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prosperous adjective successful, especially in business

mine: a place (usually underground) from which metals, coal, salt etc are
dug; mining: noun of verb mine
Cliff: a high steep rock, especially one facing the sea
Approach :to come near (to) acercarse, aproximarse
grave a plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried
Graveyard: a place where the dead are buried.
Hill: a piece of high land, smaller than a mountain.. colina
yell a loud, shrill cry; a scream
eerie: causing fear; weird
Sighting noun : an occasion when you see something or someone,
especiallysomething that is rare or trying to hide:
Ethereal: light and delicate, especially in an unnatural way:

Vanish:to desappear suddenly

aim: the act of pointing towards something:

tombstone a stone that marks a grave on which the dead persons name etc is

swamp (an area of) wet, marshy ground

pantano, cinaga

helmet : a strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head:
pet peeve something that especially annoys you:

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