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The task
For this task, I have to create a website that promote change to an issue which
limits freedom to individuals. I have to imagine that I am apart of an activist group
and create a website that would raise awareness and bring change to peoples
current thought of this issue. I have to express my views and explain this issue in
a way to force change.
What is the issue I have chosen?
Law that prevents women driving in Saudi Arabia
Part One: Planning
What issue
elements should
be included?
What are the
reasons behind
and the causes
that prevent
women to drive in
Saudi Arabia?
What movements
are there against

Why are these elements


What do I already know?

This element is important, as

it give people enough
information to feel connect
and concern about the issue.
This also sets a clear theme
of what this website is going
to be about, so that the
readers are clear about what
information will be

I know that some of the

cause that prevents
women driving is the
thought that women
should be housewives
and stay at home. Some
people believe that if
they give women the
right to drive they would
be more independent
and then therefore relies
less on there husband,
which thy dont like.

Are there any

laws in Saudi
Arabia that
protects or restrict
women? Are they
the same in other

This is important, because

readers new to this issue
have to know what other
restrictions women have in
that country and what the
government has done
already to help women. This
information can also
emphasizes and shows the
seriousness of this issue.
This is important, as it will
show the readers that this
issue is really taking place,
so that they will empathy
more about the issue and
want to take action.
Hopefully, this will get the

What are some

life stories or
examples that
show that this
issue is taking
place and is

Where can I find this

information? What search
terms can I use?
I can find this information
by going to news sites
such as CNN, TIME, The
Telegraph and The Week.
I could use search term
such as Women driving
rights in Saudi Arabia and
causes for why lawbanning women driving is
still enforced to find the
information I am looking
I can find this information
again by going to news
sites or activism sites
such as Equality Now and
Human Right Watch. I
could use search terms
including Saudi Arabia
laws protecting women or
laws Saudi Arabia.
I can collect this
information by going to
new sites, activism site
and also blogs. I can use
the search term such as
life stories about women
in Saudi Arabia or Saudi

reader to change there views

of this issue in a positive way
or get more people aware of
this issue.

Arabia women driving.

What can we do
to help lift the ban
that prevents
women driving in
Saudi Arabia?

This element is important, as

it gives the readers who are
now enthusiastic of the topic
something to do. It will also
help make use of activism
group that I have set up and
shared about in this website.

I know that the first step

to get rid of this law is to
raise awareness about
this issue by asking
people to show there
concerns, make posters
and share experiences.

What is the effect

of this issue?

This element is important as

it allows the reader to feel
attachment to the issue and
also understand how it
affects people.

I know that this issue

effects womens right of
freedom as they are not
allowed to travel around
Saudi Arabia freely.

I can collect this

information by mainly
going to activism site and
blogs because it is most
likely and easy for people
to share their story that
way. I can use search
term including Saudi
women right to drive
movement or petition.
I can get this information
by mainly going on to
news websites like the
ones mentioned above. I
can use search terms
such as how does the law
banning women driving in
Saudi Arabia effect people
or effect of banned
women driving in Saudi.

Part Two: Time Frame

Steps and Process

Intended date

Finish planning section one of

action plan.



Finish parts two of action plan

on steps and process first
Finish, parts three on action
plan, the method and tools

22 February

Finish parts four of action plan

on website organization.

29 February

Finish setting up Weebly

account and set up the web
address ascd96RCHK

29 February

Actual date




22 February


29 February


1 March


29 February

28 February

Why or why not were the dates

I worked efficiently so I was able to
meet the deadline.


I worked efficiently and this task was

not too difficult to complete.


I was a little bit late cause I had to

spend some class time researching
because there was a lot more
researching to do then I realized.
I was busy researching so I was not
able to complete the next section that
same day.
I finished this first before the last step
because Mrs. Telfer wanted us to start
our website that class so I had to make
a start.



Finish creating all the

necessary web page, links and
layout based on website
organization section on the
action plan.
Finish inserting all of the
information collect onto the
web pages.
Finish collecting and placing
images and videos onto the
web pages.
Finish making any more
adjustments on the webpages.


29 February


I was late again slightly for this deadline

because I had to finish of part four of
the action plan before I could begin this.


I was one day behind because it took

longer then I expected as I had to
change the notes I collected into
I was behind again because I was trying
to finish inserting all the information into
the website before adding the images.
I was on time because I did not have
many adjustments to make.

1 March


2 March


2 March


2 March


3 March


3 March


4 March


4 March


4 March

1 March 2016

1 March 2016

2 March 2016

Finish making a bibliography

with all the sources used
making this website.
Finish adding in text citations
to all the pages in the website

2 March 2016

Finish evaluation section on

action plan.

4 March 2016

Finish the rest of part two of

action plan.

4 March 2016

Finish website including action

plan and bibliography in

4 March 2016

3 March 2016








I ran out of time the day before

completing my website so I had to be
done the next day.
I did not take as long as I thought it
would to create the in text citation
mainly because of Bibme.
I finished during class time easy
because I started some the night
I only had a few boxed left to fill so I
mange to do it quickly.
My final date was completed on time
because I manage to hand in my
assessment on time.

Part Three: Researching & Collecting Information

Collected information and the sources used
1. Element #1 What are the reasons behind and the causes that prevent women to drive in Saudi
Arabia? What movements are there against this?
Source URL:
Collected information: -The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia said that the ban of women driving
s/worldnews/middleeast/saudia protects the society from evil
rabia/11218174/Saudi-Arabia-Religious views that if women are giving the freedom to move they
considers-lifting-ban-onare more vulnerable to sin, exposing them to temptation and lead
everyone into social chaos
-Strong religious beliefs prohibits women driving -Another cause could be that Saudi Arbaia had a system known as
/eleven-things-women-in-saudi- Wahhabism, which insist sex segregation and coverage of women.
-in 1990 when women were asking for social reforms such as driving
the religious police became even more stricter making it a ban driving.
-Saudi Arabia is thinking about some proposals to allow women to

drive, however under restrictions. One of the proposal from the

Shura council was:
-Only for women 30 and over
-Off the road at 8pm
-Cant wear makeup while driving
-Need permission from male relative
-2011 starting form June 17, an organization called the
Women2Drive was founded.
-They encourage women with international drivers licenses to
disregard the ban and post videos online or on social site of
themselves driving, to raise awareness of the issue and force
change. But this was not a great success.
Element #2 Are there any laws in Saudi Arabia that protects or restrict women? Are they the same in
other countries?
Source URL:
Collected information: is a Saudi guardianship system, which treats women and girls
report/2012/countryas minor. This system says that a women and girls of all ages are
forbidden from traveling, studying or working without a male
guardians permission usually a husband, father, brother or son.

Element #3 What are some life stories or examples that show that this issue is taking place and is
Source URL:
Collected information: -the Gulf War in November 1990,
24/opinion/begum-saudi-47 Saudi Arabia Women drove in Riyadh after see female America
soldiers driving freely through their military bases.
-protest against the ban of driving but because of this event the informal ban of women driving became an official policy.
_news/2011/06/16/6876029-will- -officials arrested the women driving, suspended from work
Life stories from women who took part in Women2Drive:
-Traffic police stopped many women who drove for Women2drive.
-Many were caught, male guardian sign pledges saying wont let this
happen again, some where sentence to 10 lashes
-Saeed, 34 year old man
-He works as a security guard for a private television company
earning a salary of about HK$2000 a month
-He cant afford a driver
-He works a night shift, during the day, kids to and from school, other
-It is hard, very hard he says
- "Definitely. Yes, definitely. There is no shame in that. It would make
my life so much easier. My wife doesnt work and she sits at home all

day, so she could be in charge of all those things."

Umm Khaled, 70 year old grandmother
-She has to relies on her sons to take her to all of her hospital
appointments and her sons are working
- She says "I hear that there are women like me in America and
outside of Saudi Arabia who can drive cars and nobody stops them.
God willing, one-day women in my country will also be like them. King
Abdullah is a good man and he will understand this."
Element #4 What can we do to help lift the ban that prevents women driving in Saudi Arabia?
Source URL:
Collected information:
These sources are all activism -Raise awareness, help share the word that women still cant drive in
groups, which show examples Saudi Arabia
of ways to help to make
-Create a blog, where people can share life examples and opinions of
the ban
-Create poster, infographics, letters to raise awareness and get more
people to relies the seriousness of this issue
-Create petitions to force change
Element #5 What is the effect of this issue?
Source URL:
Collected information:
-Women who have economic problems or cannot pay 2000 to 3000
ws/worldnews/middleeast/saud HK dollars month for a driver would have to rely of their relatives to
iarabia/11218174/Saudi-Arabia- drive them around.
considers-lifting-ban-on-Women are restricted freedom and makes there lives more
-Most men are feeling punished and under a lot more pressure because they have to help get there children and wife around.
-There are punishments for women who drive
-Women who do drive are punishable spend a month is prison and a
-A woman reported have that she has been lashed 150 times just for
-They might get their passport confiscated and loss there job
-Women are also discouraged from using public transport, or
travelling on their own without a male guardian.
-Women want to work might not be able to because they cant get to
work without a driver
-When a womens child is sick and needs to go to the doctor they
might not be able to go because there husband is at work and they
again dont have a driver

How useful were these sources?

Source #1
This source is a newsletter from The Telegraph. The telegraph is a well-known newsletter that should
Barney Henderson posted this article on
be reliable. The article is detailed but not extremely
November 8th 2014. This newsletter is slightly
long. The information that is given is written in a way
old it is from 1 years ago and thing might have
that is easy to understand, as the transitions of
change making the information less accurate.
information between the paragraphs are smooth but
clear. There are videos and images, which support the
This news article purpose it to let people know
information given. Furthermore, there is incite about
that the officials in Saudi Arabia are trying
the issue from different perspectives including the
thinking about a proposal to lift the ban on
different council members and the King.
women driving.
The limitations of this website is the fact they did not
mention how the information was collect and
specifically where the information came from. We do
not know if the source of the information is reliable and
that it is true.
Source #2
This source is another newsletter but its from
The Week. It was published on February 4th
2016. This makes the website more accurate
and up to date as it was only posted a month
ago compare to the newsletter above.
The purpose of this website is to show the
limitations and restriction women in Saudi
Arabia face mainly eleven. This articles
audience is probably directed to everyone who
are interested about the issue and people who
do not know about this situation.

The information given is clear and easy to understand,
the information is organized well throughout the page
with sub heading making it convenient to find what you
are looking for. Every few paragraph there is a
statement of where the information came from such as
according to The Guardian, says Vanity Fair a writer
of The Girls Guide to Saudi Arabia and more.
Furthermore, there are hyperlinks on the name to the
website of where the information was collect from. This
allows reader to verify and judge whether or not the
information is reliable.
The limitation of this website is that there are some
irrelevant videos in the middle of the article which can
distract readers.

Source #3
This is another newsletter that is from CNN
This newsletter is from the CNN a popular and
which was last updated on October 24th 2013 by respected newsletter meaning the information given
Rothna Begum. This article is a few year old
should be accurate and come from good sources. In
meaning that some of the information given my
this article there are also hyperlinks you can click on to
have changed therefore making this site not
show to get even more information on that topic. This

them most correct.

The purpose of this newsletter is to get people
aware about the fact that women cant drive in
Saudi Arabia but they should be given the right
to do so. This newsletter is targeted to basically
anyone who is interested or is affected by this

is great as it tells you where the information came from

and also gives readers more choice of site to give
them information. In addition, this website has many
related videos and images which help with the
message. This helps adds and enhances the
information stated and attract more people to read the
The limitations of this website is that the content tends
to go off topic at some sections. This makes the article
very long and hard to collect information of from.

Source #4
This origin of this source is from an organization This website has clear format with sub heading which
called Human Right Watch. It was from about a
can easily allow you to identify which section you
world report base for 2012 so again some of the should read. The information is clear and detailed with
information included in this site might be dated
lots of dates, company names and names.
and less accurate.
One limitation for this website it that they did not
The purpose of this source is to tell people
mention any sources of where the information they got
about the rights restrictions of certain groups of
came from. This make it hard for reader to tell if they
people and the main events in Saudi Arabia
can trust the information on this website or not.
based on law and rights.
Source #5
This source is another newsletter from NBC
This source is also a well-known news site NBC
News, which was posted on June 16th 2011.
meaning that is should be trustworthy. There is a
This source was updated from 4 years so again
related image, which grabs our attention and is clearly
it might not be completely accurate, as things
sourced. The information included is clear and easy to
might have changed over the years.
understand. There are lots of example or life stories
that tell us who they were from, names were include
The purpose of this website is to let people
making them seem more accurate and detailed.
know what people in Saudi Arabia think about
the ban of women driving and their opinions of
The limitation of this website is the lack of hyperlinks
whether they think that ban will be lifted anytime and proof that these life stories are true and not made
Source #6
This source is also a newsletter that is from The The information in this site is to the point and well
World Post. The article was last updated on
formatted. There is a related video, which supports and
December 29th 2014. It is a bit old meaning that
gives an example of what they are talking about. It is
thing might have changed but it would still have
detailed with dates and numbers that again support the

quite correct information.

The purpose of this newsletter is to talk about
the punishments for women who disregard the
ban and drive specifically one case two women
were referred to a terrorist court.

topic of the website.

The limitation of this website is the lack of supporting
images and videos to enhance the message and
content of the website.

Methods and tools used for collection and recording information

What tools or methods
will I use to collect &
record information?
Note Taking (Method)

Summarizing (Method)

Bibme (Tool)

Word (Tool)

Why should I use these tools

or methods?

What did I actually do?

I should use the note taking

method while researching, as it
will make sure that I collect only
relevant and important
information. Note taking also
ensures that I do not accidentally
copy sections of the website or
video I used to collect my
I should summarize the
information I find when
researching as it ensures that my
website wont be overwhelmed
with to much information. By
summarizing I would get precise
facts and information that are
clear and to the point. I would
take out irrelevant information to
keep my content well structured
and well written.
I should use Bibme as it helps me
record all of the websites that I
have used during my research.
Bibme also has the function to
create a bibliography with the
website that I have recorded and
also to create in text citations.

I did use note taking while researching,

which can be referred to above. I found it
very useful because after the research I
found it quite easy to find the information
I was looking for and use them to form
answers to my question. I was able to
form accurate answer to include in my
website without copying at all because of
this method.
I did summarized information especially
while visiting website with many content.
By summarizing I was able to collect key
information, which helped me answer my
question directly and clearly. I had to
summarize a lot when collect information
about the effects of the issue because
some of the effects stated where for
other issues or where not relevant, this
made things much easier when I started
to form answer to my question.
I used Bibme a lot when creating my
bibliography and in text citations.
However, I did not use Bibme to record
the website that I used during the
research as I was not able to get a
account, so my website that I recorded
did not save. Luckily, I was still able to
create the bibliography without having an
account. I found this tool very useful and
efficient, as I was able to complete my
bibliography very quickly.
I used word a lot both in collecting and
storing my research in addition to
organizing and forming my action plan. I
also record the website in word before I

I should use word as it is an easy

way for me to collect, note take,
plan and organize the information
I have collect. I know how word

functions well compare to other

programs. It is easy to save my
work as well as viewing and

made then into bibliography format as I

was not able to do so in Bibme.

Part Four: Website Organization

What information do I
need to convey?

What Pages could I use to get this

information across to the audience?

How can I link the pages together?

Causes of the issue

I can have a page devoted only the

cause of the issue called Causes. I will
also have some information in the
home page that would briefly state
some of the causes that keep the ban
in place that stops women driving.

Effects of the issue

I can again have one page that will be

focus only about the effects of this
issue named Effects. The page will
include text, images and a video that
will help get the information across to
the audience. There might also be
again a brief mention of the effect of
this issue in the home page.
I can have one page that would only
have life stories or example of when
this issue takes place and the effects
of them on individuals or groups. I will
have at least 3 life stories or examples
that relates to the issue and some
images to support this.
I can have one page that will only have
information about the laws that
protects women. I will include
information about laws that protects
women and also laws that restricts
women. I will also have a comparison
of the laws with at least 2 different
I can have one page that would tell
people how they could take action by
raising awareness about this issue.
This page will be called How you can
help and it would also include an
example of a video that helped raise
awareness of this issue. I will also
create a blog where people can post

The cause page would be located on

a drop down tab from the menu bar.
It would be under the heading Ban of
women driving in Saudi Arabia. The
home page would also have a button
that would link the home page to the
causes page.
The effects page would be the same
as the cause page. It would be a drop
down tab under the ban of women
driving in Saudi Arabia tab. There will
also be a button that will link the
home page and the effects page
together. This will encourage more
people to visit the page.
The life stories page would also
located in the drop down tab
underneath the effects. There will
also be a link from the home page to
this page.

Life stories or examples

Laws that protects


How people can take

action and force change

The laws that protect women would

also be in the drop down tab
underneath life stories. This tab
however wont have any other links
from other pages.

The How you can help tab would be

on the menu bar, not a drop down
tab, located next to the ban of women
driving in Saudi Arabia tab. There will
not be links that guide you to this
page, as it is very visible in the menu
bar already. The blog page will be
located in a drop down tab

their opinions of the issue and also

posters or videos they made to raise
Action Plan

Sources and links used

to create website

I can have one page on my website

that will include a document view of my
action plan.
I can have a page called Bibliography
that will included a list of all the
website and source I used in APA
format. I will also have in text citations
on each page that would mention
which website each of the information
came from.

underneath the How you can help tag

though. There will be a button from
the How you can help page that will
guide you to the blog.
The action plan tag will be located on
the menu bar next to the How You
can help tab.
The bibliography tab will be a drop
down menu from the action plan tab.
There will also be a link from the
action plan page to the bibliography

This is what my navigation bar of my website is going to look like:

Part Five: Evaluation

Creating &
action plan

Collecting and


Things that went well

Things that need


Ways of improving

I found that I did pretty well

at creating a detailed action
plan that including all the
topics and elements needed
for me to create an effective
website. The action plan
help me manage my time
efficently so that I could
included most of the things I
wanted website. It was
clear, orgainsied and well
structured, there were
headings to guide my
I found that I did well at
collecting relavent and
accuarte infromation. I also
did well at taking notes that
helped me speed up my
research time from a range
of different sources. This
prevented me from copying
sections of the original work
by accident.

I found that I should follow

my action plan more
closely next time because
there was times when I
concentrating on my
website too much that I did
not update my action plan.
I had to waste quite a bit of
time filling in the empty
sections of my action plan
that I have forgotten to fill
out. I had to finishes some
of the boxes later then
I think that I should
improve on recording down
the sources that I have
use. I always forget to take
the link of a source before
closing the tab, becase of
this I had to waste time
looking for the website
again. I could also improve
on finding good sources to
collect information more
quickly. I always spend a
long time looking for a
good website to then take
notes from.
I think that I could improve
by making my website
more interesting to look at.
My website has quite
limited pictures and colors
that would grab the
attention of users. There is
also big blocks of text one
after the other which would
discourage many readers
to read the content

To improve on this I could

maybe create an action
plan with less tables and
elments to fill out. I have
too many elements to keep
track off and fill out. By
having a more condense
action plan I would have
less things to remember to
fill out therefore wasting
less time.

I found that I did well at

orgainsing my website in a
way that would be user
friendly. The tabs are
clearly labeled and the
purpose of the website is
clear. I tried to make the
website look perfessional
and neat so that more
people are attracted to the
site and its content.

To improve on this, I
should get into the habit of
always taking the url of the
source I am using. I could
also tell myself to get the
url once I find any useful
information on the site so
that I wont forget later on.
I could maybe first use the
resources that lirc has to
offer and then use famous
websites or news websites
such as the Guardin or the
To improve on this, I
should find more pictures
and use the pictures to
split up the text. This will
make it more visually
appealing as it would look
like there is less text on the
page. I could also maybe
add more videos and some
animations to grab readers

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