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en . \ “ae vO AML, St. FRANCIS, COLLEGE FOR WOMEN BEGUMPET HYDERABAD ~ 500 016 *, (AN AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE OF OSMANIA UNIVERSITY) aon SEMESTER VI . Nis : SYLLABUS (2H - iQ) a CHEMISTRY PAPER. IVb —UNIT_I_CHEMISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT (sHRs) Introduction to environment and ségments of environment, (brief account only) Ihr Earth's atmosphere’ Regions of the atmo$phere * tir Troposheric Chemistry: smog, classification of smog and‘acid rain, Stratospheric chemistry : The ozoie layer, formation and turnover of ozone, catalytic decomposition of ozone, Antarctic and Arctic ‘ozone hole’ formation, © hemistry of Global Climate: Composition, energy balance, Green house Basesand gay, is green house effect, Green house gases associated with use of carbon tecce EAN asim fuels, LR: absorption & molecular vibrations eg. COs, HO, No, O2, Remedies to the © shin} probe) 3 hrs by & + Need of Green Chemistry, Principles of Green Chemistry, Green catalysts:_1-Phase transfer catalysts eS 2.Biocatalysts, Microwave arid Ultrasound assisted green synthesis: 1 Aldel condensation 2,Catthizzaro reaction 3 Diels-Alder reactions 4, Strecker synthesis 5, William syiittié’ls 6 Dieckmann condensation + Shrs UNIT I DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND FORMULATIONS (15hrs) Antibiotics-Discovery- Isolation of Penicillin Striucture of Penicillin G, Penicillin-V, Penicillin-O & Amoxycillin. thr ug development: HIV-AIDS: Immunity- CD-4 cells,CD-8 cells,Reterovirus Replication in human body. Investigation available, Prevention of AIDS.Drugs available-examples with _- Structure-PIS Indinavir(crixivan) Nelfinavir(viracept), NNRTIscEfavirenz(sustiya), Nevirapine(viramune)NRTIs:Abacavir(ziagen), Lamivudine(Epivir.3TC), Zidovudine(Retrovir,AZT,ZDV). (4 hours) 3.Synthetic Route and Brief Therapeutic action of the following drugs(3 hours) a. Aspirin — b. Sulphanilamide ~ ¢. Thiobarbituric acid — d. L-Dopa e. Phenobarbital £ Oil of Wintergreen. 4.FORMULATIONS(4 hour) A.introduction: Need of conversion of drugs into medicine. Additives & their role(Brief account only), B Classitication: Classification of formulations ~ (Form wise, Dose wise) with examples. CDevelopment: Formulation of ciprofloxacin as an example. 5.Brief Overview of Drug Development Process:(3 hours) ‘A.Lead drug-Definition & example B.Drug design-a) Based on Lead compound b) Based on Target Structure(denovo drug design) c) Computer aided Drug Design (Molecular modelling) C.Dnug Testing-Clinical trials , UNIT OI 15 hrs. NANO TECHNOLOGY Conte hrs) ( introduction, types of crystalline nano materials, synthesis of nano matetials- physical, chemical and biological methods ( one method each). ® Characterization of nano particles using electron microscope, tunneling microscope and X ray difftaction.Slementary treatment only) Properties of nano materials-structure of nano materials, mechanical, electrical conductivity, optical, melting point, lumuniscence, magnetic properties \y Shycbwclapeg bh weheet Prope — ‘per ae PRP. Ah ein Comps Rea Kade SERIE yt eae top co of cen Nanotechnology- Principles & Practises by Sulabha . K. Kulkarni > Introduction to Nanotechnology by Charles P. Poole Jr. & Frank J. Owens > Nanotechnology- Basic Science & emerging technologies by Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannagara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons Berekhard Raguse Catalys > Chemistry and Industry by Gurdeep R.Chatwal > Elements of Physical Chemistry by B.R-Puri, L.R.Sharma & Madan. $.Pathania > T.B. of Physical Chemistry by B.S.Bahl,Arun Bahl & G.D-Tuli CHEMISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT > Environmental chemistry —a global perspective by Gary W.vanLoon & Stephen J. Dufiy > Environmental Chemistry by B.K.Sharma > Chemistry of the Environment by Thomas G.Spiro & William M. Stigliani (2nd edition) : > Green Chemistry by V.K.Ahluwalia > Green Chemistry by V.K.Ahluwalia & M.Kidwai > Green Chemistry by Samuel Delvin Drugs > Dnigs by David Krupadanam, D.Vijaya Prasad, K Varaprasad Rao, KLN Reddy, C. Sudhakar > Chemistry and Industry by Gurdeep R.Chat Q Copies St. FRANCIS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN BEGI UMPET HYDERABAD ~ 500.016 (AN AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE OF OSMANIA UNIVERSITYy SEMESTER VI SYLLABUS CHEMISTRY PAPER I b(2011 — 2012) UNIT PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (ge) (3hrs) ties: Chemical Kis (10 hrs) ff Rate of reaction, Factors influencing rate of reaction- concentration, temperature, ~ Pressure, solvent, light and catalyst. Concentration dependence of rates, mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reactions. Zero order, First order, Second order, third order & Pseudo first order, Half life & mean life. Determination of order of « clifferential method, method of integration, half life method and isolation methet Kinetics of complex reactions(first order only) opposing reactions parallel rea and chain reactions. Arthenius equation and concept of Activation energy, Theories of chemical Kinetics. Effect of temperature on rate of a reaction, simple collision theory ‘based on hard sphere model. Elementary treatment of transition state theory, a ~~ Photochemistry: Interaction of radiation with matter, ion — is, (Shrs) difference between thermal and photochemical Process. Lawsof photochemistry- Grothus Draper law, Stark Einstein law, Quantum Yield ferioxalate actinometry photochemical combinations of Hydrogen- Chlorine & Hydrogen ~Bromine, HI decomposition. Jablonski diagram depicting various process cecuring in excited state, Qualitative description of Fluorescence, phosphorescence, non radiative process (intemal conversion, intersystem crossing). Photosensitized reactions, ‘nergy transfer processes (simple examples). UNIT It ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (15 hrs) (CARBOHYDRATES @hrsy ( Introduction: Nomenclature & Classification - Classifi ~polysaccharides into pentoses, hexoses ete. into aldos Monosaccharides-All discussion to be confine aldohexoses & (-) fructose as example of keto! stucidation, Evidences for straight chain pentahydroxy aldehyde structure (acetylation, | redvetion to n-Hekane, eyanchydrin formation, reduction of tollen’s & fehlings reagent & ! oxidation to gluconic & saechaticacils) Number of optically active isomers possible for the structure, configuration of glucose based on D-Glyceraldehydle as primary standard (1 proof for configuration is required). Evidence for cyclic structure of ylucose (some ication into mono,oligo&. es &ketoses, d to (+) glucose as an example of hexose. Chemical properties & structural negative aldehyde tests & mutarotation). Cyclic structure of glucose.proposition of cyclic Sstructu® (pyranose structure, anomeric carbon & anomers). Proof for ring size (methylation, hydrolysis & oxidation reactions) Different ways of writing pyranose structure (Haworth formula & chair conformational formula). Structure of fructose: Evidence of 2-Ketohexose structure ceyanohydrin, its hydrolysis &éreduction by HI to give 2-Carbox eazone formation from glucose & fructose, Hydrogen bonding in osazone. Cyclic Structure of fructose (furgnose structure é& Haworth formula). Inter conversion of ‘Monosaccharides: Alddpentose to D-glucose, D-mannose (kiliani fischer method). Epimers, Episterisation Lobry de'bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement. Aldohexos# to Aldopentose eg. D-glucose to D-arabinose by ruff's degradation. Aldohexose (+gluc9se) to Ketohexose (-fructose) & Ketohexose (-fructose) to Aldohexose (+glucose) 2. AMINOACIDS ROTEINS Ghrs) Jatroduction: Definition of aminoacids, Classification of aminoacids into alpha, beta & gana aminoacids, Natural & essential amino acids. Definition & examples, Classification of alpha aminoacids into acidic, basic & neutral with examples. Methods of synthesis: general methods of synthess of alpha aminoacids (specific examples glycine, alanine, valine & leucine) by following methods a) from halogenated carboxylic atids,b)malonic ‘ster synthesis,c)streckers synthesis Physical properties-Optical activity of naturally ‘occuring aminoacids:L- Configuration irrespective of sign of rotation Zwitterion Structure-Salt like character solubility. Melting points.amophoteric character,Definition ff isoelectric point. Chemical properties:General reactions due to amino & carboxylic froups-Lactams from gamma & delta amino acids by heating peptide bond(amide Finkage),structure & nomenclature of peptides proteins peptide synthesis. 3. SYNTHETIC STRATEGIES 4h ‘Terminology — Disconnection (dix), Symbol (__), synthon (syn), synthetic equivalence (SE), Functional group interconversion (FGD, Linear, Convergent ‘ud Combinatorial, Target molecule (TM) Retrosynthesis of the following molecules 1) acetophenone 2) cyclohexene 3) phenylethylbromide Unit IM Inorganic chemistry (15 brs) L Inorganic Reaction mechanisms (10 brs ) Substitution Reactions ~ dissociation and association reactions, mechanism for SN! and SN" in octahedral and square planar complexes with one example each . Trans effect — theories and applications. Lability and inertness of complexes and factors affecting i) Electron transfer reactions - outer sphere and inner sphere fnechanism (brief account only) —two electron transfer reactions. 2. Bioinorganic Chemistry hrs) Fetal aad trace elements, Biological significance of Na, K, Mg & CI, Toxicity of As Hig and Pb, Metaloporphyrins with emphasis of haemoglobin ~ structure and function, Chlorophyll structure and role in photosynthesis, Nitrogenase ~ its role in Nitogen- fixation. Text books > Inorganic chemistry by J.D.Lee > Inorganic chemistry by Puri, Sharma ‘& Khalia > Blements of Physical chemistry by BR. Puri, L.R. Sharma & Madan S.Pathania > TB. of Physical chemistry by B. S. Babl Arun Bahl& G-D.Tuli > TB. of organic chemistry by B.S.Babl & Arun Bahl Reference: > Organic chemistry by Ferguson. } Inorganic chemistry by Cotton & Wilkinson Selected topics in inorganic Chemistry Wahid U.Malik,G.D-Tuli & RD Madan > Organic chemistry by Graham Solomons & Craig Frhyle > TB. of Physical chemistry by P.L.Soni & O.P.Darmarha } Organic chemistry by Robert. T Morrison & Robert N. Boyd > Principlesof Physical Chemistry by Samuel H. Maron & Cart F-Prutton

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