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US 2015032590341 cu») United States v2) Patent Application Publication KANEKO et al. G64). DIELECTRIC RESONATOR, DIELECTRIC FILTER, AND DIELECTRIC DUPLEXER (71) Applicant: NEC CORPORATION, Minato-ku Tokyo (IP) (72) Inventors: Tomoya KANEKO, Tokyo (IP): Manabu YOSHIDA, Tokyo GP) (73) Assignee: NEC Corporation, Tokyo (IP) (21) Appl.Noz — 14/761,893 (22) PCTFiled: Dee. 3, 2013 (85) PCTNo: — PCT/SP201:007083 $371 (0M), (2)Date: "Jul. 16, 2015 G0) Foreign Application Priority Data Jan. 24,2013 UP) 2013-011297 ao) Pub. No.: US 2015/0325903 Al (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 12, 2015 Publication Classification (1) neck HOI 1213, 200601) MOP 710 (2005.01) HOP 1720 (2006.01), (32) US.CL CPC HOIP 7/10 (2013.01); HorP 5/12 (2013.01) HOIP 1/2002 (2013.01) 6 ABSTRACT A frst exemplary aspect of the present invention is adieletrie ‘resonator including: a substate (20) including ist condne- tor layer, # second conductor layer, and a dielectric layer formed between the first conductor layee and the second cconclctor layer, plurality of eandnetive through holes (10) tha penetrate the substrate (20) and are formed along a fist ‘annul line, a in which at least side walls are covered With conductor, and a plurality of non-conductive through boles (11) that penetrate the substrate (20) and are Formed along second samular fine prescribed inside the first annular line, ‘and ia which side walls are covered with non-conductor oF seri exposed on the side walls, Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 1of14 US 2015/0325903 AL Fig. 2 Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 2 of 14 US 2015/0325903 AL Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 3 of 14 Fig. 5 NO-LOAD 0 VALUE ‘US 2015/0325903 AI o 0.8 1 1s 2 25 SUBSTRATE THICKNESS rn] (DIELECTRIC PORTION) Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 4 of 14 US 2015/0325903 AL Fig. 7 2100 1250 2560 200 E oso aso Z @ caso Sly é & = 2400 asa 2280 000 2300 2050 ° ost 1s 2 25. a SUBSTRATE THICKNESS [ma] (DIELECTRIC PORTION Fig. 8 Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet Sof 14 US 2015/0325903 AL Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 7of14 US 2015/0325903 AL Fig. 13 LR ip 1 20 7A =} NTT) oe Fig. 14 v.12, 2015 Sheet 8 of14 US 2015/0325903 AL (Application Publication No Patent Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Patent Application Publication Nov. 12,2015 Sheet 9 of 14 US 2015/0325903 AL - i i i i oeaxd

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