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Structural Efficiency and

Models/Prototypes Quiz
By: Aaliyah Arpon
In the Structural Efficiency PowerPoint, I learned that efficiency is equivalent
to the ratio of your output versus your input. It is also the ratio of resources
developed versus the resource supplied. Efficiency measures the extent your device
is functioning in the best possible manner. I also learned that efficiency is measured
as the weight being supported divided by the weight of the supporting structure.
Also, when measuring efficiency, the units have to be the same.

In the Models/Prototypes PowerPoint, I learned that models let engineers or

designers test their ideas against real-world conditions without the cost. I also
learned that there are 3 different types of models; mathematical, conceptual, and
physical. In a mathematical model, math is utilized in order to describe the behavior
of the solution. In a conceptual model, meaning is conveyed through language as
well as graphic-based representations. In a physical model, the solution is
represented in 3D. Overall, I learned that models are used to make observations
and predictions that can potentially cause the solution to be redesigned.

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