History of Photography

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The word photography comes from 2 Greek words
Photo= light
Graphien= to draw
So the word photography means drawing with light which is
what your camera is doing.


The coining of the word photograph has been attributed in 1839 to Sir
John Herschel.
However , in 1832 a little known French Braziliqn inventor Hercules
Florence studied ways of permanently fixing camera obscura
images,which he named photographia. He never published results of
his invention.


Latin for dark room.
A darkened room with a small opening through which rays of light could
enter and form an image of the scene outside.
Eventually , a lens was added at the opening to improve the image and
the room was shrunk to a small, portable box.

A camera is a light-proof box with a hole on one side that allows light to
go in. if there is something in front of the light source, that something will
be reproduced, upside down , inside the camera and on the opposite side
from the hole.

For the worlds first photography to

be created people needed to
figure out how to fix an image so
that it would be permanent.

Started trying to solve this puzzle by making what he called sun
picture which involved placing leaves on leather that he had treated
with silver saltsbut the image was not permanent it would keep
getting darker and darker until it just faded into darkness.


Finally , in Paris in 1826 niepce would make the worlds first permanent
view from the window at le Gras ,France took 8 hours to expose and
first photographic image,,, one that can still be viewed today.
The celebration didnt really last long because of the poor quality of the
image so he was partnered with Louis Daguerre.

After Niepce shared all of his research with Daguerre.. He unfortunately
passed away. 2 years later , Daguerre found that the chemical silver
iodide, was able to make a much sharper image on a copper plate.
This discover in 1835 would credit Daguerre with making the first
photograph even though it was made 9 years earlier by Niepce.
Now Daguerre still had not figured out how to fix the image so that it
would not fade but in 1839he finally figured it out and was able to
announced his daguerreotype to the world!!!!
This is when photography as we know began .Portait studios started
popping up all over Europe and for the first timethe middle class was
sable to get a family portrait done


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