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Software Reliability Growth

When considering reliability growth, some sort of hardware is typically being

analyzed. But the same theory and analysis procedures can also be applied to the
analysis of software. The faults (bugs) that are found during each day's testing of
the software can be recorded and then analyzed, just as would be done for
hardware. This article will explore how software reliability growth can be analyzed
using RGA 6.
Software for a particular application is under development. The
customer/reliability requirement is that 1 fault occurs every 8 hours of continuous
operation, at most.
Testing begins when the software reaches the "Beta" phase. Three employees are
assigned to perform continuous testing during business hours. This results in 24
hours of software testing per day. The software faults are reported and captured in
a FRACAS system (failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system) using
a data entry interface similar to the one shown next.

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