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Computational Physics B - Diffusion Limted Aggregation

Candidate Number 20765

March 6, 2016
This report is in two halves, which are related. Firstly, we investigate the chaotic dynamics of a
non-linear map by examining carefully the way that the system bifurcates. The remainder is devoted
to an a look at the (highly eccentric) orbit of Hyperion about Saturn using a suitably simplified
model. Further, Hyperions asphericity means that the evolution of its orientation over time is very
sensitive to its initial configuration

nature, we plot a bifurcation diagram using the procedure given in Appendix A

In Figure 1 we a series of bifurcations generated
by plotting the values of the sequence (after a certain number of transient points) for a particular
value of r. As r increases, initially the sequence is
constant, but as r passes the values in Table 1 the
system will oscillate between 2 points, and then 4,
and so on
Equation 1 shows that...

Figure 1: Bifurcation Diagram


Chaotic Dynamics of a NonLinear Map


The recurrence relation

xn = x2n r



will demonstrate chaotic behaviour for many values

of r between 0 and 2. To demonstrate its chaotic


Table 1: Initial Bifurcation Values




LiapAve := p r o c ( r , N, M)
l o c a l ans , ave , i ;
g l o b a l dev , devs ;
ans := Array ( 1 . . M1);
devs := Array ( 1 . . M1);
ave := 0 ; dev := 0 ;
f o r i t o M1 do ans [ i ] := Liap ( i /M, r , N ) ;
ave := ave+ans [ i ] /M; devs [ i ] := ( ans [ i ] ave ) 2 ;
dev := dev+devs [ i ] end do ;
dev := s q r t ( dev ) ;
r e t u r n ave
end p r o c

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