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Tristan Strom

Ms. Stronks
Vocab #13
1. Amiable: Adjective - having or displaying a friendly or pleasant manner
The amiable young man walked happily down the street.
2. Apathetic: Adjective - showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
To be homicidal, one probably would be apathetic or, a sociopath.
3. Audacious: Adjective - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
Dont you think that jumping off that ledge would be a bit audacious?
4. Belligerent: Adjective - hostile and aggressive
The belligerent new boxer is surprisingly easy to beat.
5. Caustic: Adjective - sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way
The caustic tone I heard in her voice implied that she was belittling you.
6. Choleric: Adjective - bad-tempered or irritable
Dont mess with her, she comes with choleric mood swings and fist
7. Cynical: Adjective - showing that a person is deserving of mockery and scorn
There was a cynical look in her eye as she looked at the peasants near
8. Droll: Adjective - curious or unusual in a way that is amusing, dry humor
As she deadpanned the droll statement, everyone was silent.
9. Ecstatic: Adjective - feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness
When the home team won the final game the crowd was ecstatic.
10. Exuberant: Adjective - filled with or characterized by lively energy and
In the book, she is the most exuberant and energetic of them all.
11. Facetious: Adjective - treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate
Im not sure if she meant to be, but she was acting facetious to the
12. Impassioned: Adjective - filled with or showing great emotion
She made an impassioned speech and everyone loved it.
13. Indignant: Adjective - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at seemingly unjust
The indignant child wouldnt go inside when his mother told him to.
14. Insolent: Adjective - showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
Instead of listening, the insolent student directly disobeyed the rules by
15. Jubilant: Adjective - feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph
The winners of the war went home to jubilant towns and families.
16. Pompous: Adjective - irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important
The pompous Grand Duke of York always lived in overkill splendor.
17. Ribald: Adjective - referring to indecent things in an amusingly rude or irreverent
His ribald comment made me want to sock him.
18. Sardonic: Adjective - grimly mocking or cynical
Shes too nice to be able to pull off a sardonic sneer.
19. Superficial: Adjective - not having or showing any depth of character
The superficial wannabe Barbie is daft with nothing in her head.
20. Whimsical: Adjective - playfully quaint or fanciful in an appealing or amusing way

Tristan Strom
Ms. Stronks
Her whimsical sense of humor helped her make a friend very quickly.

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