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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Methods of Oral Reporting

Unit Author
First and Last Name

Flores, Jiecel
Llagas, Jowelyn
Tababa, Kyzeah Coleen
Tamayo, Charmaine

School Name

University of St. La Salle-Integrated School

School City

Bacolod City

Unit Overview
Unit Title
Methods of Oral Reporting
Unit Summary
Oral Reporting is a worldwide skill continuously improved by the linguists and enthusiasts all over
the world which has had a great impact on the lives of many. The students will learn what oral
reporting is and its methods such as Manuscript, Memorized, Impromptu, and Extemporaneous and
its techniques through a PowerPoint presentation with a video clip on each of the methods. They will
then experience the methods of oral reporting through an activity that the teacher will organize.
Afterwards, they will apply all that theyve learned in organizing a seminar workshop on How to
Become an Effective Speaker with the theme Nature Knows Best: A Quest on Saving the Earth
among all of the Grade 8 students of the University of St. La Salle-Integrated School. They will then
examine the question Why oral reporting and its methods are important in becoming an effective
Subject Area
Oral Reporting
Grade Level
Grade Eight
Approximate Time Needed
4 weeks [Mondays-Fridays, from 8:00am-8:50am]
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (taken from Deped K-12 Curriculum Guide)
Grade 8 [Fourth Quarter] EN8OL-IVa-3.11: Use the correct production of the sounds of English
when delivering a manuscript or memorized speech in an oration, in a declamation or in a dramatic
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students must have:

The Grade 8-Brutus students must have:

A. Identified the types of oral reporting and its methods through a check-up quiz.

B. Organized a seminar workshop on How to Become an Effective Speaker with the theme

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Nature Knows Best: A Quest on Saving the Earth.

C. Appreciated the importance of oral reporting and its methods on becoming effective speakers in
the community.
Curriculum-Framing Questions

Why is oral reporting important in my future career?

What are the different methods of a spoken language?


How can a manuscript, impromptu, memorized, and extemporaneous speech

be effectively delivered?
What is oral reporting?
What are the methods of oral reading?


What is an impromptu speech?

What is a manuscript speech?
What is Extemporaneous speech?
What is a memorized script?
How are the methods of oral reading done?

Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline

Faiths Assessment Timeline

-KWL Chart

-Prepare kits
-Organize program


-Poll survey
-Video on tips


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-Reflection log

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Student Support Activities

Gathering Information

Preparation of Kits

Organization of Program


Poll survey

Video on the tips on how to deliver the

methods of oral reporting

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Each committee will answer series of student support

activities assigned to them. This student support
activities will prepare them for the making of their
minor committee projects.
The committees will gather and be given task to gather
information regarding their tasks. This will enrich
knowledge on their specific task and will be able to
give them better ideas to improve their projects.
The kits (souvenir programs, tokens, certificates, and
notes pads) for the big project, which is the seminarworkshop, will be prepared by the program
This will be used in the seminar workshop.
Like in the kits, the program itself will be organized
the program committee. The program organization
includes the flow of the program and the technical
aspects of the event. This will enhance the flow of the
seminar workshop and prepare the students on the
things they still need to prepare.
The blog committee will take charge of the teaser to
be shown around the campus and if possible be post in
net to attract participants and sponsors. This will be a
big contribution for the big project, also it is essential
for publicity purposes.
The poll survey will be created by the blog committee
via an application on-line that can generate surveys for
anyone can answer. This contains questions that
involves both subjective and objective questions
peoples view on oral reporting. By posting these
questions and generating answers, they can filter or
the contents of the seminar-workshop.
The blog committee will prepare the videos that will
be shown in the seminar-workshop. They can use
editing software for this. This will be added to talk for
visual purposes and to enhance the presentation.

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course



Reflection log

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Headed by the seminar-workshop committee, they

will put up a seminar workshop entitled Oral
Reporting Around Us focusing on environmental
themes. The
talk will be divided into two parts. The morning
session comprise the seminar/talk from a speaking
who will talk about the different methods of oral
reporting and other matters concerning these. The
afternoon session, on the other hand, involves the
workshop where the content of
that mornings talk will be applied through various
activities/exercises. This will not only enhance the
students public relation skills but also they will be
exposed to the different methods, first-hand.
The blog committee will be handling the creation of
the blog, and placing all the outputs they have made
(text, pictures, posters, and videos) in it. They will
design the blog according to the theme scheme that
the class had agreed on. They are also in charge of
uploading all the texts that is required of the whole
class. This will serve as documentation and
compilation of all the activities done to complete the
big project.
After the various activities, the students will take a
brief 10-item objective quiz to check on their
understanding of the lesson.
Each student will write down the things they have
learned during the whole course of the activity. The
blog committee will upload everyones reflection log
on the blog. This is to culminate the activity and to
check on the learnings that the students gained and
also to see if they were able to relate it to their own

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Before project work begins

Acquire knowledge
about oral reporting and
its four methods
Answer KWL chart
Plan out for the major
unit project
List down the minor
activities/projects that
are needed to complete
the major/ big project
Come up with the
different committees
that would perform each
minor project
Distribute the members
of the class into each
into each committee

complete the
different student
support activities
given to each
group to support
each committee
of the target
outcome of their
specific tasks
Gather the
needed and

Students work on projects

and complete tasks

Prepare the kits

Prepare and
organize the
Create a teaser
Generate a poll
survey via on-line
survey generator


After project
work is

10-item objective
Reflection log

Create a

Prepare videos on
tips on delivering
each of the
methods of oral

Divide the work among

the committees

Assessment Summary
To gauge the student needs KWL chart will be answered after being introduced to the topic on oral
reporting and its methods. After the said activity the students, under the supervision of the teacher,
will plan out for the big project which is the seminar-workshop on oral reporting. Included in the
planning is the distribution of the members into two committees namely: blog and seminarworkshop committees. Each committee will be given series of tasks to perform to complete the
project. To guide the students, they will answer student support activities that would prepare them
for the each minor task they will do. To enhance their work, the students will be asked to gather
information about each specific task. As part of the pre-workshop preparations, the blog committee
will prepare the kits, teasers, poll survey, and videos on tips on delivering each of the methods of
oral reporting, whereas, the seminar-workshop committee will prepare the program, the technical,
the guest speaker, participants, and venue. The facilitating team during the seminar workshop will
be the seminar-workshop committee, assisted by the blog committee. Side-by-side the big project,
the blog committee will work on the blog where they will upload all the activities/outputs done by
the whole class. Each activity has a corresponding rubric to refer to when evaluating every output. A
10-item objective quiz will be given to check on the students understanding of the lesson. To
culminate the activity, each student will write down the things they have learned during the whole
course of the activity. The blog committee will upload everyones reflection log on the blog. This is to
check on the learning that the students gained and also to see if they were able to relate it to their
own life.
Unit Details

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Prerequisite Skills
Critical thinking
Public relation
Instructional Procedures
Week #1 [Monday-Wednesday]
Gaining Background Knowledge on Oral Reporting and its Methods
Introduce the unit by asking the students of the unit question Why is oral reporting important to
your future careers? Have the students discuss their answer in pair. Afterwards, present a video of
Public Speaking: Cyanide and Happiness to gauge students prior knowledge on oral reporting.
Allow students to write and discuss their insights regarding the video. Start with the KWL chart on
the oral reporting and its methods. Then discuss through a PowerPoint presentation oral reporting
and its methods: Manuscript, Memorized, Impromptu and Extemporaneous with corresponding
video clip on each method including its techniques on delivering it for better understanding of the
students. Have the students experience each of the methods by dividing the class into four group
and assigning each group a specific method to perform with piece given by the teacher. End the
lesson with having the students reflect as to how oral reporting and its method will help them in
their future career by an illustration. Have at least five students present their illustration.
Week #1 [Thursday-Friday]
Announce to the students their big project on the unit which is to conduct a seminar on oral
reporting and its method among the Grade 8 students in University of St. La Salle. Specify in details
the instructions. Give them checklist with attached deadline on each requirements. The following
are the requirements:

PowerPoint Presentation on oral reporting and its methods

Seminar Workshop Kit, Certificates, Bookmarks, Notepad, Program

Workshop Pieces

Poster of Seminar Workshop


Blog about the seminar

Poll Survey

Allow the students to meet as a class and divide themselves into two committees: Program
Committee, Blog Committee plan out and designate the responsibilities. Allow the students to
gather information regarding their tasks and to ask questions if necessary.
Week #2 [Monday-Wednesday]
Research PowerPoint Presentation, Drafting of Seminar Workshop kit, certificates,
bookmarks, notepad and program [Program Committee]
The students assigned on the program will plan out and draft the duration of the program, think of
the tentative speakers, venue of the seminar workshop, and will start drafting out letter of
invitation, letter for venue reservation. The students assigned on PowerPoint presentation will start
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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

researching about oral reporting and its methods as well as the techniques on delivering it to gain
more knowledge. The students assigned on Seminar Workshop kit, certificates, bookmarks, notepad
will start planning and drafting out. Before starting, each students assigned on different
assignments will view student sample regarding their assignments to get an idea of what is
expected in their own presentation. Each will be given a rubric so that everyone is clear as to what
the expectations of assignments will be.
Week # 2 [Thursday-Friday]
Blog Making, Poster Making and Teaser Making
The students assigned on blog making will start making the blog. The students assigned on poster
making will start drafting out. The students assigned on teaser will begin downloading the
necessary videos and photos needed. Before starting, they will make a checklist on what videos and
photos to download, materials needed, and specific time allotment and will visit a students sample
to have clearer gist as to how to make a teaser. Theyll be given a rubric.
Week #3
Finalization of Assignments Part 1 [Monday-Wednesday]
The students will finalize each of their assignments. The students assigned on the program must
have uploaded their program file on the blog, sent the letters to the speaker and venue personnel.
The students assigned in PowerPoint presentation must have finished their work and upload it on
the blog. The students assigned in Seminar Workshop kit, certificates, bookmarks, notepad must
have uploaded their soft copy file on the blog and printed out hard copies. The students assigned on
the blog must have updated the blog daily and make sure that it contains requirements assigned by
the teacher. The students assigned in poster making must have produced their final output and
uploaded it on the blog. The students assigned on teaser must have started out editing.

Week #3
Finalization of Assignments Part 2 [Thursday-Friday]
The students assigned in the program committee must have confirmed the presence of the speaker
and the availability of the venue. The students assigned on the teaser must have uploaded their file
on the blog.
Week #4
Seminar Workshop Day [Monday-Friday]
The Seminar Workshop will be executed. After the Seminar Workshop, the students will have a 10item objective test checking their understanding on their project. Each student will have their
reflection uploaded on the blog.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

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Essentials Course


Create a list of websites to gather information from for the research


Give students a handout to visually reinforce how the bibliography should


Preview key vocabulary as a group prior to starting projects.

Allow students to work with a partner.

Allow the students to see examples and rubrics and to ask questions before
starting the major tasks in the unit.

Visual and verbal reinforcement whenever possible.

Repeat and clarify directions and information whenever necessary.

Allow adequate wait time for questions.


We are an English only state so all of the accommodations that I would use for my
resource and/or Title I students listed above are also beneficial for my NES


NA-This class is specifically designed as an intervention class for learning disabled

resource and Title I students who struggle in these academic areas and are below
grade level.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Laser Disk




Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equip.

DVD Player



Internet Connection


Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)


Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software


Other Power Point

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Printed Materials


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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course images

Internet Resources Videos
Sample manuscript
Sample Extemporaneous Speech Piece
Sample Memorized Speech Piece
Poll Survey
Blog Account
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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Other Resources

A resource speaker on oral reporting for the seminar-workshop.

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks
of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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