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The Civil Rights Movement (1950s 60s)

Key Terms:
ideology: a system of ideas or beliefs, usually

the basis of a political theory or philosophy

civil disobedience: refusing to comply with
certain laws as an act of peaceful protest

Benchmark Wednesday
Review at tutorials Tuesday, 4 to 5
Quiz Tracker

Jim Crow
Laws restricting Southern blacks rights after
Public segregation
Poll taxes, literacy requirements limited voting rights

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) allowed segregation

& established separate but equal doctrine

Civil Rights Organizations

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
National Urban League (NUL)
National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)
Organizations had successfully lobbied for antidiscrimination executive orders from FDR &

Brown v. Board
Earl Warren liberal Republican
appointed as Chief Justice of
Supreme Court by Eisenhower
NAACP funded legal challenges to
segregation laws, led by lawyer
Thurgood Marshall

Brown v. Board
SCOTUS unanimously overturned
Plessy v. Ferguson segregation is
inherently unequal (1954)
Southern intransigence
Massive resistance: Senator Byrds (VA)
plan closed schools instead of letting them
Little Rock Nine: Orval Faubus, governor of
Arkansas, stopped integration of Little Rock
Central High School integration protected
by federal troops sent by Eisenhower

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to
give up her seat
Black ministers organize the
Montgomery Improvement
Association (MIA) and organize a
bus boycott
Supreme Court agrees with Parks
case buses desegregated
Black ministers, led by Martin
Luther King, Jr., organize Southern
Christian Leadership Conference
(1957) to continue fighting

1960, spontaneous civil disobedience
students in Greensboro, North Carolina
asked to be served at Woolworths whitesonly lunch counter
Hundreds participate in sit-ins across the
Woolworths desegregates lunch counters
Video: The Butler

March on Washington
1961 CORE organizes freedom rides
whites and blacks riding buses together across
South hundreds arrested and/or beaten
1963, King jailed while leading campaign for
desegregation in Birmingham, Alabama
1963, 200,000 March on Washington

League of United Latin American Citizens
(LULAC) and GI Forum form to fight for
civil rights for hispanics
Hernandez v. Texas (1954) SCOTUS
rules Mexicans and other racial groups are
protected classes under the 14th

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