also a component of bodily humor
Vaata. Therfore, Aakaash-vardhak mudra reinforces the Vaata
humor of the body. It should be done in moderation by people of
Vaata constitution.
Benefits of Aakash mudra:
Develop noble, elevated thoughts, develop intuiton and extra
sensory powers,etoxify the body by the elimination of metabolic
wastes.helps to overcome a feeling of fullness/heaviness in the
body or body-parts,to overcome discomfort caused by overeating.
to relieve congestion (and pain) in the head (due to migraine
or sinusitis), ear/s (due to infection) , chest (due to
infection/asthma), etc.Hight blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, angina pectoris, etc.
Daily practice of 30 minutes is enough to get good results.You
can perform it at any time or any posture but early hours of the
morning and in meditation will give best and quick results.
If you are a Vaata dosha person you have to perform it
moderately only.

Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra

Shoonya mudra is very useful to decrease space element in the
body.It is also called as Aakash shaamak mudra.

Shunya mudra

How to perform shoonya mudra:

This mudra is very easy to perform,just placing tip of the middle
finger at the bottom of the thumb and apply little pressure.The
middle finger represents space element in the body by practising
this mudra you can decrease space(aakash) element in the body.
Impact of this mudra on health:
Shoonya mudra is very effective to decrease space in the
body.This mudra is used in ayurveda treatments of disorders
(enlisted below) caused by an abnormal increase of space within
the body. The element space is associated with ears.
Therefore Aakaash-shaamak mudra helps certain ear disorders.
In fact, it is an almost fail proof remedy for ear-pain.
The decreased internal space restricts the rest of the four bodily
elements i.e, vaayu (air), Agni (fire), jal (water) and pirthvi
(earth). Therfore, aakaash-shaamak mudra can be beneficially
combined with Vaayu-shamaak, Agni-shammak, Pritvishammak and jal-shammak mudras.
Space (aakash) is the main component of vaata prakarti.Shoony
mudra is very useful to treat vaata dosha.

Benefits of Shoonya mudra:

Shoonya mudra has various health benefits.This mudra is very
useful to heal Feeling of emptiness or numbers in the body or
body parts like the head, the chest, the abdomen, Ear ailments
like pain, tinnitus(noises), vertigo and acquired deafness.
This mudra is used in Ayurveda treatments of all the diseases
that caused by excess of Vaata.
This mudra can be performed any time or in any position.It is
preferable that early morning hours and when you are
meditating practice this mudra to get quick results.

Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra

Surya mudra is very useful to reduce earth element in the
body.To day I am sharing various health benefits of surya mudra
and how to perform it.

Surya mudra

Surya mudra reduces prithvi element because of this impact it is

also known as prithvi shaamak mudra.This mudra has another
additional benefits it increases fire element in the body.

This mudra is very easy to perform by just placing the tip of

the ring finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle
pressure of the thumb upon this finger.
Impact of Surya mudra on health:
Surya mudra or prithvi shaamak mudra helps to increase fire
element in the body and decreases earth element in the body.Fire
element plays important role in keeping the body temperature.
Fire element is related with vision improving fire in the body
clears vision problems.
Agni is the main component of pitta prakarti. Practice of prithvi
mudra helps to increase pitta humor in the body.If you want to
overcome pitta deficiency surya mudra is the best solution.
Surya mudra or prithvi-shaamak mudra helps to decrease earth
element in the body person with obesity or having more fat is
very beneficial.
Earth element is the main component of kapha humor.Surya
mudra is very useful to over come kapha dosha.
Health benefits of Surya mudra or prithivi-shaamak mudra:
Surya mudra is very useful to increase body
temperature.Coldness of skin ,body,limbs hands and
feet,cold,shivering,inactivity of thyroid glands,obesity and over
weight,loss of appetite,indigestion,constipation and other
digestive problems,no sweating or less sweating of body and
vision or eye problems can be over come through this mudra.

Regular practice of 30 minutes is enough to get good results,you

can perform it any time or any position.Early hour of morning or
when you are in meditation is the best choice to get optimum

Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra (healing

Prithvi mudra is very useful to increase earth
element and decrease fire element in the body.
This mudra is also called as prithvi vardhak mudra
or Agni-shaamak mudra.This mudra is very
effective to gain weight and strengthen the body.
How to perform prithvi mudra:
It is very easy to perform,just joining the tips of the
ring finger on the tip of thumb finger and applying
gentle pressure is enough to form this mudra.
Impact of prithvi mudra on health:
This mudra is very effective to increase earth element
and decrease fire element in the body.Earth is the major
component of bones,cartileage moleskin
hair,nails,flesh,muscles,tendons,internal organs ,etc practice of
prithvi mudra strengthens these tissues.
Healing properties and benefits of prithvi mudra:

Prithvi mudra has the healing power to heal following illness.

Prithvi mudra useful to heal chronic
fatigue,debility,convalescence,endurance or lack of stamina,loss
weight,emaciation,inexplicable,osteoporosis,fracture, degenerati
on of articular cartilage,Weak,atrophied
burning,mature skin,brittle nails,hair loss,premature graying of
hair.burning in eyes,acidity,burning sensation of urinating,
burning in anus,burning in hands,feet and head.Aphthous,ulcers
in the mouth and stomach.Inflammatory diseases,jaundice,
Thirty minutes of perform is enough to get best results and you
can perform it any time or in any position but in the morning
hour or when you are in meditation is the best choice to get
optimum results.
If you are a Kapha dosha person then perform it in moderation

Jal vardhak or Varun mudra(healing

Varun mudra is very effective to increase water element in the
body.Due its impact on jal (water) element in the body it is also
called as jal-vardhak mudra.

varun mudra
How to perform Varun mudra:
Varun mudra or jal vardhak mudra is very easy to perform,Just
placing the tip of the little finger on the tip of the thumb and
applying little pressure.
Impact of Varun mudra on health:
Varun mudra helps to increase water element in the body.Our
body contains 75 percent water.Water is plays major role in
every activity of our health system.water is present in
protoplasm of cells,extra cellular
juices,enzymes,hormones,semen,cerebrospinal fluid,etc. Any
slight decrease in the percentage of water would results to
many disturbance like dehydration. Practising varun mudra
helps to increase water element in the body and restore the
balance in the system.

The element of water has a major role in taste and tongue. Jalvardhak mudra is very useful to treat the disorders related to
tongue, taste, senses, and dryness of mouth.
Jal is the main component of pitta and kapha prakarti.If you are
a pitta or kapha prakarti person then you should practice this
mudra moderately,this mudra increases pitta and kapha dosha.If
you are a vatta dosha person then practising this mudra regularly
will be great beneficial to prevent illness.
Benefits of Varun mudra and its healing properties:
Varun mudra increases water element it helps to over come
dryness of eyes and mouth,throat and intestines.
Jal-vardhak mudra is very useful to heal indigestion and
Varun mudra is very effective to prevent dryness of skin
and moister skin in the winter season.
Degeneration of joint-cartilage, Osteo-Arthritis dry eczema
and psoriasis can be healed through varun mudra.
Varun mudra is very effective in the treatment of cramps,
dehydration, deficiency of hormones, scanty urination and
scanty manses.
Loss of taste or tongues disorders can easily over come through
varun mudra.

All the diseases causes due to excess of vatta dosha can be

healed by practising varun mudra.
30 minutes of regular practice is enough to get the benefits of
varun mudra or jal-vardhak mudra.You can perform this mudra
at any time or in any position but early hours of morning or in
meditation is preferable.
If you are a pitta or kapha prakarti person then practice this
mudra moderate only.

Jal-shaamak mudra
Jal-shamak mudra is very effective to reduce water element in
the body.Water is the major part of kapha and pitta prakarti,jalshaamak mudra is useful to decrease kapha dosha and pitta
How to perform jal-shaamak mudra:

Jal shaamak mudra

It is very easy to perform this mudra,just placing the tip of the

little finger on the base of thumb finger and applying little
pressure is enough to form the jal-shaamak mudra.

Impact of Jal-shamak mudra on health:

This mudra decreases jal element in the body.Water is the main
component of kapha and pitta,practice of jal-shaamak mudra
reduces the effects of these doshas.
Benefits of Jal-shaamal mudra and its healing properties:
Jal-shaamak mudra is very useful to overcome Oedema.
This mudra helps to heal ascitis and dropsy.
Jal-shaamak mudra is very effective in reducing excessive
Jal-shaamak mudra is beneficial in the treatment of watery eyes.
Jal-shaamak mudra prevents running nose.
Jal-shaamak mudra is very effective in the treatment of Hyper
acidity,diarrhoea,pleural effusion,excess of hormones.
This mudra helps to heal excessive effusion of joint.
Jal-shaamak mudra is helpful to reduce excessive
Jal mudra is useful to prevent
hydrocele,hydrocephalous,hydronephrosis,cold and clamy

All the diseases causes due to deficiency of vatta.

30 minutes of regular practice is enough to get best results,you
can perform this mudra any time or in any position.Practice of
this mudra in morning hours or in meditation will give quick and
optimum results.

Vaayan Mudra
Vaayan mudra is very useful to increase vaata humor.Due to this
quality this mudra also called as vaata-kaarak mudra.

Vaata kaarak or vaayan mudra

How to perform vaayan mudra:
Vaata-kaarak mudra is very easy to perform,just placing the tips
of the index finger and middle finger on the tip of the thumb
Impact of vaata-kaarak mudra on health:
Vaayan mudra is very effective in increasing vatta humor.Vatta

humor plays important role in controlling nervous system and

various bodily movements.This mudra empowers nerves system
and vital power.This mudra helps to over come vatta deficiency.
Benefits of vaayan mudra and its healing properties:
Vaayan mudra is very useful to over come nervous exhaustion
and nervous break down.
This mudra helps to improve enthusiasm,thoughts and
Vaata-kaarak mudra helps to over come
Vaayan mudra is effective to over come drowsiness and
excessive sleep.
Vaayan mudra is very useful in the treatment of intolerance of
heat,sunstroke,excessive thirst,excessive
sweating,frequent,provuse urination,loss of
appetite,fatness,loose motions,excessive menstrual
bleeding,greasy skin and hair.
All the disease caused due to deficiency in vaata.
30 minutes of practice is enough to get best results of vaayan
mudra.You can perform this mudra at any time or in any
position.If is preferred to practice it in the early hours of the
morning or in meditation.

Vatta-naashak mudra

Vatta-naashak mudra is very useful to decrease vatta-dosha.If

you are a vatta dosha person this mudra is for you.
How to perform vatta-naashak mudra:
This mudra is very easy to perform just placing the tips of index
finger and middle finger at the base of thumb finger and
applying gentle pressure.

Vaata-naashak mudra

Impact of Vatta-naashak mudra on health:

Vatta-naashak mudra helps to reduce vatta-dosha.This mudra is
very helpful for the person of vatta prakarti.
Benefits of Vatta-naashak mudra and its healing properties:
Vatta-naashak mudra is useful to over come chronic fatigue.
This mudra helps to over come lack of stamina and edurance.
Vatta-naashak mudra is very effective to over come
indecisiveness,impatience,timidity,inexplicable fear.

Vatta-naashak mudra is the best mudra to over come

This mudra is help full in the treatments of intolerance of cold
weather or wind,under weight,emaciation,inexplicable weight
Vatta-naashak mudra helps to over come all the painful
conditions like,headache,earache,toothache,throat pain etc.
This mudra is very useful to decrease numbness in the body
Vatta-naashak mudra is very useful in the treatments of
gait,parkinsonism,giddiness,vertigo,creaking joints,osteoarthritis,cold,dry,craked skin,nails,hair,irregular,scanty,painful
menses,hoarsensess of
voice,stammering,constipation,flatulence,scanty urination,scanty
All the diseases caused due to vatta dosha can be healed by
vatta-naashak mudra.
30 minutes of practice is enough to get good results of vattanaashak mudra.You can practice this mudra at any time or any
position.It is preferable that early hours of morning or in
meditation to get optimum results.

Kapha-naashak Mudra or pitta-kaarak


Kapha naashak mudra is very useful to decrease kapha dosha.

This mudra also increases pitta humor in the body.Due its effect
on pitta humor its also called as pitta-kaarak mudra.
How to perform kapha naashak mudra:

Pitta kaarak mudra

This mudra is very easy to perform,just placing the tip of the

ring finger and little finger in the base of thumb finger is enough
to form kapha naashak mudra.
Impact of kapha-naashak mudra on health:
Kapha-naashak mudra decreases kapha humor and increases
pitta humor in the body.Pitta plays major role in the heat and
digestion of body.This mudra is the best mudra for the person
who has deficency in pitta and excess in kapha.
Benefits and healing properties of kapha-naashak mudra:
This mudra helps to improve enthusiasm and initiative.
Pitta-kaarak mudra is very effective to overcome slowness of

This mudra is very excellent to improve self-esteem.

Kapha-naashak mudra is very effective mudra to over come all
the health problems of winter season.
Pitta-kaarak or kapha naashak mudra is useful in the treatments
of coldness of skin or hair,Oily,greasy skin or hair,absent of
scanty perspiration,loss of appetite,indigestion,slow digestion,
Thirstlessness,obesity or easy weight
gain,hypothyroidism,scanty menses,excessive mucous in the
respiratory,digestive tracts causing colds,wet cough,sticky
stools, etc
Pitta-kaarak mudra is very useful in the treatment of vision
related disorders and eye disorders.
All the diseases caused due to excess of kapha can be healed by
this mudra.
30 minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results of
kapha-naashak mudra.You can perform this mudra at any time
or any position but in the early hours of morning or in
meditation is very effective.

Pran Mudra kapha kaarak or pitta naashak

Pran is very useful to increase kapha humor and decrease pitta
humor.Pran mudra can be called kapha kaarak or pitta naashak

How to perform Pran mudra:

This mudra is very easy to perform,just placing the tips of ring
finger and little with thumb finger.

Kapha kaarak or pitta naashak mudra

Impact of pran mudra on health:

Pran mudra increases kapha humor,kapha mudra plays vital role
in vitality,strength and immunity.Pran mudra decreases pitta
humor. Pitta humor has direct impact on bodily temperature.

Benefits and healing properties of pran mudra:

Pran mudra is very effective in the treatments chronic

fatigue,general debility,low endurance,impaired
immunity,mental tension,anger
,irritability,jealousness,pride,impatience,chronic sense of timeurgency and forgetfulness.
This mudra is very useful to over come intolerance of heat,stress
and noise,ailments which get worse in
summer,hyperthyroidism,Intolerance of heat, stress and noise;
ailments which get worse in
summer.Hypertthyroidism (weight loss despite having
good appetite),Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with it
is),Sleeplessness; lightdisturbed sleep, High blood

pressure, atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing

of arteries), Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach; apthous
ulcers,acidity, ulcerative colitis,Loose, bloody stools, dysentery,
Scanty, burning urination,Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration,
Excessive, painful menses,Red-hot joints;
Rheumatoid Arthritis; instability of joints,Burning, red, dry
eyes; cataract,Dry, red, hot, ageing, skin; skin-rashes; urticaria,
leprosy,Dry, sparse, grey hair,
Jaundice,Premature ageing,
disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements
with in the body.
30 minutes of practice is enough to get good result.You can
practice it at any time or any position but in the morning hours is
the best time.

It is better that If you practice Vaata nashak mudra combined

with this mudra.

Vatta and pitta naashak mudra

Vatta and pitta naashak mudra is very useful for the persons who
are having vatta and pitta dosha jointly.This mudra has special
qualities to over come all the ailments of vaata and pitta doshas.

Vata+pita nashak mudra

How to perform vatta+pitta naashak mudra:

This mudra is little critical than basic mudra,just placing the tip
of the index finger on the base of thumb finger and placing the
tip of ring finger on the tip of thumb finger is enough to form
this mudra.
30 minutes of practice is enough to get good results of this
mudra.You can perform this mudra at any time or any position.It
is preferable that early hours of morning or in meditation.

If you are a kapha prakarti person then you should practice this
mudra in moderation only.

Vaata+ kapha nashak mudra(healing mudra)

Vaata+Kapha)-naaashak mudra

Vaata+kapha naashak mudra

This mudra helps to overcome any ailment of a person having a

Vaata+Kapha mix constitution.
Method: this mudra I sformed by applying the tips of the index
and the ring fingers to the base of the thumb.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three
parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: People with a pronounced Pitta constitution should
practice this mudra in moderation if at all.

Surabhi Mudra or Tri Dosha nashak

Surabhi mudra is very useful to reduce all the bad effects three
doshas.Due to its impact on all the three doshas its also called as
tridosha naashak mudra.This mudra has a special property of
balancing all the five elements in the body,this mudra has
directly equal to saaman mudra.

Tridosha naashak mudra

Surabhi means cow,in Indian mythology there is cow

kaamadhenu which fulfil all the wishes .This mudra gives that
much help full to maintain good health and this mudra is called
as Kaamadhenu mudra.
How to perform Surabhi mudra:
This mudra is not that much easy to perform like basic
mudra.Look at the picture and read the description clearly.This
mudra is formed by joining the tip of ring finger of each hand to
the tip of little finger of the other and the tip of the index finger
of each hand to the tip of middle of the other.This forms a figure
that resembles the four udders of a cow.
30 minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results of
this mudra.You can perform it any time or any position.It is
preferable that early hour of morning or in meditation to get
optimum result.

Any one can perform this mudra to lead a disease free life.

Appan mudra
Appan mudra is very useful to detoxify the body and this the
best mudra to energise.

Appan mudra
How to perform Appan mudra:
This mudra is very easy to perform,just placing the tips of the
middle and ring finger with thumb finger.
Impact of the appan mudra on health:
Appan mudra is combined form of prithvi and aakash
mudra.This mudra increases vaata and kapha mudra and
decreases pitta humor.
Benefits and healing properties fo appan mudra:

Appan mudra is very effective in treatments of

Anuria,Constipation , flatulence and piles.
The is the best mudra in the treatments of absence of
sweat,delayed delivery of a child and burning in the body or
body parts.
This mudra is very helpful in the treatments of all the diseases of
deficiency of vaata,and kapha.
8. Ailments caused by and excess of element fire and humor
You can practice this mudra any time or any position but in
morning hours is the best.If you are a Vaata and Kapha prakarti
then practice this mudra in moderation only.

Appan Vayu Mudra

Appan-vaayu mudra is one of the most important mudras for
healing purpose.It is also called as mritsanjeevani mudra,This
mudra can snatch a person away from the clutches of death!
This mudra is very helpful for the persons who has suffered
from chest pain or a heart attack.

Appan vayu mudra

How to perform Appan vayu mudra:

This mudra is very easy to perform,just joining together tip of
the the thumb finger,middle finger and ring finger,and placing
the tip of the index finger on the base of thumb finger.
Impact of Appan vayu mudra on health:
This mudra increases earth element and decreases fire and air at
a time.
This mudra is helpful to remove obstructions/blockages
and detoxifies the body.
This mudra helps to increase Aakash element in the body.
Increase of earth element helps to increase vitality.
Sedation of the mind and relaxation of the body/muscles due to
a reduction of elemtn Vaayu(air).
Benefits and healing properties of Appan vayu mudra:

This mudra is useful to over come Fast hear

beats,palpitations,Angina pectoris.
Practice of this mudra as soon as heart attack strikes might
enables the victim to minimize the damage to the heart muscles.
This mudra is a pain killer it can be used to treat,headache,tooth
ache,tummyache,bachache,joint-pains,heel pain etc.
This mudra is very useful to over come excessive
sweating,obstructiob of urine,Ailments caused by a deficiency
of element earth.
All the diseases caused due to vatta and pitta can be over come
through appan vayu mudra.
30 minutes of practice is enough to get the good results of appan
vayu mudra.You can perform it at any time or any position but
in the early morning or in the meditation is the best choice to get
optimum result.
If you are a kapha prakarti then you shpuld practice this mudra
in moderation only.

Linga mudra benefits

Linga mudra:
Linga mudra is the best mudra to increase fire element in the
body which helps to increase pitta humor.

How to perform linga mudra:

This mudra is very easy to perform,mudra is formed by
interlocking the palms but keeping the left thumb erect,pointing
Impact of linga mudra on health:
Thumb represents fire element. Linga mudra helps reinforce fire.
Benefits and healing properties of linga mudra:
Linga mudra is very useful in the treatments of Shivering and
chills due to intolerance of cold weather or hypothermia.
All the ailments caused due to accumulation of mucous in the
Diseases like sinusitis,wet cough,sticky stools can be over come
through linga mudra.
Asthma and other respiratory ailments that occur at the change
of weather,
Sexual debility in males.
This mudra can be practice only when necessary.30 minutes of
practice is enough.
If you are suffering from fever or pitta prakarti then dont do

Shanka Mudra
Shanka mudra is very useful to decrease fire element and increase air element in the body.How
to perform shanka mudra:
Clench the left thumb with the fight fingers and place the left fingers on the back of the right
palm. Now join the tips of the right thumb and the left index finger.

Shanka Mudra

Impact of Shanka mudra on health:

Shanka mudra decreases pitta humor and increases the Vaata and
kapha humor in the body.
Benefits and healing properties of Shanka mudra:
Feverish feeling in the body is very easily over come through
this mudra.
Burning in the body or body parts is relives by practising shanka
Shanka mudra is very useful in the treatment of Allergic
disorders,skin rashes,voice and throat
problems,flabbiness/weakness and paralysis of muscles.

30 minutes of practice is enough to get good result of the

shanaka mudra.You can practice it at any time or in any
position.If you are suffering from fever or any other allergy then
you can perform this mudra for a longer period of time to get
optimum results.If you are a Vaata+kapha mix prakarti then you
should practice this mudra in moderation only.

Asthma Mudra
Asthma mudra is a special mudra to relieve an asthmatic
attack.Regular practice of this mudra helps to reduce the bad
effects asthma.

Asthma mudra
How to perform Asthma mudra:
This mudra is very easy to perform just pressing together the
finger nails of the middle fingers and keeping the other fingers
gently extended.
Impact of asthma mudra on health:
This mudra is very useful in the treatment and to prevent the
attacks of asthma.

When you are feeling a breathlessness situation 15 minutes of

practice will be great beneficial. Regular practice of ten minutes
twice a day will be very useful to prevent future attacks.
Maatangi mudra
Maatangi Mudra is the Code of inner harmony. Performance of this mudra enables a person to









Method : Interlock the hands (held at navel level), keeping the middle fingers straight and
Effects: This mudra beneficially affects the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain.
Benefits : Since hypothalamus is the seat of autonomous nervous system, this mudra establishes
a state of balance (i.e., homeostasis) within the body. It also relieves tension and pain in organs
Duration: For at least fifteen minutes when, suffering from internal pain. For five minutes,
thrice a day to attain and maintain internal harmony.

Uttarabodhi mudra
Uttarabodhi mudra is very useful to get enlightenment.This
mudra can be used to substitute abhay-gyan mudra.

Uttarbodhi mudra
How to perform uttarabodhi mudra:
This mudra is easy to perform just interlock the hands keeping
the index finger straight touching each other and pointing
upwards and the thumbs extended touching each other and
pointing down wards.
Impact of uttarabodhi mudra:
Regular practice of this mudra leads to realisation of self and
remove fear.This mudra gives us the knowledge of self and
realisation that we should fear nothing except God.
Benefits of Uttarabodhi mudra:
This mudra is the best mudra to soothe and calm excited nerves
before beginning of a daunting task.
This mudra is very useful to improve self confidence and to over
come examination or stage fright,etc.

20 minutes of practice is enough to get result.You can perform

this mudra any time or any position or when ever there
is necessity.

Pushaan mudra
Pushaan mudra is very useful to improve energy and
nourishment.This mudra represents to sun the God of warmth.

Pushaan mudra

How to perform pushaan mudra:

This mudra is a combination mudra. You have to perform it by
little care with the right hand perform vaayan mudra and with
the left hand perform appan mudra.
Impact of puashaan mudra on health:
This mudra increases the major three elements of earth,air and
space in the body.
Benefits and healing properties of Pushaan mudra:

Pushaan mudra is very effective in improving immunity and

energy of the body.
Pushaan mudra is the best mudra to improve your
strength,stamina and endurance.
Pushaan mudra is very useful to detoxify the body,It helps to
excretion of metabolic waste products through stools,urine and
30 minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results,you
can perform it any time or any position but it is better that you
do it in the early hour of morning or in meditation to get
optimum result.

Samaan Mudra

Samaan mudra is very useful to balance all the three doshas

vata,pitta and kapha.Due its impact on the doshas it is also
called tridosha-naashak mudra.This mudra has two other names
Mukul and Sukri mudra.

This mudra is the best mudra which balance all the five elements
in the body.This mudra is very much beneficial for the persons
whose all three humors have become deranged.This mudra can
be used to over come any disease.If you want to prevent illness
this the best mudra to practice regular basis.
How to perform Samaan mudra:
This mudra is very easy to perform,just joining together the tips
of the thumb and all four fingers.
30 minutes practice is enough to good results of this
can practice it at any time or any position.In the morning hour is
the best time.
If you are facing any illness then ,while performing this mudra,
The fingertips can be directed at the diseased part of the body to
get quick results.

Pitta+Kapha-naashak mudra(Healing
Pitta+Kapha-naashak mudra

Kapha + pita nashak mudra

This mudra helps to overcome any ailment of a person having a

Pitta+Kapha mix constitution.
Method: This mudra is formed by
1. Joining together the tips of the thumb and the ring finger and
2. Applying the tip of the little finger to the base of the thumb.
Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three
parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Precaution: People with a pronounced Vaata constitution should
practice this mudra in moderation if at all.
To know Pitta+kapha-nashak mudra visit

Yoni mudra or shanmukhi mudra

How to do: Adopt sidhasana pose with both ears closed with the
thumbs,both eyes with the index fingers,both nostrils with the
middle fingers,and the mouth with ring and small fingers.Inhale
and retain the breath.Repeat om and concentrate on Ajna
chakra(between the eye-brows).Perform mula bandha and feel
that kundalini shakti is ascending the sushuma ans feel that
kundalini shakti is ascending the sushumna,piercing the six
chakras.Exhale and release the fingers.
This enables the yoga to enter deep into the heart,for the practice
of profound meditation and japa.It awakens the sleeping

kundalini and confers great powers to the body and mind.It

bestows mental peace and serenity.

Maha Mudra
How to do: One has to first perform Mula bandha and press the Kanda(space between anus and
the generative organ) by the right heel.Keep the left leg straight. Bend down and hold the big toe
of the left foot with both hands. Bring the head down until it touches the knee. This position is
also known as Janu-Shira-Asan. In Maha mudra, Janu Shira Asana is associated with the
Bandhas, and pranayama. Inhale and while retaining the breath performJalandhar Bandha
Bandha . Then Exhale while performing Uddiyan Bandha (taking the navel forcibly towards the
back). Perform the pranayama as long as you can.
The same can be repeated by keeping the right leg straight and by pressing the Kanda with the
left heel.
The gaze should stay between the eyebrows(bhru-Madhya Drishti). Meditate upon the Ajna
duration :This mudra can be done as long as one can.
Maha mudra should be followed by Maha Bandha and Maha Vedha.
Benefits: This exercise enables the combined forces of Prana and Apana to pass through
Sushumna, which awakens the Kundalini. This cures Hemorrhoids or piles, gastritis,
constipation, consumption and various morbid conditions of the body thereby augmenting
digestion and toning up the nervous system.

Maha Vedha Mudra

In Maha Vedha, press the Kanda with the left heel.
Perform Mula Bandha . Place the riht foot on the
left thigh. Then perform Jalandhar Bandha by
pressing the chin against the chest. Place both
palms on the ground and then balancing the body
on the hands raise the buttocks with the left heel
pressing against the Kanda, then bring it down on

the ground(gently). Perform inhalation of breath in

the beginning of the practice and after few times of
striking, exhale.
This exercise is a great purifier of the body and the
mind. It also awakens Kundalini Shakti and leads to
the attainment of Samdhi.

Yoga Mudra
The perfect way of practising yoga mudra is to be in the lotus
first. But it is not easy and everyone cannot do it initially.
How to do: sit in Padmasana-the right foot placed on the left
thigh with the sole facing up and the left foot on the right thigh.
Keep both the knees well on the ground, the body bent forward
without raising the hips form the seat and the forehead back,
holding the left wrist in the right hand. Inhale through both the
nostrils and perform Jalandhar Bandha (pressing the chin against
the chest0. Hold the heels with your hands.
Slowly bend down until the head touches the ground. Then
release the Jalandhar Bandha(chin-lock) and exhale. One may
bend down without the chin-lock slowly exhaling the breath.
Hold the breath, and inhale.
The duration may be about 10 seconds to a minute.
Benefits : This mudra improves memory, gets rid of excess
fat(loose weight mudra), awakens Kundalini Shakti and tones
the nervous system.

Ashwini Mudra

How to do : For this sit either in Sukhasan or in Vajrasan. You

may practice this in thie lying pose, keeping th elegs folded in
such a way that the heels touch the buttocks, contract the anus
and release it. Repeat many times. Contraction and dilation of
the anus removes constipation, enables the yogi to master Apana
Vayu and helps to unfold Muladhara Chakra or the basal plexus.

Kaki Mudra
How to do : Sit in Sidhasana, draw the tongue out in a tube-like
shape and inhale through the tongue. Retain the breath. Draw the
tongue in and perform Yoni mudra . Exhale through the left
nostril. Again do the same and exhale through the right nostril.
Do it several times.
Benefits :This Kaki mudra cools the body, removes excess of
bile, purifies the blood and develops the mystic vision.

Shambhavi Mudra
How to do : The practitioner should sit in Padmasana or
Sidhasana with eyes steady looking in the void and keeping the
mind focused in the heart. One should practice not to wink
before this. He has to forget the body and the surroundings and
let the mind merge in silence.
Benefits : By dong Shambhavi mudra one has more and more
peace come unto him.

Unmani Mudra

This Unmani mudra can be practiced by only those who have

reached a higher state in yoga.
How to do : In this one has to sit in Padmasana or Sidhasana
with the eyes half open. Then he has to fix mind on the space
just a few inches from the eyes. Meditate upon the Self that is
formless, nameless and Infinite, without any thought in mind
and mind in calm meditation.
Benefits : This gives peace of mind and unfolds inner glories of
the Spirit through Samadhi.

Viparita Karani Mudra

This Viparita Karani word means Sanskrit inverted. One has to
lie down relaxed. Gradually raise both the legs and the hips.
Support the waist with hands more or less in Sarvanga Asan
By tis practice, the positons of the Sun and Moon are reversed.
Hence it is called Viparita Karani.
It is the opinion of yoga masters that sun dwells in the navel and
moon in Sahasrara. The nectar that flows from the moon is
consumed by the fire at the navel. This leads to decay and death.
But by the constant practice of this mudra the nectar of the moon
is perserved.
Duration recommended is a few minutes to start with but can be
gradually increased to two hours or more. After a few weeks the
face shines with spiritual lustre, wrinkles are removed, eyes
become healthier, and digestion becomes keen.

Different mudras for different diseases

Alzheimers disease : Vaayu-vardhak , Vaatakaarak
Ataxia(s) : Vaayu-vardhak , Vaata-kaarak
Anxiety :Vaayu-shaamak ,
Arthritis : Vaayu-shaamak ,


Jal vardhak , Kapha-Kaarak ,

Apaan- vaayu

Addisonsdisease : Vaayu-vardhak , Vaata-kaarak

Atrophy of muscles : Prithvi-vardhak
Anus, burning/fissure in : Prithvi-vardhak
Acidity : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak, Jalshaamak
Aphthous ulcers :Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak
Appetite, loss of : Prithvi-shaamak, Pitta-kaarak,
Anaemia : Jal vardhak , Kapha-Kaarak

Ascitis :Pitta-kaarak, Vaata-kaarak, Jal-shaamak

Abdominal pain : Vaata-naashak, Vaayu-shaamak ,
Apaan- vaayu mudra , Maatangi
Anger : Prithvi-vardhak, Kapha-Kaarak , Vaayushaamak.
Athero-sclerosis :Kapha-Kaarak
Ageing, premature : Prithvi-vardhak, KaphaKaarak
Acne :Vaayu-vardhak
Anuria :Apaan- vaayu,Jal vardhak ,Apaan
Angina pectoris :Apaan- vaayu,Aakaash-vardhak
Asthma :Linga mudra,Asthma mudra ,Aakaashvardhak,Prithvi-shaamak
Allergy : Shanka mudra, Prithvi-vardhak,KaphaKaarak
Appendicitis :Apaan- vaayu,Prithvi-vardhak
Atrophy of optic nerve :Vaayu-vardhak ,Prithvivardhak
Bradycardia: Vaayu-vardhak
Breathlessnes :Vaayu-shaamak ,Asthma

Brittle nails :Vaayu-shaamak,Prithvi-vardhak

Blood-pressure, high : Aakaash-vardhak ,KaphaKaarak
,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaata-kaarak
Bones, to strengthen :Prithvi-vardhak
burning, in the body :Prithvi-vardhak ,KaphaKaarak,Apaan Shanka
Blood circulation, slow :Kapha-Kaarak ,Jal vardhak
,Pitta-kaarak ,Vaata-kaarak
Backache :Vaayu-shaamak,Apaan- vaayu ,Vaatanaashak
Bloody stools/urine :Kapha-Kaarak
Blood-pressure,low :Prithvi-vardhak ,Aakaashshaamak
Bed-wetting :Jal-shaamak
Boils : Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Bronchitis :Prithvi-vardhak
Blocked nose :Aakaash-shaamak ,Prithvi-shaamak
Biliousness :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak ,
Brain to empower :Prithvi-vardhak ,Kapha-Kaarak

Creatvity, lack of : Pitta-kaarak ,VAAYu`-VARDHAK
Cerebral palsy : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Cretinism : Vaata-kaarak, VAAY-VARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaata-kaarak, VAAYVARDHAK
Concentration, lack of: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaatanaashak mudra
Convulsions: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak
Chorea: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak mudra,
Apaan- vaayu mudra
Constipation : Vaayu-shaamak, Vaata-naashak
mudra, Prithvishaamak or Surya mudra , Jal vardhak or Varun
Congestion in body : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash
Chest-congestion: : Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash

Cartilage, degeneration /tear : Jal vardhak or

Varun mudra,
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Chronic fatigue : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra , Pushaan mudra
Convalescence : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Coldness of body/skin : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya
mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra,
Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak
Cervical spondylosis: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaatanaashak mudra, Jal vardhak or Varun mudra,
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan- vaayu
mudra ,Apaan mudra
Cold intolerance of: Vaata-naashak mudra, Linga
mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra,
Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra.
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Cracked skin/lips/tongue: Vaayu-shaamak, Vaatanaashak mudra, Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Cramps of muscles: Jal vardhak or Varun mudra,

Circulation, slow: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak

mudra, Jal vardhak or Varun mudra, Vaata-kaarak
or Vaayan mudra
Chest pain: Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu
Colds: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, wet: Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra, Linga mudra
Cough, dry: Vaayu-shaamak
Colitis: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Dullness of mind: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvishaamak or Surya mudra
Drowsiness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaata-kaarak or
Vaayan mudra
Dementia(s): VAAYU-VARDHAK
Degeneration of retina: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Diabetes mellitus : VAAYU-VARDHAK , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan mudra
Dizziness: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaayu-

Dry skin/hair : Vaayu-shaamak, Apaan mudra, ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Jal vardhak
or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dyspnoea : Vaayu-shaamak, Asthma mudra
Dysurea: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaanvaayu mudra
Detoxification: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra ,
Apaan mudra
Deafness: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Debility : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan
Degeneration of joint-cartilage: Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak,
Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Dry eyes: Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Dehydration : Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Deficiency of hormones : Jal vardhak or Varun
Dropsy: Jal-shaamak mudra
Diarrhea : Jal-shaamak mudra , Apaan mudra,

Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or

prithvi mudra
Dysentery: , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak,
Depression:Prithvi-shaamak or Sury
Digestion, weak: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,
Jal vardhak or Varun mudra, Pitta-kaarak or
Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra
Duodenal ulcer: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Dry mouth throat: Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Endocrine disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK /Vaayushaamak or Vaayu mudra
Effusion in joints: VAAYU-VARDHAK ,Jal-shaamak
Epilepsy: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra
E.S.P, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash
Ear disorders (pain): Vaata-naashak mudra ,
Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
(deafness ): Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra,

Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra

Emaciation(weight-loss): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Vaatanaashak mudra
Excessive salivation/thirst/perspiration/urination:
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak, Jal-shaamak mudra
Excessive menses : Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvivardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
Enthusiasm. Lack of :Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, VAAYU-VARDHAK, Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra
Excessive sleep: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
VAAYU-VARDHAK, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Eye-ailments, watering; Prithvi-shaamak or Surya
mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Cataract: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,Pittakaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Twitching, nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Eczema-dry : Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
-weeping; Jal-shaamak mudra

Frohlicks syndrome: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Vaatakaarak or Vaayan mudra
Facial palsy: VAAYU-VARDHAK
Fear: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Aakaash-vardhak or
mudra , Uttarbodhi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Fits: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra Vaatanaashak mudra
Flatulence (gas): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu
mudra ,Apaan mudra
Fever: Apaan mudra,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra , Shanka mudra
Frozen shoulder: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Apaan- vaayu mudra
Fatigue: Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Pushaan mudra
Fracture: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Feet, cold: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Pittakaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Linga mudra
Fatness: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-

kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak

or Surya mudra, Linga mudra
Forgetfulness: VAAYU-VARDHAK , Prithvi-vardhak
or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Fissure, anal: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Frigidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Flu: Apaan mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
, Shanka mudra
Gastric ulcer : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Giddiness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra
Gout: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaanvaayu mudra
Gas: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan
General debility: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Apaan mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Greying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Greasy skin, hair: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra,
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra

Gall colic: Apaan- vaayu mudra

Gastritis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Glaucoma: Jal-shaamak mudra
Heel-pain: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra ,
Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Heart weak /failure: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
Heart disease/pain/attack : Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or
Aakash mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Hypoparathyroidism: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR

Hyperthyroidism: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak

mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Vaayushaamak or Vaayu mudra
Hiccups: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or
Vaayu mudra
High blood pressure: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu
Hair-loss/greying: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Hyperacidity: Jal-shaamak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak
or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Hydrocele: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydrocephalous: Jal-shaamak mudra
Hydronephrosis: Jal-shaamak mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Heat, intolerance: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Head ache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak

mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra

Hoarse voice: Vaata-naashak mudra , Vaayushaamak or Vaayu mudra
Initiative, lack of: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Irritability: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Indecisiveness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra
Impatience: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaatanaashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intercostals neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
Intuition, to develop: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash
Irregular hear-beats: Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash
Inflammatory diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Intolerance of cold: Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak
mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or
Surya mudra , Linga mudra

Indigestion: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra ,

Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak, Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra
Intolerance of heat: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka mudra
Irregular menses: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra
Immunity, weak: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Pushaan mudra
Intelligence, to develop: VAAYu-VARDHAK OR
Impotence: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Linga mudra
Infertility: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Jal vardhak or Varun mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra
Influenza: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Shanka mudra, Apaan mudra
Insomnia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Vaata-naashak
mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Itching: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Shanka

Infectious diseases: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaan
Joint-pains: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra , Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra
Jealous nature: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Jaundice: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Kidney ailments: Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan
mudra Jal-shaamak mudra
Kapha (mucous) excessive: Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra
Lack of enthusiasm /initiative/creativity: VAAYVARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak
or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak


MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Lack of concentration: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Lack of Stamina /endurance: Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Loss of appetite: Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra ,
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra, Prithvishaamak or Surya mudra
Loss of taste-sensation: Jal vardhak or Varun
MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvivardhak or prithvi mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra ,
Apaan mudra
Liver ailments: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra ,
Linga mudra
Leucorrhoea: Apaan mudra , Shanka mudra
Lumbago: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaatanaashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra

Laryngitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra

Leprosy: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Mind, to empower: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
Muscles, to strengthen: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Shanka mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Mental retardation: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
Multiple sclerosis: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
Motor neuron disease: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
MUDRA , Jal-shaamak mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or
Surya mudra , Linga mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Myesthenia gravis: VAAY-VARDHAK OR


Mucous, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Linga mudra , Pitta-kaarak
or Kapha-naashak mudra
Muscle spasm /cramps/rigidity: Vaayu-shaamak or
Vaayu mudra , Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Milk, deficient: Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
, Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra , Apaan mudra
Muscle-atrophy: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Mouth ulcers: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Menstrual problem:
Scanty: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Excessive: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,Jal-shaamak
mudra , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Painful: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra
Irregular: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra ,
Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak

Mental tension: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Menopause: Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Nervous(system)disorders : VAAYU-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Nystagmus: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Numbness in body /hands/feet: Vaayu-shaamak or
Vaayu mudra , Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya
mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra
Nose/smell disorders: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
Nose, running: Jal-shaamak mudra
Nose, blocked: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra ,
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Nervous exhaustion/breakdown: VAAYU-VARDHAK

OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan

Neck-pain , stiffness : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Nails brittle: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaata-naashak
Nausea: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Apaanvaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Overactivity of endocrine glands: Vaayu-shaamak
or Vaayu mudra
Osteoporosis/osteomalacia : Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra
Oasteo-Arthrites(O.A): Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaatanaashak mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra ,Apaan mudra , Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Vaatakaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra , Linga mudra
Oliguria: Vaata-naashak mudra , Jal vardhak or

Varun mudra
Oligomenorrhoea : Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak
mudra , Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Oligospermia : Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Odema: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra , Linga
mudra , Jal-shaamak mudra
MUDRA , Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Pittakaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
MUDRA , Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Paralysis,paraplegia : Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra
Prostatitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Parkinsons disease: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu
Palpitations: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,

Apaan- vaayu mudra

Premature ageing/graying of hair: Prithvi-vardhak
or prithvi mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra
Psoriasis: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra
Pleurisy/Pleural effusion: Jal-shaamak mudra
Painful conditions: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
, Vaata-naashak mudra , Apaan- vaayu mudra
Piles: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra , Apaanvaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
Phyaryngitis(sore throat): Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra , Shanka mudra
Pneumonia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra , Shanka
Pituitary/pineal disorders: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR
Pitta(bile),excessive : Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra
Quadriplegia: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra ,


Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
MUDRA, Linga mudra
Simmonds disease: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
Spasticity of muscles: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra , Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Stress: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra , Vaatanaashak mudra,
Sleepness: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra ,Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Sciatica: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Skin, dry-cracked: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra , Vaata-naashak mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or
prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
mudra,Apaan mudra
Mature ,ageing : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Pitta-kaarak or
Kapha-naashak mudra
Cold : Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or
Kapha-naashak mudra, Linga mudra

Sinusitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,

Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Skin rashes: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Stomach, burning in : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra,
Apaan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stomach, pain: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra ,
Vaata-naashak mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Shivering: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra
Sweating,absent : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya
mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or
Kapha-naashak mudra
Sweating,excessive : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , Vaata-kaarak or
Vaayan mudra
Scanty, urine: Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal vardhak
or Varun mudra , Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak
Scanty menses: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Vaata-naashak mudra, Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Scanty semen: Jal vardhak or Varun mudra
Saliva excessive: Jal-shaamak mudra , KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra

Sleep excessive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,

Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or
Surya mudra
Sun-stroke: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, Shanka mudra
Stamina, lack of: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, : VAAYVARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Apaan mudra,
Pushaan mudra
Stammering : Vaata-naashak mudra
Sexual debility: 0, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Shoulder pain/stiffness: Apaan- vaayu mudra
Swelling : Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra, Jalshaamak mudra
Sore throat: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Tongue /taste disorders: Jal vardhak or Varun
Thyroid, underactive: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya
mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra , : VAAYVARDHAK OR GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA

Typhoid: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Shanka

T.B: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Tennis elbow: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra,
Apaan- vaayu mudra
Thyroid ,over active : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Timidity: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaayushaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Tremors: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Apaanvaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Throat burning/pain: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi
mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra, Shanka mudra
Toothache: Apaan- vaayu mudra, Vaata-naashak
Tonsillitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan
Trigeminal neuralgia: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra, Apaan- vaayu mudra
Tinnitus(noises in the ear) : Aakaash-shaamak or
shoonya mudra
Tachycardia (fast heart beats) : Vaayu-shaamak or
Vaayu mudra

Urticaria,itching : Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,

Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra, Shanka
Ulcers in mouth /stomach/intestines: Prithvivardhak or prithvi mudra, Kapha-Kaarak or Pittanaashak mudra
Urine,scanty/absent : Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra,Apaan mudra, Jal
vardhak or Varun mudra
Profuse frequent: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan
mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Burning/painful: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Apaan- vaayu mudra, Apaan mudra
Unsteady walk(gait): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra, Vaata-naashak mudra
Ulcerative colitis: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Voice lost/feeble: VAAYU-VARDHAK OR
Voice, hoarse/strained: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra
Vertigo: Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra

Vision problems: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra

Vatta(air)excessive : Vaata-naashak mudra
Varicose veins: Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra,
Apaan- vaayu mudra , Apaan mudra
MUDRA, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Apaan
mudra, Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra, KaphaKaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
Weight-loss (to arrest): Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu
mudra, Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra, Vaatanaashak mudra
Weight, excessive: VAAY-VARDHAK OR
GYAN/DNYAAN MUDRA, Prithvi-shaamak or Surya
mudra, Linga mudra, Pitta-kaarak or Kaphanaashak mudra
Water retention: Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra,
Linga mudra, Jal-shaamak mudra
Watery eyes: Jal-shaamak mudra, Pitta-kaarak or
Kapha-naashak mudra

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